Guys : Tattoos and Piercings on women?



  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    2 of my wife's 3 tattoos were designed by me, so, yeah - i like them.

  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    They can be super sexy.
  • Bubu20
    Bubu20 Posts: 24
    I have one tattoo and want two more....personally i think tattoos on guys is REALLY HOT!!!!! piercings not so much..
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    As a girl I have asked this of many guys over the years and is the reason I do not have any , even though I have wanted a tattoo in the past, my desire has faded. No guy I have asked this question to liked the idea, not a single one, not during my 20s,30s and now my 40s, nope, I mention it and for a while there in my mid 30s I really really wanted one, even had a few drawn up in the parlor, but whoever the guy was with me at the few times I did manage to go in to a tattoo shop, they all would go to deep length to ensure they would talked me completely out of the idea, and tell me how much they dislike it, crinkling faces, gagging, acting like it was the worst thing in the world I could possibly do that I would be ruined one even said, then if I hesitated to not leave the place all out begging and pleading would ensue that if I cant resist to make sure its descrete and small. So I finally gave up, dont want to turn off a guy completely, so figured I can let them buy me jewlery instead lol, its something I can keep and change up. I know some guys out there might love them on women but this is just speaking for all the guys I have met as friends or dates and it could be a generation thing too, or just they couldnt see me with one. But , It was a unanimous NO!

    It's just your circle. I run in several totally different circles. One of them hates all tattoos. The only reason they let me in their group is because I'm smart and successful, so in their face. LOL. When they talk about people with tattoos they get angry, and they'll talk about how they're losers. I just am like, Uh, what? And, they shut up. LOL. It's funny.

    In other group, they think tats are so hot. And, they all have them.

    So, it just depends.

    I personally love tattoos especially on men, seen a few nice ones on women,just dont like them to be too big or out of proportion. My own daughter has 3 tattoos which are well done and look nice on her then she also has the back of her neck pierced (that neck piercing I dont care for personally on my own child, its a Mom thing), I think as far as why most guys have not wanted me to get a tattoo its that maybe they have a certain perception of me in a certain way stuck in their brain and my getting any piercing or tattoo would alter that for them, so maybe I am to stay angelic, pure and innocent forever in their eyes (lmfao) JK! I think people with either piercings or tattoos are certainly creative and fun loving adventurous people, and yup Ive seen crappy tattoos as well, my niece got hers while drunk and from a street vendor at the beach, umm its the worse thing I have ever seen. Should prolly of planned better, oh wait she didnt plan at all lol.
  • Thir13en
    Thir13en Posts: 18 Member
    i posted earlier saying i have 16 piercings.. just to clarify.

    i have two noserings (which just look like one really, they're next to each other)
    and two liprings. the rest are hidden/on my ears.

    i'm not like... hellraiser.

    some people go overboard & don't think about their piercings/tattoos before getting them. i plan everything. i'm symmetrical.
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    i posted earlier saying i have 16 piercings.. just to clarify.

    i have two noserings (which just look like one really, they're next to each other)
    and two liprings. the rest are hidden/on my ears.

    i'm not like... hellraiser.

    some people go overboard & don't think about their piercings/tattoos before getting them. i plan everything. i'm symmetrical.

    Smart. I have a nose piercing but it's a small gem .. so small that most people don't even pick up on it. and a small bar in my eyebrow.
  • P33ZY
    P33ZY Posts: 1
    I say hell yeah to both tattoos AND piercings! My wife and I are pretty much covered in tattoos and she has 9 facial piercings ;)
  • Pengi81
    Pengi81 Posts: 336 Member
    6 tattoos, 1 normal ear piercing, 1 6mm tunnel

    Used to have a pierced eyebrow and a scaffold but much prefer tattoos these days
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Personal preference. I like ear piercings but no tat's or other piercings (especially the tongue and more personal regions)... Then again I am a pretty conservative person. As for me, I have no tatoos or piercings of any kind and plan to keep it that way.. Nothing against those who have other tastes.
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    Yes both are hot!
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    I have 5 tattoos (all where I can hide them when need be) and 2 chest dermals and my nose pierced. My husband and I love them!
  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    i think tats depend on the person rockin them. i got several but they can be covered if needed. me personally on a chick sleeves or full body tats usually dont look good. and piercing im not a fan- but on some women it is hot and sexy again depends on the girl her body and etc.
    now on men- yea tats are sexy esp sleeves but i dont dig piercing on men with the exception of a nice body with nipple rings
  • SpitfireStacey
    SpitfireStacey Posts: 158 Member
    I have 3 tats and I don't care what guys think of them... in fact, I'm pretty sure even my husband wishes I didn't have at least 1 of the 3 I have, but they reflect who I was at a particular time. I don't necessarily regret them and I can hide them easily - most people don't know I have one, let alone 3! - but maybe when I'm old I will. I had my tongue pierced and had to take it out for the birth of my almost 2 year old son and I chose not to put it back because I thought it was inappropriate to have a newborn baby and a tongue piercing. I really regret that though. I think it's a personality thing. If it suits you to have a bunch of tats and piercings, you'll find a guy who digs the tats and piercings. And if you're married, your guy will find a way to deal with your stuff even if he's not a huge fan of it ;)
  • sailorsiren13
    sailorsiren13 Posts: 460
    Many tattoos and piercings over the years my husband liked some more than others. Still have a few it's no one's business but ours :wink: . I was always "the wild one" and he was always perceived as the straight laced type. We balance each other...Cheers to Whatever floats your boat that's what makes our life great!
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    It's all personal preference. I'm fine with some tattoos. No full sleeves or really over the top tats, or anything across the chest. A woman's chest is perfectly designed already, don't go messing with it.

    As for piercings, ears and belly button rings are nice but I'm not a fan of much more than that. I do like some small nose piercings and tongue studs can look good on the right woman.

    Again, each guy is going to have different preferences.
  • Redheadllena
    Redheadllena Posts: 353 Member
    Ok so not to hijack the post but I figured this would be a good place for some feedback...

    I have a large tattoo on the back of my lower arm. I've been toying with the idea of getting a full lower arm sleeve, just elbow to wrist, all in b&w. BUT I also like the subtlety of how it is now and that it's kind of a surprise since you can't see it at all from my front or sides. Wondering what you guys think- leave it be or add to it? I also have a small one on my shoulder, not sure if it figures into the equation.


  • andrewinsuresal
    Ear piercings I like...unless there's more metal than their is ear...that's kind of weird...a small nose ring is nice...a belly button piercing is okay, if the girl has the stomach for it...that's about it...nipple and genital piercings freak me out.

    As far as ink goes...I like it...something on the ankle, back, leg, arm...sleeves and full back pieces kind of turn me off, but a few tats are nice.
  • thejen75
    thejen75 Posts: 90
    i have an eyebrow and nose piercing - and I do not believe that it retracts too much from my face - so yes, I would think it's totally unique to the person. :-)
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I am not a guy but I wanna respond. I have 2 tattoos. The first one I got is on the back on my neck it's rather small cause well it was my first. I got it a few months after my divorce from my ex husband was final. It's a japanese symbol meaning serenity. I got my second one a year later on my left wrist it's another japanese symbol meaning heaven in honor of all my family members and friends that have passed away. I don't regret getting these at all. They are apart of me and my life. I want 2 more. One for my momma which will be a big blooming rose and angel wings with my 2 nephew's birthdays underneath. I also have my ears and nose pierced too, I love it and like I said earlier no regrets.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Tats, absolutely. Piercings, yes... in moderation.