How do you get your butt out of bed?



  • WaimanaloMan
    WaimanaloMan Posts: 160 Member
    I have to stop three alarms after they go off, and none of them are mine! It also helps having the coffee machine ready to go!
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    I know exactly how you feel- I have to drag myself out of my bed. I set my alarm for 4:35 am so I can start my workout by 5:00am. I am not a morning person and it is hard, even after a year there are some days that I fail --- but I tell myself that I will feel guilty all day if I don't get up and I also know that my day will not be "right" and I know that I will feel so much better if I just get up. Besides if I do stay in bed- I'm too guilty to fall back asleep.... so why not get up and workout. If that doesn't work than I make a deal with myself-- if I just get up and work out for 15 mins if I still feel like crap than I can go back to bed..... this works every time. It's all a mind game.
  • Bry8432
    Bry8432 Posts: 37
    I'm totally and "up and at em" kinda girl. I have those days when I am tired but I told myself to change my life so I mentally talk myself up as soon as I wake up.
  • lauralizzy829
    lauralizzy829 Posts: 215 Member
    I have a personal circus midget who marches in my room plays REVEILLE through a bugle.

    Do you outsource him?
  • lauralizzy829
    lauralizzy829 Posts: 215 Member
    I have an alarm clock app on my phone that requires you to do a math equation (like 45+37) before it shuts off. You can set how difficult the problems are or how many you have to do. Sounds geeky, but it requires your brain to wake up.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I don't have trouble staying out of bed anymore... but long ago I would immediately take a shower. That blast of water is enough to shock me awake. However if you're planning to workout in the morning, that may be something you'd rather do after. Other than that I would try to go to bed earlier and get more sleep.
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    I have a husband who goes into work really early in the morning. When that alarm goes off, I have 20 minutes to fix his breakfast and lunch. We eat breakfast and have coffee together, so by the time he leaves, I'm wide awake.
  • vabrewer33
    vabrewer33 Posts: 185
    Thanks for all the awesome ideas! :) I live alone so no one to keep me accountable but maybe I can find something to keep me up and going! I am definately going to try some of these next week (I am super excited for the bugle playing midget)
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    Yeah....... I don't.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I have an alarm clock app on my phone that requires you to do a math equation (like 45+37) before it shuts off. You can set how difficult the problems are or how many you have to do. Sounds geeky, but it requires your brain to wake up.

    Lol that's funny I like it. What's the app called?
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    Maybe you're not a morning person workout kinda gal....try working out after work only. You're still exercising, and you can stay in bed later in the morning!
  • Salvi30
    Salvi30 Posts: 196 Member
    I have a personal circus midget who marches in my room plays REVEILLE through a bugle.

    You do? lol
  • byrnette
    byrnette Posts: 39 Member
    I turn into a pumpkin close to 7.5 or 8 hours prior. I hate getting out of bed no matter what but nothing feels better later knowing you have checked that box. -- Alarm far away from the bed is another key.

    Also doing a DVD in your home without having to leave the house is pretty Jillian Michaels...every day. It has changed my body...not a picture taker/poster but I have lost 30 lbs 3 separate times and this time at age 42, I feel like I did it the best possible way with the best possible results because of that kind of circuit training.
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    First, I find its much easier to get out of bed if I get a pretty good amount of sleep. Too little and, for me, its pretty impossible to get out of bed in the morning. Also, have things ready to get out the door as soon as you can in the morning. I workout then change clothes at the gym before going to work, so I have all my clothes packed the night before.

    I often bargain with myself. I tell myself I just have to get up and get coffee and see how I feel. The I tell myself that I just have to put on workout gear and see how I feel. Then, I tell myself I just have to get out the door and go for a few minutes and see how I feel. Usually, once I am out the door, the workout gets completed.

    Sometimes, I lie in bed and tell myself I will just get another hour of sleep and workout "later". Then I try to plan when and how I will workout. On a busy day, I will get up and get going just to avoid messing up the rest of the day.

    Meeting a friend or going to an early morning class makes it easier to get up and go.

    Even after years of working out in the morning, I still miss at least one day a week. But I just keep trying.
  • BrentJulius
    BrentJulius Posts: 89 Member
    I feel you. I'mnot a morning person at all and started working in the morning before work for about 6 months now .. it's nice to get it done for the day and be able to workout fasted before breakfast. I kind of cheat in that use a preworkout drink to get me going and it really does get you going. There are a few awesome ones you can get at any GNC or whatever.. some have creatine others don't if you don't want .. I've tried a few and like different things about different ones. Some taste pretty bad, Jack3d is the best tasting and is usually about 25 bucks for 45 servings so it's cheaper than coffee. Anyway, I mix it in a glass the night before and set by my bed.. when my alarm goes off the first time I reach over and chug it, lol.. I'll then press snooze and lay back down but it kicks in pretty fast and I'm jumping out of bed to get ready to go workout out.
  • FindingFit127
    FindingFit127 Posts: 69 Member
    It's hard!!! I kept pushing snooze today but on the days I do get up I feel so much better about myself and the day! once you get in the habbit it'll get easier and you'll be proud of yourself for actually getting up and working out around the time you promised yourself you would!!
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Throw one leg over the edge, then the other, and then stand up, scratch my *kitten* and that pretty much does it.

    Edit: In seriousness...put the alarm clock out of reach so you have to get out of bed to reach it....if you really need to, get one of those cool wandering ones that starts moving when the alarm goes off.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I have my alarm clock out of range of the bed...those few steps across the room are usually enough.

    Also, snooze buttons are the enemy. They should be outlawed.
  • danapouncey
    danapouncey Posts: 31
    Every morning my boyfriend kisses me awake ha! Sounds soppy and silly but it's a nice way to wake up, he'll then make me a brew and that's me ready for the day!
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    Swing my legs out of bed and head straight for the shower. Nothing like cold water hitting you before it warms up :laugh: