Should I attempt a Zumba class?



  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    you are there for yourself so go have fun and just focus on the instructor and moving to the music whether you understand the moves. if not the moves will come with practice. i myself am self conscious and i go to aqua zumba and love, love, love it ! i can't yell and scream yet but man do i move ! if i do say so myself i almost feel like a latin dancer (under water, of course) lol if i was doing zumba in a studio i am sure i would look like a fish out of water but i don't care because i'm having fun and losing my jiggle more and more each class
  • Cranny
    Cranny Posts: 27 Member
    Me and a friend did our 1st Zumba Class last night! We've been discussing it for a week or so, and finally just went ahead and did it! I lost a lot of weight a few years ago (now starting to regain UGH!), and most of that weight was lost doing Richard Simmon's Sweatin' to the Oldies video's, so I jumped right into the whole 'dancing' routine.

    Our instructor had forgotten his playlist, so he had to stop after each song to change the music on the studio's sound system, so it wasn't very complete. We're planning on going again on Sunday, with a different instructor - hoping for a better experience.

    Looking forward to hanging out with everyone again on MFP!!! :)
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    You'll love it! I was self conscious at first too but then you realize everyone is worried about how they look and not worried how you look. :bigsmile:
  • chief_roberts89
    Zumba is amazing!

    One of my favourite ways to exercise. I had quite flabby legs and bottom before I started Zumba and I have toned up lots!

    No flab at all now really. I only do about 4 hours a week of it amongst other exercise classes.

    Highly recommend it I would :)
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    I was scared and nervous about trying zumba for all the same reasons and more. I see people of all shapes and sizes and mostly just have to pay attention to myself. It can be hard to get all the moves so sometimes I have to concentrate on just the feet then the hands. I try to stick to the same nights to have the same instructors but even then they hav cha.ged things up a bit. I really feel like I get a great workout in. I am only doing it twice a week to give my joints rest from the impact that I am not used to. I say go for it.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I felt like you. But I went and so glad I did! First of all no one is looking at you bc so worried about not tripping over their own feet! Everyone is into themselves. Trust me. Finally I had so much fun with the music it made me forget everything else but I really like music so I can get into it.
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    I did Zumba for a while and I have two left feet. Can't dance to save my life, but I kept at it and eventually caught on. The first few times I participated the instructor even laughed at me. That did not deter me and I kept at it until I hurt my back and couldn't do some of the moves. I say go for it. If I can do it so can you.

    I don't get to go anymore. The class has since moved on to another part of town and too far away for me to go. :(
  • jkleon86
    jkleon86 Posts: 245 Member
    The gym I go to is [finally] offering Zumba in their class line-up. I'm veeerrry shy and easily embarrassed when it comes to things like this, which is why as much as I wanted to try zumba I just kept putting it off.

    If I do go, does anyone have advice for a newbie? :blushing:

    I think I'm just very self-conscious about being chubby and lacking overall coordination aka looking like a fool.

    wow you wrote my feelings about trying it. I want to but I just can't push myself to go try. I don't have enough chubby friends to go and surround me so I'd feel comfortable enough you know camoed.
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    I am 5 foot flat, 185 lbs and I LOVE zumba!!!! Dont worry about how you look - it is fun and a great workout! The first few classes you will totally feel like a klutz - my advice, stay in the back but hang in there. After a few classes you wil be more familiar with the routine and it will become easier and less awkward. You will realize that no one is even looking at you - they are watching the instructor or themselves in the mirror.

    Have fun!
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    (P.S in my first zumba class I went to the front because you can get a better view of the instructor :smile: )

    This made me laugh. Let me tell you about my first day. I suddenly decided one day I was going to the gym. I had no idea what Zumba was but the class was about to start. I joined. I was very unprepared! I am deaf and I am so used to being front and center for lipreading growing up that I never considered any other place in the room. I quietly let the instructor know I can't hear and how when there are call out moves in aerobics, I'm often too far behind and lost. She told me this was the perfect class for me because it is designed to be visual and using cuing instead of calling out the moves. I had on a bra that was too loose and the strap kept coming down. My shirt had a V neck which was no big deal standing up but doing the jiggy was a different story. My face was red and all these people were sipping water quickly between dances and I had nothing. I was struggling to keep up. I looked like a boiled lobster. Half way through the class I ducked out to get a drink from the water fountain and I sat out for one song. I fixed my bra, ignored my discomfort with my shirt and jumped right back in. Oh and I have feet problems so I was wearing loafers! I went back the next week with proper attire, a few bottles of water and kept right on going. In spite of all of that, it really was a fun class and I was already warned to give it a few times before giving up. By the 4th class, there was a huge difference in my endurance and ability to keep up!

    Now if I'm late, the regulars will literally move aside and let me up front and center. Since I've never told any of them why I choose that spot, I have no idea if they've figured it out. Either way, it is a bit endearing. Yesterday I planned to go to the back with my friend but one of the regulars insisted I have the front spot. It was so sweet that I couldn't decline.

    But yeah, front and center is the way I jive. This weekend I'm going to a 3 hour Zumba Fest. I can't wait!
  • PattyRain
    PattyRain Posts: 104 Member
    Another tip: if the routine seems too complicated, just drop the arms and focus on getting the foot work first. Once you got the footwork or the steps down, then you can incorporate the arms movements.

    I agree. And don't be afraid to modify. It was interesting to hear the different modifications everyone was doing in class that I never would have caught on my own. One woman didn't raise her arms above her head because it made her dizzy. I don't turn on my left leg because of a bum ankle. Another woman never jumps.

    Just have fun. Zumba is the only exercise I have ever been disappointed about missing because the class was cancelled. I have been frustrated when I couldn't exercise, but missing zumba disappointed me.
  • childofArtemis24
    yes, take the class. I have been going for 7 months now , and I am addicted to it. The women in my class have dropped so much weight, it is unreal. My mom alone has dropped 30 pounds in less than two months. So yesss take this class.
  • maews
    maews Posts: 39
    Don't have any worries,i have been going to zumba classes for many weeks now and love it.Most don't care what you wear or about your size,their all there for the same reason.I'm probably the oldest in my class and i don't mind a bit.Just go and let go and enjoy's a lot of fun.There should be other zumba classes in your area that you can check into and where ever you feel the most comfortable,go and have a good time.
  • Anastasia60
    the most fun I ever had!! was a bit nervous as well. I just started myself, did the second class last night and already felt more comfortable with the moves!
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    Definitely GO! My gym started a class and I talked a girlfriend into going with me. We figured since it was a new class, that would be the best time to join and it was! I was over 200 pounds when I started and have lost another 40 pounds since. It has been a real lifesaver for me. The gym grew boring, but not zumba. :happy:
  • jen7eleven
    jen7eleven Posts: 83 Member
    Thank you all for the encouragement!!

    Update: I DID IT! and it was soooooo much fun! :laugh: :love:

    Everyone's advice here was spot on. There were a lot of people who had never taken a class before so that made me feel less nervous. And we were all laughing and cheering in between songs while trying to catch a breath, sip some water, and wipe some sweat.

    I'm so glad I went for it and I hope this thread helps anyone else who is wary like I was!
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    I'm so glad you went - this will be the beginning of a new love! It is hard to call it exercise when you are having so much fun.
  • kaej925
    kaej925 Posts: 1 Member
    A zumba gold class was going right before my class the other night. From what I saw, Zumba Gold is Zumba just toned down a bit. I believe it was originally designed for the "older" crowd, but may people have found that it is a great way to start. It is more low impact. That being said, I jumped right into a regular class and just do what I can do. The leader may be hopping and I just march if I am too tired.
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    I was so terrified of starting because I'm chubby. But I started Zumba and love it. I stand near the back to prevent those who are better than me from having me bump into them. The point isn't necessarily to do all the moves all the time. The point is to keep moving in class and do the best you can. Enjoy!

    ^ Thank you for this advice. I have wanted to try but I have so many problems with dance classes. Thank you.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Thank you all for the encouragement!!

    Update: I DID IT! and it was soooooo much fun! :laugh: :love:

    Everyone's advice here was spot on. There were a lot of people who had never taken a class before so that made me feel less nervous. And we were all laughing and cheering in between songs while trying to catch a breath, sip some water, and wipe some sweat.

    I'm so glad I went for it and I hope this thread helps anyone else who is wary like I was!

    It is amazing how so many people can be in the same room, make a lot of mistakes, laugh about it and call it fun but it truly is! Everyone has their own beat, modifications and style. Just move and have fun! I'm so glad you went too! Way to go stepping out of your comfort zone. I bet this becomes your new addiction. I do other exercise for different purposes but this is my FUN class. It is just a bonus that it burns so many calories!

    Haha about the breaks to sip water and wipe sweat! So true!