Name one good tip you learn since dieting?



  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    Never use the word Diet or Dieting

    DIET= Death by Food Its called nutrition and lifestyle.
  • tabithaanne
    tabithaanne Posts: 38
    I am not "dieting," but since I started getting healthy (and losing weight), the single most helpful thing that I've learned is to listen to my body and not to my brain when it comes to eating.

    My brain is GREAT at giving me reasons why I "should" or "need to" eat. Fortunately, my body is getting better at saying, "wait, no, I'm not hungry! Don't make ME suffer just because you're upset/anxious/bored/whatever!"

    Well said.
  • nucreeman
    nucreeman Posts: 40
    It's been pretty much said, but absolutely not depriving yourself of the things you love. I would go two months with no sweets, and eventually when I had my first sweet snack, a whole other person took over, and no sweets were safe. Now I work out a little longer so I can have an occasional indulgence. Doing this stopped my cravings.
  • LadyKatieBug
    LadyKatieBug Posts: 178 Member
    don't diet or restrict yourself from food but rather eat in smaller portions and everything in moderation
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Sorry but I'm going to add more than one. lol

    First of all, don't call it dieting. If you do, you will feel like it's something temporary to deprive yourself. Also, if people notice, you dont have to say IM ON A DIET, you can just say that you started eating right.

    Don't go and start an exercise program so hard that you won't stay interested in it because you're too sore and it was too hard. If you enjoy it, you'll do it more often, get stronger THEN increase the intensity and still enjoy it!

    Don't fall for fads. Grapefruit diets, soup diets, all veggie and fruit diets, etc. etc.! Cleansings are a joke. You don't have to rush poop out of your system because you binged at McDonalds the past 2 weeks and you want to be 'empty' and have a fresh start.Nor do you have to fast and 'cleanse' to get rid of toxins. YOUR liver, intestines and colon do that for you! Just start TODAY by eating well and nourishing your body and keep it that way.

    Each time you deny yourself something that will make your body less healthy, YOU are stronger! I use that especially when I sense people are trying to sabotage me.

    Plan before you go out for dinner. Look up menus online, decide what you're going to have before you even get there.

    Eat if you're hungry.

    You can lose weight just by walking. I'm down 33lbs and 31 inches just by walking and tracking food!

    Good luck!
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    Patience Patience Patience.....That is my mantra now b/c I am trying to keep this in my head b/c it is slow going for me & I really try to believe that 'Slow & Steady Wins The Race!!' :)
  • Bigsexy290
    Bigsexy290 Posts: 29
    Any type of exercise is better than nothing at all! :wink:
    TURNBACK27 Posts: 32
    that so true:smokin:
    TURNBACK27 Posts: 32
    need a pen for this one
    TURNBACK27 Posts: 32
    real talk