Who started on Jan. 1, 2012 and how is it going?



  • VeganPanda
    VeganPanda Posts: 582 Member
    Started Jan 3, 2012 at 173. Currently around 148. :smile:
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I'm happy for you all but I'm also :( because I started relatively the same, just the end of December..

    Started at 458 and now am 434 :S

    Guess that just shows that different people have different journeys! *sigh*

    Editing because I need to remind myself that last year this time, I was 485 and struggling with a lot of pain issues, and I've done a lot to change where my abilities are. My disability is an impetus now instead of an excuse. So important to remind yourself of these things...
  • emgawne
    emgawne Posts: 265 Member
    I started on Jan 5, 2012...close enough right? :)
    I started at 160 lbs and 31% body fat and am now at 157 lbs and 19% body fat and i couldnt be happier with my results. :)

    Congrats to all of you on your great successes so far too. Keep up the hard work!
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I started Jan 16 2012 at 201.8 and am at 178 now! :) Congrats to everyone on their great success!
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    I started Jan 10th because we were on vacation on Jan 1st. I have lost 23 lbs in 18 weeks. I didn't really take it seriously at first, my husband wanted to diet and I kind started with him. After a few weeks I finally decided to take it seriously.
  • lu136mickey
    lu136mickey Posts: 202
    I started Jan 11 2012 starting weight 180 current weight as of yesterday 149 (31 pounds down) 14 pounds to go!! Also congrats to everyone on here amazing progress!!! Could not do it without MFP
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512

    Started at 340 lbs

    Current weight 255 lbs

    I weigh in once a month, thats why the weight will be different

    85 lbs lost so far, still have at least 65 lbs to go

    I'm doing well but I still binge on occasion, don't really know how to stop that

    I hope all of you are doing well also, please share your story.

    Great job!!!!

    I started the 12th of January 2012 and I'm down 50lbs!
  • brock303030
    brock303030 Posts: 7 Member
    Starting Weight 298.2

    Current Weight 219.8

    Original Goal Weight 220

    New Goal Weight 198.2

    Honestly the easiest thing I have ever done.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    Wow, a lot of people who have made amazing progress! Congrats to you all! This is a very inspiring thread!

    I have gone from 145 lbs and 12-13% body fat to 132 and 6-7, so this year is going well so far for me as well! :)
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    I started December 19, 2011 but didn’t really start logging in until January 2, 2012
    My weight at that time was 170 lbs and I am now down to 146 lbs. But before logging into MFP and seriously working out I weighed 185 lbs
  • lwright0001
    lwright0001 Posts: 16
    I came back to MFP on February 2, 2012, I am 45 years old. I started at 287, I am currently at 242.5 with at least 42.5 more to go to reach my goal. Some cardio, some weights, counting calories every day, I sometimes indulge in sweets, but I always count it and work to stay under my caloric limit each day.
  • siobhano_
    siobhano_ Posts: 101
    I started on about January 5th and since then I've lost around 15lbs, plus 2.5 inches off my waist and a totally better attitude to life in general :D
  • Barribomb
    Barribomb Posts: 260 Member
    Started at 174.? Now 161.6, not huge, but looking WAY better than the beginning of of the year! Still plugging away...
  • trini88
    trini88 Posts: 20 Member
    Wow, everyone is doing amazing!! I feel like I'm slacking! I started paying attention (again) in January, around the 2nd week, I was back up at 205, I am now sitting at 194 and fighting. I work out 5-6 days a week, cardio 3-4 days and strength training 2 days. I've always had problems with my eating, but I've started using MFP regularly again and seem to stay within the 1500 calorie range per day. I do feel stronger and that I have more energy, but what else do I need to do? Or what am I not doing?? Every year I say I want to be "smaller" for summer, but summer's around the corner and I don't feel like I've done a whole hell of a lot.
  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 342 Member
    I started watching what I was eating right after Thanksgiving, and found MFP right after the first of the year. I'm down about 31 pounds from last summer (which was the last time I weighed before starting), and was below my goal weight for the first time yesterday. I plan to continue to log my food as I work now toward reshaping my body--building muscle and hopefully losing a little more body fat.
  • issyme
    issyme Posts: 40 Member
    I started my weight loss journey on my birthday this year (January 11). My starting weight was 384 pounds and now I am at 296. 88 pounds gone! It's amazing how much more energy I have, been walking around three miles 4-5 times a week! Definitely wished I would have discovered MFP years ago, this is a great site with very supportive people! :smile:
  • craigers13
    craigers13 Posts: 241 Member
    I started taking weight loss much more seriously on Jan. 1. Started then at 292 and am currently down to 239
  • DanielleRN8
    DanielleRN8 Posts: 409
    Started at 165
    Currently 130

    I've lost over 20 inches!

    I think I would've lost more but I had surgery last month. Hoping to jump back on the wagon soon!
  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    I've logged in every day this year. Have lost about 10kgs in that time (22lbs), but it has been sporadic.
    I'm happy with what I've done so far though.
  • SONIA820
    SONIA820 Posts: 208 Member
    Started January 6th at 292.2 and I am now at 232.0 VERY exciting! Looking to lose another 32lbs and then I will go from there! :)

    Congats everyone! Add me if you like! :)