anyone overcame BINGE EATING?



  • livehappe
    livehappe Posts: 57 Member
    I am a binge eater. I have been binge-free for 23 days by using a new program. I am not sure if it is sustainable or not. I haven't been on it long enough that I'd feel comfortable promoting it or standing behind it. It was recommended by my nutritionist to help me with my cravings. I don't think there are any quick fixes or magical potions so I remain skeptical of every new thing I try. Inevitably, I almost always give way to a binge. And, I'm not selling this product myself nor do I have any vested interest in it.
    But, I have chronicled it all in a blog- all my feelings, how my binge-free time has been going. So, if you are interested in reading tales from a fellow binger- private message me, and I will provide the link for you.
    But, I think it is important to figure out why you binge. For me, I binge to celebrate. If I am stressed, bored or lonely, I am more likely not to eat. I binge because it tastes good and I want to reward myself. And, it is a shame that I do this to myself because I workout like a machine and cannot harness any benefit from my efforts thanks to my binge problem. My exercise routine could only get me so far. So, finding a formula that controlled my cravings helped me. But, it took me a year and a half to see that I needed some help to suppress my appetite.
    The biggest thing I have learned in my transformation year and a half is that you have to reach out for help- whether that means going to a group, talking to people on mfp, talking to a nutritionist or personal trainer- It is a long fight, but one worth having, and it is okay to seek help.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    First of all, congrats on asking for help! That is great and you CAN overcome this!

    The only way I could overcome it was by not having ANY of the binge foods in my house, period. I was a binger, anorexic and bulimic and I've been recovered for over 20 years now.

    Once you slowly change your habits you will realize that healthy foods arent so calorie dense as the stuff we binged on and you can eat a TON of stuff that actually fills you up, satisfies you and you hardly ever feel hungry. It does take effort to prepare the healthier stuff but with planning you can do it. I also don't get that nasty bloated feeling like I did when I binged, even though I'm eating a lot more food.

    Your tastebuds change after you've been eating healthier stuff for a while. I used to eat carrots and think, yuck, this is boring,,,awful and I hate it. Now they taste delicious and sweet to me! I also have treats on occasion but I'll only buy ONE serving so I won't have a whole package to gorge myself on and I know I would if it was here! I had a birthday party to go to yesterday so I had a chocolate cupcake with frosting on it. It felt rather odd eating it. It was good, but not as good as I remember! lol Today I have 2 graduation parties to go to with bbq, potato salad, slaw and more cake on the menu. I logged some of it into my diary ahead and I'm going to cut back a bit on my breakfast, lunch and snacks to fit in the extra calories today. It's all about planning for that type of situation. Again, you can have the bad stuff, just plan for it and you'll do fine and it'll get easier as you go.

    You can do this! I know you can or you wouldn't be reaching out for help! <hugs> and good luck to you!
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I'm a binger. No disorder, I'm just a mug. I don't binge often enough for it be a health concern and I enjoy the food I eat when I do binge; I've just accepted that's it's part of my eating habits and keep a check on it so it doesn't become a too regular occurrence.
  • mandemonious
    mandemonious Posts: 217 Member
    Cheers to your honesty :wink:
    I have struggled with binge eating/emotional eating for years. I used to "diet," and certainly had the yo-yo effect going on for a number of years. I've learned a lot since then and have much more realistic expectations about weight loss and a healthier relationship with food (and healthier food!). I was in counseling for a few years, and it really does help some folks; it helped me. But I still struggle with it and have days that I cave on purpose.

    I figure, if it only happens once every 2-3 weeks and I eat half a pizza with coke and ice cream for dessert later, then that is just one day in 2-3 weeks worth of days that I made healthy choices and ate tons of veggies and whole grains and lean protein. If I need to have one crazy, hedonistic, glutinous food day every so often to satisfy some eager little beast inside of me and maintain sanity the rest of the time...fine by me for now.

    Overcoming our less than desirable emotions and behaviors is a process. It takes time. It's different for everyone. You've recognized and admitted the issue, now it's up to you to do what you need to do to overcome it. This could mean a support groups (of friends, or anonymous), reading books, writing it out, seeking professional help, or some combination of all of these. I wish you the best in your efforts and feel free to friend me if you are looking for MFP support. I also think there is a group for binge eaters on here, though I'm not a member...

    Best :flowerforyou:
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    i really struggle with binge eating disorder... i don't know what to do... i can't get a professional help because i live on my own and only have money to pay for the rent, studies and food, literally...
    my question is, IS IT POSSIBLE to overcome it? and HOW to do it?..
    the reason why i binge almost always was because i felt deprived - i was eating 1200 or less a day, but now upped to 1500... today i binged just because 'it tasted good' ... there is something really wrong with me, and the worst part is that i can't stop it... i really tried...
    binge eating for me means no less than 1000 calories above my maintenance...
    help anyone? :'(

    also, when i think about it, one of the reasons i binge is because (my life changed completely in past 2 years) i feel 'empty'... i don't know how to describe this feeling, but it's like something is missing from my life...

    I have Binge Eating DIsorder as well. I am having some good success with the Intuitive Eating approach and I highly recommend it.

    Check it out at
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    i really struggle with binge eating disorder... i don't know what to do... i can't get a professional help because i live on my own and only have money to pay for the rent, studies and food, literally...
    my question is, IS IT POSSIBLE to overcome it? and HOW to do it?..
    the reason why i binge almost always was because i felt deprived - i was eating 1200 or less a day, but now upped to 1500... today i binged just because 'it tasted good' ... there is something really wrong with me, and the worst part is that i can't stop it... i really tried...
    binge eating for me means no less than 1000 calories above my maintenance...
    help anyone? :'(

    also, when i think about it, one of the reasons i binge is because (my life changed completely in past 2 years) i feel 'empty'... i don't know how to describe this feeling, but it's like something is missing from my life...

    You can send me a friend request if you like. I know exactly what you are talking about. I wish you much success in uncovering your eating disorder. **hugs**
  • Dethea
    Dethea Posts: 247 Member
    I've had a problem with binge eating for a long time. I haven't told too many people in real life.

    I have found great support on MFP. There are groups on here for people with eating disorders. The main thing I try to do is to keep myself busy. If I'm doing something, I don't think about eating.

    Things I do to distract myself:
    Weed the garden
    Paint my nails
    Hit the treadmill/ go for a walk (if I burn calories, then I can have a SNACK after. Exercising helps control my "hunger")
    Do a load of laundry
    Clean in general
    Play computer games/ waste time on Pinterest

    One time, I logged all of my calories on here after a binge, and it was something crazy like 5000 calories. I think that was the last time I had a really bad binge. Now, I keep plenty of healthy food around. If I feel like eating, but I'm not sure if I'm hungry, I'll eat fruit or make a smoothie. Watermelon is great! You can eat a ton of that!

    It's really hard to have an eating disorder, but if you keep fighting and making good choices, eventually it becomes easier to keep making those good choices. Find some people that you can talk to, probably people who are binge eaters too who are fighting it. I've found that people who don't have an eating disorder also are not very sympathetic.

    Therapy works wonders, but it can be difficult finding a therapist or group that you identify with. Definitely check with the colleges in your area, sometimes they offer services for free or at a reduced rate.

    I really hope you find some good suggestions, and always remember to love yourself no matter what!
  • ieva015
    ieva015 Posts: 93 Member
    I've had a problem with binge eating for a long time. I haven't told too many people in real life.

    I have found great support on MFP. There are groups on here for people with eating disorders. The main thing I try to do is to keep myself busy. If I'm doing something, I don't think about eating.

    Things I do to distract myself:
    Weed the garden
    Paint my nails
    Hit the treadmill/ go for a walk (if I burn calories, then I can have a SNACK after. Exercising helps control my "hunger")
    Do a load of laundry
    Clean in general
    Play computer games/ waste time on Pinterest

    One time, I logged all of my calories on here after a binge, and it was something crazy like 5000 calories. I think that was the last time I had a really bad binge. Now, I keep plenty of healthy food around. If I feel like eating, but I'm not sure if I'm hungry, I'll eat fruit or make a smoothie. Watermelon is great! You can eat a ton of that!

    It's really hard to have an eating disorder, but if you keep fighting and making good choices, eventually it becomes easier to keep making those good choices. Find some people that you can talk to, probably people who are binge eaters too who are fighting it. I've found that people who don't have an eating disorder also are not very sympathetic.

    Therapy works wonders, but it can be difficult finding a therapist or group that you identify with. Definitely check with the colleges in your area, sometimes they offer services for free or at a reduced rate.

    I really hope you find some good suggestions, and always remember to love yourself no matter what!

    i tried on distracting myself, it does not really work when i go crazy over food...
    like i said, my college is not willing to help me, because im not overweigh....
    crazy, i know...
  • DeadEyedSuburbanite
    DeadEyedSuburbanite Posts: 34 Member
    Yes I am a binger with a really unhealthy attitude to food. I have been known to eat entire family size packages of potato or corn chips, whole cheesecakes, packets of biscuits, etc in one sitting. Sometimes but not always this has been accompanied by purging as well.

    I have had some success with the following:

    - not having any trigger foods or temptations in the house.

    - limiting alcohol consumption, because being tipsy or drunk really inhibited my ability to control the binging.

    - planning my meals a few days in advance so I am not tempted to grab a muffin or chocolate bar for a quick meal. I now recognise that these foods are often triggers for me.

    - tracking my daily food intake on MFP so I can look back and see patterns in my eating.

    If it was possible I'd get some counselling or join a support group too but at this point it's not on the cards for me.

    Good luck!
  • valeriejbardini
    i really struggle with binge eating disorder... i don't know what to do... i can't get a professional help because i live on my own and only have money to pay for the rent, studies and food, literally...
    my question is, IS IT POSSIBLE to overcome it? and HOW to do it?..
    the reason why i binge almost always was because i felt deprived - i was eating 1200 or less a day, but now upped to 1500... today i binged just because 'it tasted good' ... there is something really wrong with me, and the worst part is that i can't stop it... i really tried...
    binge eating for me means no less than 1000 calories above my maintenance...
    help anyone? :'(

    also, when i think about it, one of the reasons i binge is because (my life changed completely in past 2 years) i feel 'empty'... i don't know how to describe this feeling, but it's like something is missing from my life...

    Hi I suffered in silence for so long with that too.
    You may really need someone to talk to, Someone who will listen to you not just throw you loads of advice. I am guessing that you have bottled up a lot of stuff and it needs to be released. Try to get in touch with a women's centre or look on the internet for the nearest charitable organisation that deals with counselling or eating disorders. They are out there. Until then get a pen and paper (instead of eating when you know you don't need to) write down what's on your heart, it might take a while to get started, but just give yourself permission to pour it all out. Now if you feel you want to you can throw away what you have written, but you could also create a journal and bring it with you once you have found a counsellor to let him/her read it. Try to make sure there are plenty of healthy snacks around for you to pick up and get rid of the addictive high sugar-salt- variety. Have a list ready with other things you could do to make yourself loved and not deprived such as a nice bubble bath, try to be creative and occupy your mind. Above all treat yourself with the love and tenderness you would give to your best friend because sometimes we are our own worst enemies.
    Make sure you are getting enough vitamins for us women B vits are very important!
    If you have faith then pray and ask God to fill the void you are experiencing, He answered my prayer and I am thankful to be free from this awful binge cycle. I sought counselling and although I will always be susceptible to eating disorders, I now can stop before It starts. I will keep you in my prayers.
  • Neecy_Pooh
    Neecy_Pooh Posts: 122
    I can't say I've overcome binging...but I find it comes down to my faith. When I am in God's word and giving Him control over my eating and emotions, I am able to find the self control to "eat to live, not live to eat". I know it sounds a little flakey...the book "Made to Crave" really helps alot. Check it out if you're a believer. I am currently on day 5 of no day at a time.

    Not everything is in God's doing. That is not the answer!! The answer is that she needs help. Prayer doesn't help anything truly. People only "think" that it helps. People really need to stop putting everything under the sun that happens is because of the presence of God. Please!!
  • ladybuglady15
    ladybuglady15 Posts: 17 Member
    I can't say I've overcome binging...but I find it comes down to my faith. When I am in God's word and giving Him control over my eating and emotions, I am able to find the self control to "eat to live, not live to eat". I know it sounds a little flakey...the book "Made to Crave" really helps alot. Check it out if you're a believer. I am currently on day 5 of no day at a time.

    Not everything is in God's doing. That is not the answer!! The answer is that she needs help. Prayer doesn't help anything truly. People only "think" that it helps. People really need to stop putting everything under the sun that happens is because of the presence of God. Please!!

    Just because you have different beliefs, and prayer doesn't/hasn't helped you, doesn't mean you have to bash her beliefs. She even says "check it out if you're a believer", not implying that its for everyone. Just as you don't want her beliefs forced on you, please refrain from forcing your beliefs on her and others.
  • sarajane31
    sarajane31 Posts: 18

    like i said, my college is not willing to help me, because im not overweigh....
    crazy, i know...

    that is crazy. I would encourage you to try again, and to insist on talking with someone who is experienced dealing with people with eating disorders. I had a horrible experience the first time I went to my school's counseling center when I was an undergrad, but I tried again recently and had a really different experience. You just have to stand up for who you are and what you need, and then you'll (hopefully) get the kind of help you're looking for.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    What works for me is to eat small meals several times a day. If you keep your insulin levels even, you don't get that craving to just eat everything in the fridge until you're overfull. Keep a cooler of healthy snacks with you, and when you start fo feel hungry, allow yourself a small snack. Then wait 20 minutes before eating anything else to see if you're actually still hungry. You may need to up your overall calorie intake a little to make sure you're getting enough fuel. I think MFP tends to be a bit stingy on the amount of calories realistic for many of us. We track our exercise, but not the day-to-day business we do, which also burns calories.
  • js370
    js370 Posts: 140
    Check your TDEE to make sure that your maintenance calories are correct. I usually go here to check mine
    The next time you feel like binge eating, try drinking a glass of water first. You could just be thirsty. I usually try and buy the biggest bag of frozen vegetables and steam a cup or two when I'm still hungry. Very low in calories and delicious.
  • bookfaery
    bookfaery Posts: 53 Member
    I have binge eating disorder. I understand everything you are saying - feeling completely out of control, eating everything in sight, not being able to satisfy the hunger no matter what. It's awful. I think it must be what heroin addiction feels like. That first bite of cheesecake feels great, but you need more and more and you feel sicker and sicker and it never gets better. Yeah.

    I see a bariatrician (aka my "Fat Doc"), who actually put me on meds for binge eating disorder. It has been classified as a "real" disorder, a real chemical imbalance. Amazing, right? The meds do help. But there is a lot of underlying stuff as well, stress eating and childhood stuff. And this is a genuine food addiction as well. Do whatever you can to ditch the sugar, if that's your nemesis. For a while, I was literally eating nothing but sugar. If you can cut out all the sugar and junk food for even a week, you won't crave it as much. It will get easier. The whole "one day at a time" thing? Sounds cliche, but it works. Sometimes it's "one minute at a time", as in, "I'm way too lazy this minute to get up for that (insert junk food of choice here)". Above all, as someone else said above, be kind to yourself. Guilt will perpetuate the cycle. You're fighting a hard battle. You don't need to be smacking yourself around. Be kind, take it one day at a time, and you'll get there. *hugs*
  • LadyKatieBug
    LadyKatieBug Posts: 178 Member
    MFP has eating disorder support groups there is one for binge eaters. I am recovering from undereating but would be glad to support you. they also have eating disorder support group, disordered etc you might want to check out. Good luck