Does eating Organic make you a jerk?



  • batgirl8809
    batgirl8809 Posts: 32 Member
    The basic principle of this applies to a lot of things -- it's just moral/emotional bargaining. "I did well on this, so I don't have to do that great on this..."
  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484
    Eating organic is more of an indicator that you believe what the government is feeding you about "saving the planet". In other words, probably an Al Gore lover, a liberal and a democrat.

    The word we use to describe the collection of modifiers you used is "rational." However, the word "intelligent" would make a fine substitution.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    Eating organic is more of an indicator that you believe what the government is feeding you about "saving the planet". In other words, probably an Al Gore lover, a liberal and a democrat.

    However, it doesn't mean you are a jerk. Maybe uninformed and gullible, but not a jerk.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I had to listen to that reply almost verbatim last night with a group of people. I thought it was rather comical myself. Some folks are just opinionated and can't resist starting trouble.

    I don't know if they are jerks. They probably are, but I'm willing to bet they were jerks before they started eating organic.

    People who eat organic food are "uninformed and gullible"? About what, exactly?

    I'm assuming they are uninformed and gullible about the "saving the planet"! The Go Green everything by scaring people. I don't know. I didn't care to ask the guy.

    I don't eat organic, nor care to, but I don't care what other people eat. That's their choice.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    Eating organic is more of an indicator that you believe what the government is feeding you about "saving the planet". In other words, probably an Al Gore lover, a liberal and a democrat.

    The word we use to describe the collection of modifiers you used is "rational." However, the word "intelligent" would make a fine substitution.

    You forgot the "UN" before your "intelligent". I forgive you, though. It's typical of Al Gore-like people.

  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484

    I'm assuming they are uninformed and gullible about the "saving the planet"! The Go Green everything by scaring people. I don't know. I didn't care to ask the guy.

    I don't eat organic, nor care to, but I don't care what other people eat. That's their choice.

    Change the word "uniformed" to "rational" and "gullible" to "not a caveman" and you're probably spot-on.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Only if you tell people.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    What I didn't understand about the study is they just had people LOOK at pictures of organic food - they weren't even necessarily people who ate organic as a lifestyle or didn't for that matter. Apparently it's not eating organic food that makes you a jerk but looking at pictures of the labels of organic food.
  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484

    It's typical of Al Gore-like people.

    When you say "Al Gore-like" are you referring to height, weight, skin color, or some other bigoted profiling system the far right has developed in the last few months to avoid thinking rationally?
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Wow.. you have got to be kidding me. The things our tax money probaby go to that we have no idea about. Like why is a frog's skin bumpy and why does poop stink? Geez some people are idiots!!!

    Well, why IS a frog's skin bumpy (for the record, most of the time it isn't--those are toads)? Why DOES poop smell the way it does, as opposed to any other way? I'm very sorry that you take absolutely no interest in the marvelous phenomena of nature; what a boring, hollow existence yours must be!

    I, too, have been interested in what makes poop smell the way it does.

    In my personal experience, I've noticed that when I eat more whole foods and less prepackaged/processed/junk food, my poop smells like the food that I ate, not just a generally stinky poop smell.

    :laugh: Well that's good to know! :)
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    The Organic stuff doesn't make you a jerk. BUT, people with strong ideological stands on food tend to be judgmental and snobbish about other stuff (kinda like the super duper religious, I think they believe the world can be Black/White). Though because the current amount of people who strongly believe in using Organic isn't that large of a population the statistical ratio of jerks to "normal" people is probably higher. It's not everyone who buys local/eats organic that gets like the market guy there.

    I myself try to buy all my summer fruit and veg at the local farmer's market...but when it's out of season, I buy stuff at the grocery store, I don't worry too much about organic or non-organic, but if there is a sale on organic so it's the same price as the conventional, I'll go organic. I wonder what their selection criteria was for their "Organic" eaters? Were they all die-hard? I mean if we were going that direction couldn't we say die-hard Vegans fall into the same category? It's not the food that does it, it's the mentality that brought that person to the style of eating in the first place. It's the process that brought them to it, making them believe that theirs is the best/only way to behave, and pity/be angry at everyone who doesn't do things you're way.

    ALSO, I'm from Seattle and 1) I can see how the outdoor market guy would be offended by the fruit platter idea, but he could have handled it better--no we only sell fresh organic fruits, it wouldn't be cost effective for us to make them, but I can help you pick some fruits to make your fruit platter with. 2) Every one of the fruit guys I've met at the market have been super nice...maybe I forgot to go to the pretentious douche stand though.
  • Hootowlhollow
    People that eat organic do it for the status. There is absolutely no difference between organic and Conventional crops and food. Except maybe the organic has more e-coli. I wish people that were passionate about Organic foods would go out and actually see how they grow organic foods. Opened my eyes for sure.
  • lemasney
    lemasney Posts: 67 Member
    I'd rather be a jerk than eat pesticides. Call me Mr. Jerk.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    I eat organic. I don't think I'm a jerk.

    I DO think I'm better than people that don't eat organic, and I remind them of it constantly.

    But I'm definitely not a jerk.

  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member

    I'm assuming they are uninformed and gullible about the "saving the planet"! The Go Green everything by scaring people. I don't know. I didn't care to ask the guy.

    I don't eat organic, nor care to, but I don't care what other people eat. That's their choice.

    Change the word "uniformed" to "rational" and "gullible" to "not a caveman" and you're probably spot-on.
    So, people that disagree with your particular point of view are irrational cavemen?
  • Wilson336
    Wilson336 Posts: 76
    I'm a firm believer that you can eat what you want....It's trying to act superior and push your views onto others that would make you a jerk. If you want to eat birdseed and tofu all day long, go for it...just don't condemn me because I like to eat a blueberry Eggo and Nutella sandwich.
  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484

    I'm assuming they are uninformed and gullible about the "saving the planet"! The Go Green everything by scaring people. I don't know. I didn't care to ask the guy.

    I don't eat organic, nor care to, but I don't care what other people eat. That's their choice.

    Change the word "uniformed" to "rational" and "gullible" to "not a caveman" and you're probably spot-on.
    So, people that disagree with your particular point of view are irrational cavemen?

    If you had read the entire thread, you would have seen I was responding to an offensive poster calling all liberal-minded people gullible and uninformed, which is a great example of stereotyping . . . if that's what you were looking for.
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
  • Blaqk19
    Blaqk19 Posts: 10
    I would eat organic if I could afford to. I do run into a lot of snide remarks and sneers when my organic eating friends see me eating non organic foods, though not ALL of my organic eating friends are that way. Some people are just jerks in general, lol.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member

    I'm assuming they are uninformed and gullible about the "saving the planet"! The Go Green everything by scaring people. I don't know. I didn't care to ask the guy.

    I don't eat organic, nor care to, but I don't care what other people eat. That's their choice.

    Change the word "uniformed" to "rational" and "gullible" to "not a caveman" and you're probably spot-on.
    So, people that disagree with your particular point of view are irrational cavemen?

    If you had read the entire thread, you would have seen I was responding to an offensive poster calling all liberal-minded people gullible and uninformed, which is a great example of stereotyping . . . if that's what you were looking for.
    No, I'm just encouraging further discussion. I disagree with the principles of the green initiative, to give it a name, because global warming is a naturally occuring phenomenon. I don't really care what anyone else thinks and therein lies my point. There are infinite viewpoints on the issue and to label any one of them semi-insultingly shows a level of closed-mindedness you profess against.
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    Hey we really have to go Lib/Dem on this issue? I feel like that's just more unnecessary polarization...I bet their are so snobbish conservative republicans who eat organic too. I don't think it's all about politics. Also, I've always thought it funny that Al Gore got a Nobel, but that his movie had quite a few exaggerations in it. I do believe in global warming, but it was a bit much.