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AM gym goers: Do you brush your teeth first?



  • Posts: 1,014 Member
    I don't leave the house without brushing my teeth.

  • Posts: 860 Member
    I always brush my teeth before leaving the house to go anywhere.
  • Posts: 375 Member
    i brush my teeth at least 2x a day , have breath spray 4-8x a day and have breath mints 3x a day that covers every meal and every cup of coffee i may have yup
  • Posts: 659 Member
    I always brush my teeth before leaving the house to go anywhere.

    Me!!! :)
  • Posts: 6,171 Member
    I don't leave the house without brushing my teeth.
    But some days, I don't leave the least, not until after 5pm. But I always brush first thing in the AM...
  • Posts: 1,133


    Stealing that pic....yoink!
  • Posts: 896 Member
    Ewwwwwwww never and no, that's why there's fluoride in our drinking water.
  • Posts: 3,450 Member
    Yuck. I'm teeth obsessed. I don't go anywhere without a toothbrush and floss.
  • Posts: 7,870 Member
    I don't work out in the morning but, if I did, I'd probably wait to brush my teeth until after.

    Besides, who is really getting close enough to smell your breath, anyway?
  • Posts: 76 Member
    I brush as soon as i wake up
    after eating breakfast
    after eating lunch
    and after dinner
    and before i go to bed
    and of course before any sexy time occurs :)

    ^^This. I too an am obsessive brusher..I also floss twice a day.

  • Posts: 10,477 Member
    Wait... You shower before going to the gym?!

    Oh silly rabbit, I don't go to the gym! *LOL*
  • Posts: 102 Member
    Although I don't go to the gym in the morning (maybe 10-11 AM at the earliest) am I the only person who doesn't brush my teeth in the morning? I see no point in brushing my teeth before I eat breakfast. What, is my coffee going to be offended by my breath?

    I only brush my teeth at night, if there is something stuck between my teeth, or if I am going to a special event.
  • Posts: 10,477 Member
    Yes...and she puts on a bit of makeup and perfume, too...

    *blushing* I was hoping you'd notice :blushing:
  • Posts: 74 Member
    Yes I brush my one tooth before going to the gym! :laugh:
  • Posts: 860 Member
    Brushing too often is bad for your gums :c
    Yep and you can actually strip the enamel off your teeth if you brush too much too.
  • Posts: 2,810 Member
    Not a morning gym goer, but I brush my teeth before I do almost anything in the mornings. I literally wake up, go to the bathroom, and brush my teeth. Doesn't matter what I'm doing that day, it's always priority. I'm very particular about my teeth.
  • Posts: 5,044 Member
    Yes I do......but wait not a fair question to them folks that don't have the plural.
    Oh I guess that answers itself!!
  • Posts: 1,054 Member
    Although I don't go to the gym in the morning (maybe 10-11 AM at the earliest) am I the only person who doesn't brush my teeth in the morning? I see no point in brushing my teeth before I eat breakfast. What, is my coffee going to be offended by my breath?

    I only brush my teeth at night, if there is something stuck between my teeth, or if I am going to a special event.

    ^^^This, but I workout at 5 am
  • Posts: 3,823 Member
    Although I don't go to the gym in the morning (maybe 10-11 AM at the earliest) am I the only person who doesn't brush my teeth in the morning? I see no point in brushing my teeth before I eat breakfast. What, is my coffee going to be offended by my breath?

    I only brush my teeth at night, if there is something stuck between my teeth, or if I am going to a special event.
    I brush my teeth at night and in the morning after breakfast. I don't like to eat right after I've brush.
  • Posts: 888 Member
    I do and I work out on my treadmill in my basement lol.. I just hate the taste of morning breath. ugh
  • Posts: 25 Member
    Typically I don't... When I begin my morning work out I am still asleep... I get up start the coffee work out drink the coffee, get ready for work and finally as I after I drink that last drop of coffee I brush my teeth before walking out the door. But honestly, even when I was leaving the house to work out, I still did it as I got ready for work not before my workout.
  • Posts: 170 Member
    Always brush before I leave the house!!!!
  • Posts: 411 Member
    Yep and you can actually strip the enamel off your teeth if you brush too much too.

    After having braces for three years i got into the habit of brushing my teeth after every meal just to make sure nothing was stuck to my braces
  • Posts: 1,033 Member
    Pssh. I get my pre-workout snack and drink in and then I'm out that door. Fellow gym goers are lucky I'm even fully dressed!
  • The people that are brushing every time before "sexy time" have obviously never had spontaneous sex before. Shame for you guys :(.
  • Posts: 1,033 Member
    The people that are brushing every time before "sexy time" have obviously never had spontaneous sex before. Shame for you guys :(.
    Haha, I don't think I'd stop and ask the guy to wait so I could go brush my teeth.
  • Yeah, my boyfriend would think I was a complete moron if I stopped him in his tracks and said I'd have to go brush my teeth instead of having some spontaneous sex that he's offering to me on a plate hahaha.
  • Posts: 426 Member
    I ALWAYS brush before I go workout! Even if I go on a run by myself! What if something happens and you have to have mouth to mouth. You gotta be prepared people! :wink:

    We have rebreathers to make sure that doesn't happen. Also, why would anyone leave home without a pocket mask? It's almost as important as making sure the condom is still safely tucked away in your wallet haha
  • Posts: 997 Member

    Oh gosh no, that would never have been me.

    I don't use the treadmill.

  • Posts: 90 Member
    I brush. I don't like the way my mouth feels if I haven't brushed. ...sticky, you know?
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