Exercising+diet = not losing enough

I have been going below 1200 calories for a while and exercising min 2 hours a day, but i cant seem to burn more than 2kg/4.4 lbs. I was told that my intake is too low. what do you think? I use to be an ex athlete back in my teen years


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i think losing 4 pounds a week is great. why are you trying to lose so quickly?

    you do realize that the quicker you lose, the less you learn about correcting the behaviors that got you overweight in the first place which means the more likely you are to gain the weight back and then some.

    and yeah, you need to eat more, especially given your workouts. how are you able to get through your workouts on less than 1200 calories a day or are you doing some easy exercises where you keep your heart rate in the "fat burning zone"?
  • deadpoet87
    deadpoet87 Posts: 11
    i have the mindset that deficit calories and increased exercise can increase metabolism rate to burn faster. so u think it dont work with people who are overweight 160 lbs?
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i have the mindset that deficit calories and increased exercise can increase metabolism rate to burn faster. so u think it dont work with people who are overweight 160 lbs?

    but your metabolism is like a furnace. how well do furnaces work with little fuel? you can still lose weight and not eat like an anorexic :wink:

    plus i'd wager a bet that you're losing tons of muscle which means your metabolism is slowing down even more...
  • TenderBranson
    TenderBranson Posts: 114 Member
    Your intake is far too low & from the looks of it it looks like you still have a good amount of weight to lose. There's no need for you to be eating that low.
  • deadpoet87
    deadpoet87 Posts: 11
    4 lbs a week is okay, but having to lose 160 lbs is so far away. I thought if i can lose 6-7 lbs a week can speed up the process. anyways, like u said, i think its better to correct bad behavior first which can lead to a long term healthy lifestyle than to lose alot and no maintenance. any ideas about loose skin? im 25 male btw.
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    I had that kinda problem before, thinking if I eat only 800 calories and exercise, then I'll lose more. But that's just bull...

    i up my intake to 1350 and make sure I am eating more than at least 1200 calories... I am currently do a lot of weight lift and cardio. and I down from 75 kg to 73 now. within 2 weeks. But losing weight varies between individuals. don't set yourself too high of a lost.. I always tell myself, I am aiming for 72 kg not 52 kg. once I reached 72kg, i wanna aim for 71kg. so.... give yourself one step at a time. because if you don't give yourself one step at a time, you'll end up being frustrated and give up.

    And weight loss doesn't happen overnight. get that out of your head. I took 4 years to get to where i am. Slow I know, but it's trial and error and i Learned along the way.
  • TenderBranson
    TenderBranson Posts: 114 Member
    The numbers you're hitting now as far as losses are normal for bigger people who start out. But as you lose more weight you'll see smaller losses. Up your calories & keep working at it, don't be discouraged. Weight loss is never linear.
  • wobblychopz
    wobblychopz Posts: 13 Member
    break your goal into smaller pieces and the success of reaching those goals will help you maintain the motivation because when you look at the end goal and it seems so far away it can be difficult to think that you will get there. I understand your impatience to make it happen, but like the others have said, you need to get into good habits to avoid falling back into them once you attain your goal.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I have been going below 1200 calories for a while and exercising min 2 hours a day, but i cant seem to burn more than 2kg/4.4 lbs. I was told that my intake is too low. what do you think? I use to be an ex athlete back in my teen years

    Yes your intake is way too low especially for a young man (and this is also too low for a woman). As we all know our bodies will hold on to fat when we are in a very low calorie deficit. With this one, you're doing your body more harm than good & you're destroying your metabolism thus making you fatter in the long run.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    break your goal into smaller pieces and the success of reaching those goals will help you maintain the motivation because when you look at the end goal and it seems so far away it can be difficult to think that you will get there. I understand your impatience to make it happen, but like the others have said, you need to get into good habits to avoid falling back into them once you attain your goal.

    ^ This
  • jcgrant43
    jcgrant43 Posts: 64
    Dude, you may not like my post on this, and normally I wouldn't respond to something along these lines. I'm a big believer in live and let live, allow people to do what they want, it's their life. However, the rapid weight loss you want to achieve is only possible for a short time. Your body will rebel. I don't think anybody needs to be a doctor or nutritionist to know that. I've lost 90lbs over a 5 year period. I may even lose another 10 this year, I haven't decided yet if that's what I want to do or not.

    This weight loss thing and getting healthier are wonderful goals for people, but its not a race. It's more of a tortoise thing. You said in one of your reply posts that you're 25. Well, it took 25 years to get to where you are in terms of body composition, do you think your body will let you change it more rapidly in the other direction? I'd stick the joke in here about the old bull, young bull, but it's a little blue for a message board. E-mail me if you want to hear it.....

    When you're 75 to 100 lbs overweight, like I and many others were, the first 25lbs comes of pretty rapidly anyway. Loose skin is an issue, but it will tighten up all on its own over time as it is very elastic. Make simple substitutions in your diet, change your food choices, exercise a little more, like walking or doing some push ups. Let your body adapt, let yourself adapt. Make this a new life, not a "diet". Educate yourself on nutrition and exercise, find something you personally like to do for movement and strength. Everybody finds something, eventually, that turns their crank.

    Personally, it took me from the ages of 25 to 38 to get really out of shape, so 13 years. It took me 5 to get back to where (actually a little beyond!) where I was at 25, approximately a 1/3 of the time. They way I looked at it was simply, "I have the rest of my life to live in a healthier way".

    A person a lot wiser than me once said, "Remember, the operative word in "Crash Diet" is CRASH."

    Best of luck young bull.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Dude, you may not like my post on this, and normally I wouldn't respond to something along these lines. I'm a big believer in live and let live, allow people to do what they want, it's their life. However, the rapid weight loss you want to achieve is only possible for a short time. Your body will rebel. I don't think anybody needs to be a doctor or nutritionist to know that. I've lost 90lbs over a 5 year period. I may even lose another 10 this year, I haven't decided yet if that's what I want to do or not.

    This weight loss thing and getting healthier are wonderful goals for people, but its not a race. It's more of a tortoise thing. You said in one of your reply posts that you're 25. Well, it took 25 years to get to where you are in terms of body composition, do you think your body will let you change it more rapidly in the other direction? I'd stick the joke in here about the old bull, young bull, but it's a little blue for a message board. E-mail me if you want to hear it.....

    When you're 75 to 100 lbs overweight, like I and many others were, the first 25lbs comes of pretty rapidly anyway. Loose skin is an issue, but it will tighten up all on its own over time as it is very elastic. Make simple substitutions in your diet, change your food choices, exercise a little more, like walking or doing some push ups. Let your body adapt, let yourself adapt. Make this a new life, not a "diet". Educate yourself on nutrition and exercise, find something you personally like to do for movement and strength. Everybody finds something, eventually, that turns their crank.

    Personally, it took me from the ages of 25 to 38 to get really out of shape, so 13 years. It took me 5 to get back to where (actually a little beyond!) where I was at 25, approximately a 1/3 of the time. They way I looked at it was simply, "I have the rest of my life to live in a healthier way".

    A person a lot wiser than me once said, "Remember, the operative word in "Crash Diet" is CRASH."

    Best of luck young bull.

    Great post! Remember, you didn't get fat overnight. You won't normalize your weight overnight.
  • Julietecosse
    Julietecosse Posts: 165
    Dude, you may not like my post on this, and normally I wouldn't respond to something along these lines. I'm a big believer in live and let live, allow people to do what they want, it's their life. However, the rapid weight loss you want to achieve is only possible for a short time. Your body will rebel. I don't think anybody needs to be a doctor or nutritionist to know that. I've lost 90lbs over a 5 year period. I may even lose another 10 this year, I haven't decided yet if that's what I want to do or not.

    This weight loss thing and getting healthier are wonderful goals for people, but its not a race. It's more of a tortoise thing. You said in one of your reply posts that you're 25. Well, it took 25 years to get to where you are in terms of body composition, do you think your body will let you change it more rapidly in the other direction? I'd stick the joke in here about the old bull, young bull, but it's a little blue for a message board. E-mail me if you want to hear it.....

    When you're 75 to 100 lbs overweight, like I and many others were, the first 25lbs comes of pretty rapidly anyway. Loose skin is an issue, but it will tighten up all on its own over time as it is very elastic. Make simple substitutions in your diet, change your food choices, exercise a little more, like walking or doing some push ups. Let your body adapt, let yourself adapt. Make this a new life, not a "diet". Educate yourself on nutrition and exercise, find something you personally like to do for movement and strength. Everybody finds something, eventually, that turns their crank.

    Personally, it took me from the ages of 25 to 38 to get really out of shape, so 13 years. It took me 5 to get back to where (actually a little beyond!) where I was at 25, approximately a 1/3 of the time. They way I looked at it was simply, "I have the rest of my life to live in a healthier way".

    A person a lot wiser than me once said, "Remember, the operative word in "Crash Diet" is CRASH."

    Best of luck young bull.
  • mandymccoll
    mandymccoll Posts: 13
    Starting with your end weight goal in mind is great, but it can make it really frustrating when you don't see big weight loses every week. I found it easier to break my total down into smaller, easier to achieve sizes. Pick a date a few months in the future (your birthday, a big night out you are attending, a holiday) and give yourself a realistic weight lose goal to achieve.

    Once you have got to that date set yourself another goal a few months in the future, I find this helps for a few reasons, the goals are easier to achieve, you work hard over that period of time as you want to look better for a specific reason.

    You should reward yourself in someway at that point in time, I find buying something new to wear for the event that I'm going to is a great reward, you get to go out and buy something that is a smaller size than you've been for years, I'd really recommend doing something as it helps you see how well you are doing, which in turn keeps you motivated.

    Another small point, I'd suggest getting someone to take measurements for you, there will be weeks were you could struggle to lose weight (don't worry this is normal), but you could be losing inches\cm, seeing something move in the right direction can help.

    I've been trying to lose weight since the beginning of this year the points above are some of the things that has made it easier for me to keep focused, I hope that they help you.

    Mandy :smile:
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    welcome to starvation mode... learn... low calories don't work well.

    Eat more food, minimum bodyweight * 10

    how does that work then? do I take the number of weight in pounds (132) or Kg (60)?
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    welcome to starvation mode... learn... low calories don't work well.

    Eat more food, minimum bodyweight * 10

    how does that work then? do I take the number of weight in pounds (132) or Kg (60)?

    Weight in pounds x 10. So 140 pounds x 10 = 1400 calories.
    some multiply their goal weight x 10 to get calorie amount probably best to multiply the weight you are.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    i have the mindset that deficit calories and increased exercise can increase metabolism rate to burn faster. so u think it dont work with people who are overweight 160 lbs?

    It might work over time, but it's usually a combination of fat and muscle loss.. Losing muscle is the last the thing you want to do. So get the quick weight loss out of your head, it doesn't work like that. Unless you want to be skinny fat (have no muscle and extra fat)

    Don't think OP would lose too much muscle if he strength trained as has a lot of fat. 1200 definitely too low.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    4.4lbs a week? That's over double the normal healthy/sustainable amount. It's not all going to come off 10lbs a week or something. That's just ridiculous.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Dude, you may not like my post on this, and normally I wouldn't respond to something along these lines. I'm a big believer in live and let live, allow people to do what they want, it's their life. However, the rapid weight loss you want to achieve is only possible for a short time. Your body will rebel. I don't think anybody needs to be a doctor or nutritionist to know that. I've lost 90lbs over a 5 year period. I may even lose another 10 this year, I haven't decided yet if that's what I want to do or not.

    This weight loss thing and getting healthier are wonderful goals for people, but its not a race. It's more of a tortoise thing. You said in one of your reply posts that you're 25. Well, it took 25 years to get to where you are in terms of body composition, do you think your body will let you change it more rapidly in the other direction? I'd stick the joke in here about the old bull, young bull, but it's a little blue for a message board. E-mail me if you want to hear it.....

    When you're 75 to 100 lbs overweight, like I and many others were, the first 25lbs comes of pretty rapidly anyway. Loose skin is an issue, but it will tighten up all on its own over time as it is very elastic. Make simple substitutions in your diet, change your food choices, exercise a little more, like walking or doing some push ups. Let your body adapt, let yourself adapt. Make this a new life, not a "diet". Educate yourself on nutrition and exercise, find something you personally like to do for movement and strength. Everybody finds something, eventually, that turns their crank.

    Personally, it took me from the ages of 25 to 38 to get really out of shape, so 13 years. It took me 5 to get back to where (actually a little beyond!) where I was at 25, approximately a 1/3 of the time. They way I looked at it was simply, "I have the rest of my life to live in a healthier way".

    A person a lot wiser than me once said, "Remember, the operative word in "Crash Diet" is CRASH."

    Best of luck young bull.

  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I thought if i can lose 6-7 lbs a week

    That's a deficit of 3500 calories a day ! If you ate a VLCD at 500 to get the minimum nutrition you would still need to do 2000 calories a day of exercise on top of the 2000 calories of a sedentary day (estimated).

    Not going to happen really, is it ?