What made you decide to lose weight?



  • DrPepperLeigh74
    DrPepperLeigh74 Posts: 236 Member
    Felt horrible all the time, had to go on high blood pressure meds and then at my Dr. check up last summer my Dr. told me my blood sugar had been up the last few times I had blood work and I was pre-diabetic and she said I would most likely go into type 2 diabetes as a result if I did not lose weight and change my eating habits and exercise. That woke me up, I lost 11 lbs before finding MFP and 52 since then 63 lbs gone. I cannot wait till I go for my check up in June and see my blood work numbers and show my Dr. that I did it. I still have a ways to go but with my MFP friends behind me I know I got this and you got this too :) Good Luck on your journey!!!
  • MelAudrey
    MelAudrey Posts: 1
    My husband and I want to start a family next year. How can I teach my children to be healthy if I'm not healthy. As much as I want to see the number on the scale drop, I think it is more about feeling good. Working out has been a huge blessing, it makes me feel amazing, I'm a happier person, and I truly enjoy it. It's my time to get away from everything. I've learned to make better choices as far as eating goes.... I don't really need that hamburger and fries, a salad won't make me tired right after, I just tell myself that I'll have that next time. I also think about my morning workout, why would I put junk into my body after busting my *kitten* at the gym! I've been healthy for almost two months now, and I am feeling great!!!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I was under alot of stress at the time, Marriage Issues, Father died, Bad car accident, son got hurt all 1 week apart I was a fricking wreck. I started running just primarly as something to occupy my mind with with really no goal except as a stress reliever. As I started running more and more I started eating better making better choices. WIthin a few months someone made a comment to me about that I lost some weight I stepped on the scale and I had lost about 50lbs. And did not even really realize it.
  • Davevl
    Davevl Posts: 1
    Type 2 Diabetes. When I asked my Doc what my options were he said "lose weight or blindness with a chance of lost toes or feet." It was a pretty easy decision. I started a whole foods plant based diet 5 weeks ago - I'm down 22 lbs. Blindness?
  • cari4jc1
    cari4jc1 Posts: 233
    Growing up I was never overweight...not skinny, but not fat either. My Mom was severely obese and struggled with her body/self image a lot. When I was 8 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She continued to battle cancer over the next 10 years as well as many other health issues. She wanted so bad to be healthy and to lose weight, but just physically couldn't do it and also didn't really have the know how in order to do it. She ended up passing away 2 weeks before my high school graduation and 3 weeks before my 18th birthday. I vowed then that I would never EVER let myself get unhealthy and that I wouldn't be like her physically. She is my hero though. She went through soooo much and never gave up hope that one day she would be healthy. I got married 2 years after that in 2003 and have now had 3 kids and become a stay at home Mom. My weight reached it's highest after my last pregnancy and I realized that it's time to kick things into high gear and get serious about that vow that I made to myself. I realized that I'm worth it and I want to be around to see my kids grow up, get married and have kids of their own.

    My motivation is to think about all the reasons why I want to be healthy. I think about my Mom and how proud she would be that I'm making this choice and I think about how my body was before I got married and had kids. All of that keeps me motivated and when I have down days and I don't feel like I can get through my exercise I pep talk myself through it and remind myself of all these things and it gives me the burst of energy I need to get through it.
  • jmapes9
    jmapes9 Posts: 144 Member
    Awesome opportunites is what made me decide. Ever since I've been an adult, I've said to myself "if I were thin, I could land any role I wanted in local community theatre".

    Sorry if this sounds like bragging, but I am an excellent singer... and I love to show it off on stage. I've been in a few shows over the years, but I usually don't audition for the leading roles, as my size wouldn't make sense for it. In March, I played a part in a local musical. Although the number I was in (a duet with a friend of mine) stole the show, I couldn't believe my eyes when I watched a video of it.

    After watching that video, I told myself I wasn't gonna screw around anymore. I'll be 40 in a year, and I'd like to finally play some of my favorite musical roles before I am too old to play them.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    @ jmapes9: Love your ticker photo! One of my all time favorite movies. Everytime I watch it I wanna go for a run after seeing the training scene. LOL
  • jmapes9
    jmapes9 Posts: 144 Member
    @ jmapes9: Love your ticker photo! One of my all time favorite movies. Everytime I watch it I wanna go for a run after seeing the training scene. LOL
    Thanks, jcstanton! I just was watching some Rocky movie montages on YouTube earlier this week! LOL
  • jodyl70
    jodyl70 Posts: 94
    I got tired of being tired! :frown:

    When I weighed more not pregnant then I did pregnant, going up the stairs left me winded, seeing pictures of myself and how hidious I looked.

    Taking the accountability for the excuses and realizing that is all they are - excuses.

    I feel so strong and healthy now! :happy:
  • cls_333
    cls_333 Posts: 206 Member
    I want my next 40 years to be better than my first 40!!!
  • hduston
    hduston Posts: 61 Member
    For me it was seeing myself in pictures. When I look in the mirror, I don't see it (the weight gain). But a picture is worth a thousand UGGGGHHHHS! I also didn't have the energy/stanima I used to and I want to be able to keep up with my kids (8 and 11) and set an example for them (fitness/eating right is a normal part of every day life - not just when you want to lose weight). I also want to fit into my clothes without having to struggle every morning with "what am I going to wear?!"
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 682 Member
    All of my clothes were getting tighter and I refused to go up to a bigger size. Plus I hated the way I looked in everything I tried on.
  • WorkitoutBev
    WorkitoutBev Posts: 29 Member
    I would like to have a picture taken with my 14 year old daughter, but looking into the mirror I'm huge. So I won't do, she ask me often for us to have a professinal picture taken one of the two of us, but I just can't image that picture the way I'm looking and feeling. So my goal is to work on my mind and body and have that picture taken for Christmas. I want to do that for her. Movitation is so needed, please provide advice and suggestion. I'm opened...
  • SassyClassyandALittleBadAssy
    1) Vanity. I put a pair of shorts on. They fit, but one look at my legs and belly made me cringe...then I thought about the bikinis sitting in my drawer and couldn't imagine taking them out let alone putting them on- even in the privacy of my home!
    2) My puppy. She's a a strong lean 8 month old sled dog and my dreams of hiking and running with her this summer were quickly fading, as I no longer had the physical stamina to keep up with her.
    3) Confidence. I don't have the confidence I used to have when I was physically fit. It's not easy being in the dating world if you can't love yourself and have confidence in yourself first and I couldn't!
  • AlicynH
    AlicynH Posts: 201 Member
    My husband and I had been asked by our foster son's mom if we would be willing to adopt him. We already had a 1 year old and they are only 8 1/2 months apart. I knew that I needed to be around for them and at 396 lbs, I didn't foresee that happening. I chose to have gastric bypass surgery. It's a good thing I did. When the Dr. did the surgery he took a look at my liver and saw that I had early signs of cirrhosis of the liver. It has now reversed and I have a healthy liver. We have since adopted a little girl also giving us three kids. I was still 300 lbs and wanted to be more healthy. I have now lost another 65 lbs and feel better than I have in a long time. I still have another 65 to go.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    The first time was just a phase. Seriously. I just felt like it, found MFP in 2009, lost 20 pounds, liked how I looked and stopped. The second time (and last/most recent time) it was a silly reason - to fit into non plus sized, "regular" sized dresses. Funnily enough I've stuck with it from that reason. I can now wear non-plus sized dresses (from a size 20 to 12) but I have different aesthetic goals now so I'm continuing instead of maintaining (original goal was 60 pounds).

    Motivation (outside of self determination) comes from these forums and bodybuilding.com forums. No joke. These forums have gotten me through the toughest of times, and I'm forever grateful.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I came back to MFP wondering how much I was actually eating. I saw it was a lot, then I just wondered if it were POSSIBLE for me to lose weight. So, I did. And it was possible.
    Whenever I get discouraged I just remember how far I will be in a year if I keep going, and how much I'd backslide if I quit.
  • Kaylaj21
    Kaylaj21 Posts: 12 Member
    I always wanted to be thin and skinny, i never truly wanted to loose weight to be healthy until i lost my mother to a heart attack, and im postive, her eating habits, lack of exersise is what contributed to her death, she is my biggest inspiration and hero, for making me make the changes in my life that i have
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    A ton of things!

    1. A lady at my work who is almost 80 years old, who was overweight decided to make a change. She has lost at least 30lbs so far. She goes on walks everyday. She comes in hurting everyday and you can see the pain in her face. If she can do it, then so can I!
    2. My huge muffin top
    3. Clothes shopping - always having to go up a size
    4. The doctor - I don't want her to tell me again that I'm at risk for a heart attack or a stroke
    5. Going up stairs...I would be out of breath. If there was an elevator - I'd take it!

    That's just a few!
  • Kaimana94
    Kaimana94 Posts: 165 Member
    A picture posted on facebook with my boys. God I was fat
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