What Do You Drink? (non alcoholic)



  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    Water. Mad quantites of herbal tea (redbush, nettle, berry infusion, mint, etc). Lime and soda when I'm out usually. Alcohol free beer (Bavaria, Erdinger or Becks are my non-boozy booze of choice).
  • lpava
    lpava Posts: 8
    Why dont you like water? I find water with lemon to be dlish and so refreshing! It is the only thing that keeps my thirst away. I LOVE water though! Well-purified water not Spring Water! Are you drinking a water that tastes good to YOU?? Every brand of water tastes different to me even between purified waters. I prefer Dasani, Nestle, and my favorite is SmartWater. Find a water that tastes good to you! I cant stand Primo water, Spring Water, or Walmart Pure Water. Its all about taste.

    Good luck! Water is good and once you get used to it, you will be sad every time you are thirsty and there is no water around! :D
  • MereExtraordinaire
    MereExtraordinaire Posts: 143 Member
    Water, water, water, water, water, water!! I eased myself into a water-drinking fiend by adding lemon. Just cut up a lemon and take it to work with you so you can add fresh slices throughout the day. These days, I am well-known for always having a 32-oz Styrofoam gas station cup with me, and people are always surprised when I tell them it's never full of anything but water. Just keep drinking it, and eventually, as someone said before me, you'll start feeling weird if you don't drink enough of it!
  • laurajordana
    laurajordana Posts: 48 Member
    A cup of coffee in the morning, water all day, and I recently discovered Trader Joe's low calorie lemonade made with stevia extract and sugar - only 40 calories per 8 oz and no artificial sweeteners... it's so good!! http://www.traderjoes.com/fearless-flyer/article.asp?article_id=93
  • cjv428
    cjv428 Posts: 124
    I only drink water and occasionally non-fat organic milk. I quit drinking alcohol when I began caring about my nutrition which was pretty difficult considering I'm still in college and have to spend every weekend sober amongst the most drunken of debauchery. It has actually made me really dislike alcohol and its effects on people. I don't know if those feelings will go away once I start drinking again (if I do), but as someone who began drinking in high school this is a complete change of heart.

    I also used to love, love, love fruit juices and it was really hard to give them up, but I managed. Now that I think about it, if I can give up fruit juice I should also be able to get a grip on candy consumption. I never buy candy, but my boyfriend has a little coin machine filled with M&M's and Skittles in his room and sometimes it's really difficult for me to not indulge in 10 or so candies. I know they're straight up crap, but it is a true addiction. Maybe I'll focus some of this juice willpower onto the candy!
  • calalily77
    calalily77 Posts: 240 Member
    I don't like water at all. I use Mio pretty much everytime i drink water. My favorites are berry pomegranate and mango. The nice thing is you can stick one in your purse and use it whenever you want. Good luck finding something you enjoy.
  • clh126
    clh126 Posts: 115 Member
    sometimes I add a little bit of lemon juice to my water if I don't feel like having plain water. Adding a lemon wedge would probably work too, but I almost never have lemons around
  • sarahsaur
    sarahsaur Posts: 18 Member
    I drink mostly water and unsweetened iced tea. In the morning I have a flavored drink mix packet though. I love slicing oranges and limes and putting them in my water. So tasty :)
  • jfl613
    jfl613 Posts: 71
    I drink black coffee with sweetner in the AM and PM and drink at least four or five 16.9 fl oz bottles of water a day. I absolutely HATE drinking water but what helps me to actually enjoy my cold bottles of water is the wedge of fresh lemon I squeeze and jam into the bottle. lol :-)
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    I was the same...hated plain water...so I started buying the sobe life waters...and over about three months I gradually weakened them until I was drinking about 1/8 of the sobe to 7/8 regular water. I have my last one in the fridge now...with a plain glass of water on the table...and I DID get used to it! I tend to crave the cleanness of plain water now. So weird, I would have sworn everyone was lying who said they liked water before. Lol

    Plus I am saving $50 a week on the diet pop and flavored water I used to buy...that's a motivation to not go back!
  • ßlackSwan
    ßlackSwan Posts: 6
    I have a duodenal ulcer and atrophic gastritis, so my choices are limited. On a good day — (single shot espresso) cappuccino in the morning and water. And sometimes Ensure when I have to.
  • jaharrison763
    jaharrison763 Posts: 99 Member
    I mostly drink water, sometimes flavored when I'm bored. But I also drink coffee, tea, a little milk, and sugar-free Powerade when I work out.
  • Water, coffee (only one in the morning), the occasional green tea or iced spearmint tea.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Well, milk isn't really a waste of calories. It's healthy and filling, unlike fruit juice. You could go for almond milk, which has less calories. I also love Crystal Light lemonade.
  • dawnkay1
    dawnkay1 Posts: 41
    Thanks for all the replies everyone. Most useful.

    I have been trying to drink herbal tea and water now, with a couple of cups of coffee or tea inbetween.

    As you have all said, you do get used to the taste now, and I find myself craving for water when I exercise, as well as in the late afternoons.
  • Chirox
    Chirox Posts: 1 Member
    I drink a glas of low fat milk in the morning or a cup of tea, water and green ice tea inbetween. Sometimes a smoothie, self-made bananamilk or sugar free fruit juice (like pink grapefruit, self-made orange juice).