Lose 5 Pounds in May Challenge



  • knittermom07
    knittermom07 Posts: 94 Member
    Completely forgot to post my weight. Busy weekend!

    SW 155
    CW 135
    GW 130
    UTG 125

    May 4 - 134.2 - off to a good start, lets hope I keep going...
    May 11 - 133 - continuing at a good clip. down 1.2
    May 18 -
    May 25 -
  • belle_74
    belle_74 Posts: 937 Member
    Weight at start of challenge (5/1): 152
    CW: 152
    GW: 147

    5/9 : 151 (-1)
    5/16: 149 (-2)

    3 down :happy: , 2 to go :wink:

    Well done to everyone on their efforts so far (it is so difficult to keep up with everyone but everyone is doing great) and best of luck for the rest of the month.
  • jrp31
    jrp31 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm in.

    Current weight-114
    Goal weight end of may- 109
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: :smile:

    Hi nearly forgot to post !

    1st May 146
    8th May 146 lost 1lb but put it back on.
    15th May 145 yeay llb stayed off

    Trying hard to keep within my calories, here's to a better week next week.

    Good Luck everyone.
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    5/9 : 136.4
    5/16: 134.9
    5/30: GOAL:133.3

    These challenges really help me stay focussed.

    NSV: Went to get ice cream from the freezer, but then put it back as I wasn't even hungry....
  • drumsrevolver
    Name: drumsrevolver

    SW - 175
    CW - 172
    GW - 169 [i don't like the 170s!]
    UTG -119

    Weigh days:

    9 May: 173.5 lb
    16 May: 172 lb - 1.5lb lost :smile:
    23 May:
    30 May:

    Well done all & best of luck for the next couple of weeks!
  • itsmedicinalbacon
    SW: 151

    CW: 146

    GW: 141 (for month of May)

    UGW: 125

    5/01: 146
    5/07: 146
    5/16: 146-pissed :(
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Weight at start of challenge (5/1): 152
    CW: 152
    GW: 147

    5/9 : 151 (-1)
    5/16: 149 (-2)

    3 down :happy: , 2 to go :wink:

    Well done to everyone on their efforts so far (it is so difficult to keep up with everyone but everyone is doing great) and best of luck for the rest of the month.

    Nice one Belle - I could do with a dose of your consistency !! :)
  • Ptyson4
    Ptyson4 Posts: 57 Member
    These monthly challenges help me so much!

    CW 194.8
    GW 189.8

    5/4: 194.8
    5/11: 191.6 (3.2 lb loss)
    5/16: 189.4 (2.2 lb loss)

    Yay! Think I'll go for 8!
  • sjmitchner
    sjmitchner Posts: 121 Member

    SW 208.8
    CW 203.6
    GW 196.1
    UTG: 145

    May 2nd: 203.6
    May 9th: 199.8 (-3.8)
    May 16th: 199.6 (-0.2)
  • flagator11
    flagator11 Posts: 103 Member
    SW 208
    CW 202.5 (5/6/12)
    GW 198
    UTG: 170

    5/9 - 202.6 :(
    5/16 -201.5 :)
    5/23 -
    5/31 -
  • belle_74
    belle_74 Posts: 937 Member
    Weight at start of challenge (5/1): 152
    CW: 152
    GW: 147

    5/9 : 151 (-1)
    5/16: 149 (-2)

    3 down :happy: , 2 to go :wink:

    Well done to everyone on their efforts so far (it is so difficult to keep up with everyone but everyone is doing great) and best of luck for the rest of the month.

    Nice one Belle - I could do with a dose of your consistency !! :)

    Thanks Fran! You are doing great too and I bet if we talked inches you would fair way better than me as you do such a variety of different type of activities whereas I am still stuck on the running! I still haven't started on the strength and toning that I keep promising that I will do!
  • Emmabulliemum
    Emmabulliemum Posts: 294 Member
    SW:236.6 CW:205 GW: 200 UTG: 155

    Weigh-in dates

    4/5: 202.8 :@)
    11/5: 201
    18/5: 200.8 a loss but I have been ill so not huge
  • icandoit63
    icandoit63 Posts: 621 Member

    5/4 151
    5/11 152
    5/18 151

    goal is to get under 150 please!!!
  • fieca
    fieca Posts: 1
    I'm from Malaysia. And we here used to weigh-in using kilogram :')

    Before: 62kg (22 March 2012)

    CW: 56.7kg (18 Mei 2012)
    GW: 50kg

    Hope we all can reduce faster ! :D
  • banananisme
    banananisme Posts: 60 Member
    I join late, but had the challenge in mind & didn't look it up on MFP ^^

    SW: 159
    CW begining of May: 149
    GW end of May: 144

    1st May: 149
    7th May: 148.3
    14th May: ? (because I m travelling right now until the 22nd)
    22nd May:
    29th May:

    My NVS from the begining: Several months ago I began a personal challenge to not be obsessed by the scale and until now I'm still on it & it works really well for me.
    Right now I do not have a scale (out of the country) and it does not bother me at all.

    In fact it gives me a motivation spurr to be good & to do well because when I'll get home I'm hoping to be pleasantly surpised by the number :-)

    I'm also a lot more active in this month than last one :-)
    I feel good!
    Also noticed that I did not digest nuts very well, so they are not a part of my regime any more (or in super small quantities).
  • HeatherNicoleMomOf4
    I'm in SW: 187
    CW 151.2
    GW: 145
    UTG: 118-125

    May 8th 149.8
    May 18th 148.8
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    May 1: 146
    May 11: 145
    May 18: 147
    GW May 31: 141

    Hmmm... it's been a bad week. Need to shape up!
  • cckeimig
    cckeimig Posts: 194 Member
    Name/ real name: cckeimig/Christina

    Goal weight on May 31st : 127

    5/01: 137.6
    5/07: 137.2
    5/14: 136.2 (ToM and a big dinner last night...I'd actually dropped further than this by mid-week last week!)

    Weighed in this morning (5/18) and I was at 134.2, so I re-lost that extra pound the gut-bomb of a Sunday-night dinner added on, so I'm 70% of the way there! :smile:
    Hope my shoulder heals enough to let me exercise again soon, because this week has been AWFUL in that department!
  • dis5150
    dis5150 Posts: 157 Member
    SW: 148
    CW: 138.6
    GW: 130
    UGW: 125

    05/01/12 - 138.6
    05/04/12 - 138.0
    05/11/12 - 135.8
    05/18/12 - 134.0
    05/25/12 -
    05/31/12 -

    4.6 lbs total loss so far! :)