Height and Weight please?



  • mmarin81
    mmarin81 Posts: 241
    5'9" started at 218 lbs
    Quickly dropped to 209 after one week of clean eating
    currently at 192 after 1o weeks of dieting which included 9 weeks of Insanity workout.
  • started 222.7 pounds at end of january 2012
    today 172.6 pounds
    goal weight at moment is 165.3 pounds

    Im 5 foot 11 or 181 cm. I exercise ****loads the last cple of months, as i am on a mission to get as close to goal weight as possible by next weekend!

    Will decide when i get to my goal weight if i want to lose more, i am currently the smallest i hve been since teenager. Enjoying buying new lothes, having more energy, not feeling lazy! :)
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I'm 43 years old
    I started at 134 in February 2012
    I am now 121
    My goal is 110-115
    I don't want to be skinny fit. I want to be fit. I'm expecting it to take a good year to see the results I really want.
  • MoreThanMommie
    MoreThanMommie Posts: 597 Member
    I'm 5'5"
    Starting weight ~ 241 lbs. (Feb. 6th 2012)
    Current weight ~ 215 lbs.
    Goal weight ~ 135 lbs.
  • I am 5'2 started at 240 pounds. Today at 197pounds. Goal weight 135pounds. Started loosing weight in October 2011 lost my twin brother in November 2011 so I gained back the weight and started back in January 6,2012.
  • pseel42
    pseel42 Posts: 82 Member

    I have to say I'm not really thrilled on telling my weight but since this is a place for support and not judgement I figured it would be okay. I'm having a hard time with this but I'm still new.

    Started 5/16/12
    Goal weight-150 ( i should be at least 120 but I'll start here for now)
    Age-42 yrs old

    I have no idea how long this will take!! I suffer from fibromyalgia and the only exercise I can do is walking which I haven't done much of but I'm going to change that.

  • kinghavok
    kinghavok Posts: 104
    5'5" started at 194. I joined this site at 184 I want to be 150 I as right now I am 173. I hope to reach my goal by July.
  • LiftBigtoGetFit
    LiftBigtoGetFit Posts: 3,399 Member
    height - 6'3"
    high weight - 260lbs jan/feb 2010
    recent high weight - 250lbs jan 2012
    current weight - 218 may 16, 2012
    1st goal weight - 210 lbs
    stretch goal weight 195 lbs

    may gain weight after 210 due to going to start focusing on building muscle starting middle of July after vacation

    my main goal is to have 12 - 15% body fat and maintain healthy active life

    oh, edit to add I am 31
  • bpientok
    bpientok Posts: 14
    I am 5'8"
    I started 5-18-12
    160lbs. Want to be 145lbs
    Would like to accomplish this in 4-6months
  • acg1305
    acg1305 Posts: 224 Member


    SW 190 ( end of feb)

    CW 168

    GW 148

    Giving myself until August 1st
  • Vicki_Noble
    Vicki_Noble Posts: 5 Member
    You are awesome! Thanks for being honest, determined, and inspiring.

    I am 5'9" and about to weigh myself after a week of sticking to MFP with my fiance of 9 yrs, Ray. He's lost 6 pounds, on here as RayNoble. We are using the Buddy System and it's fun to do as a couple.

    I started at 240 and have lost 8 pounds the first week. I originally wanted to be 180, but 1500+ calories seems way too much for me so I have knocked it down to 160.

    I feel great now that I move around a bit!

    In a while, I'll be weighing in again. I am excited to step on the scale for the first time in forever.
  • apham16
    apham16 Posts: 5 Member
    Start Weight 218
    Current 197
    Goal 135
  • chi88
    chi88 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone...I am 5'8
    SW: 197
    GW: 155
    I don't really have a time limit to when I will get to my GW. I am simply working on changing my lifestyle and avoiding burnout.
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    started MFP last March.. got off the wagon in Nov when I had back surgery and started back the New Year.
    height 5'9
    SW 178 size 14 tight
    CW 148 Size 7/8 loose
    goal for now is 140.. would like to be on the low end of my "normal" range which is 132 but not sure how that would look with my height.
  • sueurban
    sueurban Posts: 1
    I am 32

    I am 5' 9"

    I started at 289lbs three years ago.

    Current weight is 225lbs

    My goal long term is 135lbs

    Current short term goal is 200 by June 8th and 175 by July 4.

    I didn't have a time frame until now. I have gotten as low as 189, but keep jumping back to the 200's I get lazy after a few week of diet and workouts. I have an inactive thyroid so dropping pounds is 3 times as hard. When you only eat 1250 cal a day and workout for 4 hours a day and only lose a pound or two you tend to gave up. I started School Thusday to become a firefighter and now see that I need to focus on weight loss more. It is hard to carry an extra 75 pounds of gear and a 190lb dummy when you are overweight.

    Keep your head up and keep trying. Find a workout routine that you like and add things as you go. Even walking around the block is a good start. Each day try and beat the time from the day before. Then add things like climbing a flight of stairs or riding a bike and use the combo to boost your weight loss. I believe in you! You can do anything when you put you heart, soul, and mind into it. Good luck and add me as a friend and we can work together.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • I am 5'4
    When I started dieting I was 217
    I have been using MFP since January, although not religiously in the beginning
    I now weight 177.5 .. only 1/2 pound away from -40 lbs lost!
  • jacque1129
    jacque1129 Posts: 113 Member
    5'7 152 lbs. highest was 195 two years ago. started last January at 187. I think I'll be happy around 135 because I got down to 142 and felt I had just a little be more to go and I would of been fine.
  • Meikmeika
    Meikmeika Posts: 108 Member
    I am 5'3

    SW: 146.5 05/05/12(when I got serious w/ mfp)
    CW: 141
    GW: 130

    If I can get to 125 and not feel deprived I'll be happy. I hope to reach my goal weight of 130 within the next 3 months, then work on muscle tone and shaping big time after that.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    height : was 5'5, now 5'4
    SW : 213
    CW : 180
    GW : 113-133 not sure yet
  • kansasbelle
    kansasbelle Posts: 264 Member
    5'2 started at 219 end of april
    now weight 211.9

    First Goal get under 200
    Second 280
    3rd 160 and match my drivers license weight
    4th maybe set a new goal

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods