
So i have heard that diet pills aren't good for you but what do you think about Hydroxycut?
I am thinking about starting to take it!


  • Rachel89
    Rachel89 Posts: 68
    So i have heard that diet pills aren't good for you but what do you think about Hydroxycut?
    I am thinking about starting to take it!
  • mrshamm
    mrshamm Posts: 62
    I took it after having my son,it works I lost like 30 pounds with it I was also eating better and working out. I quit taking it because it was expensive. I think that as long as you're eating right and working out that it doesn't hurt to have a little help.
  • Rachel89
    Rachel89 Posts: 68
    I have one question... After you stopped taking it did you gain the weight back or what happened... and also did you think you lost those 30 pounds faster?
  • Sinnettfamily
    Sinnettfamily Posts: 79 Member
    I took it for a while also. It helps a lot as an aid. For example, it helps you workout longer and more often, and it curves your appetiate. I stopped taking it after a couple of months. I lost weight on it but at the end of the second month, wasn't seeing any result so I quit because it was expensive. I didn't gain any of my weight back, but I also stuck to my lifestyle change of eating better and working out more. I started loosing weight again after I stopped, with that said I think my body got used to it. Hope that helps.
  • Rachel89
    Rachel89 Posts: 68
    Thanks... i think that i am going to try it starting next month!!
  • landin503
    Watch out for side effects. I was extremely queezy and jittery!
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    You have to eat right and exercise with it....right? You can't just that the pill and drop the pounds...Right?
    So why are you going to put chemicals into your body? I will pull a post for you....but I do have to add
    DIET PILLS ARE DANGERSOUS AND DON'T WORK. It is a quick short fix and when you stop taking them, you are back where you started.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Here is the whole post
    If you don't believe me just read below to know about the bad effect of diet pills on your health and why you should stay away from them. And do you know that diet pills might not work after a while in helping you lose weight. Most of these diet pills work by curbing your appetite so that you can lower you calorie intake. But if you lower your calorie intake, your metabolism rate might drop down too.

    Slower metabolism will then result in slowing down your weight loss. So after a while people taking diet pills might notice that they are not losing much weight as they did earlier. So its really a very short term solution to weight loss.

    The bad effect of diet pills range from heart problems, seizures, irregular heartbeat, heart attack, hair loss, nervousness, high blood pressure and many more. These are reported by people consuming such pills.

    The ingredients contained in most diet pills, namely ephedrine and phentermine can also cause harmful side effects. Prolonged use of Phentermine is known to cause blurred vision, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting etc.

    Ephedrine can cause heart attacks and seizures. It has been linked to many deaths by heart attacks. It can also cause sleeplessness and nervousness.

    Even though many people are buying and using diet pills, they do not realize the severe damage they can be doing to their health. Most diet pills are not controlled by government or approved by FDA. The companies are just out there to make some quick bucks and you might be putting your health at risk if you are not aware of the bad effects of diet pills.

    So what do you do?

    Even though it is important to lose weight, keep in mind that you should look for healthy ways to lose weight.

    Eat healthy, maintain an active lifestyle, eat more of fruits and vegetables, drink sufficient quantity of water every day, do moderate exercise regularly and avoid junk food if you want to stay healthy and fit and lose excess weight.

    Here are the responses
    Quick fixes are just that, quick fixes. You may have some success with diet pills, but then the instant you stop taking them you balloon right back up. Why? Because you never really learned to alter your patterns of behavior, and to live/eat healthy.

    If you want a lifelong change, you have to work for it. PLUS a lot of those chemicals later turn out to be dangerous. Just look at ephedra :(

    I know all to well what diet pills can do, I was on Hidrocxycut (sorry for spelling) and I had used them for a month I got all these tinny red dots on my body, I lost 20 lbs that month but I stoped tacking them right after I saw the red dots. I will not use them ever agian. I plan to lose the weight the healthy way.
  • capricornio
    I did Hydroxicut a while ago and I Lost a lot, but I gaine it back. Have you read the Weight lost cure protocol, by Kevin Trudaue. In that book you'll find a lot helpfull tips and what to and what not to do. I am into Organic food and you taste the difference in all the food.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    I need to add one more thing......If diet pills worked, we would all be thin and the price of the pills would be a whole lot more.
  • Mary24
    Mary24 Posts: 398
    That was me who got all the RED dots on my body, That was the first and last diet pill I ever toke!
    I have been on MFP for almost 3 weeks now and I have lost 10 lbs The healthy way.

    I would say stay away from them, but what ever you do watch for side effects:flowerforyou:

  • moidyn
    moidyn Posts: 112
    I keep thinking about Oprah, one of the richest women in the world...
    If she couldn't find a magic pill to lose weight, what makes you think we can? She had to workout and eat right, just like the rest of us...
  • wagsgirls
    wagsgirls Posts: 144 Member
    i understand what you are saying about oprah having to work out just like we do, but i can't afford a personal trainer or someone to cook the right food for me. heck i can barely afford food! :smile: plus she doesn't have a job and house and family to keep up with. so i don't think a little aid in losing weight is a bad thing as long as you use it along with proper diet and excercise! i personally am thinking of trying it just to help me jump start my loss along with following this site. summer is just around the corner!:noway:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    So i have heard that diet pills aren't good for you but what do you think about Hydroxycut?
    I am thinking about starting to take it!

    Is there any particular reason you are doing this? I mean, it's a shortcut, and diet pills can be very dangerous. Eating right and exercise works for 90 some odd % of people, the ONLY reason most people have for using some kind of pill is because they want it faster. Seriously, I'm all for modern medicine, but this isn't medicine, I put this up there in the same class as unnecessary and dangerous surgeries like stomach stapling or liposuction, maybe not quite to that level but still.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Watch out for side effects. I was extremely queezy and jittery!

    two words : pooing blood.

    That was my experience. Not good.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    i understand what you are saying about oprah having to work out just like we do, but i can't afford a personal trainer or someone to cook the right food for me. heck i can barely afford food! :smile: plus she doesn't have a job and house and family to keep up with. so i don't think a little aid in losing weight is a bad thing as long as you use it along with proper diet and excercise! i personally am thinking of trying it just to help me jump start my loss along with following this site. summer is just around the corner!:noway:

    Have you read the small print on the commercials?? Results not typical. You can do the exact same thing eating right and exercise. Some they show are 20 in 18 weeks. That can be done with aid of exercise and proper eating. Why spend that money on a bottle of pills, when you can take that $20 and buy healthy food that will last you a few days.
    Summer is right around the corner and you can do this without a pill.
    I am going to try to get my best friends mom to get on here and do a post. She was a try all the fad diets. She is now in poor healthy. She almost died due to diet pills. She simply followed directions. She will never work a job again, or do the physical activities she used to do. She is lucky to be here today. She did Phen Phen and all those commericals that guarenteed weight loss.
    Think long and hard before purchasing the bottle. Think about how important your health it. If you feel that the quick fix is the way, you are a grown woman, it is your choice. Take the time and really think about it first. Research it. Don't research their site, it will prase it up and down, research it from webmd or other sites.
    Life it too short as it is.
  • timisw
    timisw Posts: 391 Member
    I dont mind the Hydroxycut or any product that raises your metabolism.

    However, you have to make sure you are:

    Physically Fit (checked by a doctor/physical)
    Eating Right
    Exercising More
    You drink more water than you were before.

    I am also with others in thinking that you dont really need the extra chemicals as if you do the above, you will lose weight. WIth that said, if it helps you, and you dont midn the "coffee rush" from all the caffeine and natural uppers, you can give it a try and see how it goes.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    i understand what you are saying about oprah having to work out just like we do, but i can't afford a personal trainer or someone to cook the right food for me. heck i can barely afford food! :smile: plus she doesn't have a job and house and family to keep up with. so i don't think a little aid in losing weight is a bad thing as long as you use it along with proper diet and excercise! i personally am thinking of trying it just to help me jump start my loss along with following this site. summer is just around the corner!:noway:
    I had a whole big diatribe that I wrote, I deleted it though, because it sounded way to preachy. I'll just say this, most of us are in the same situation (or similar) financially with food and the gym. I know our budget is tight. It's an excuse to take pills, not a reason. The proof is in the pudding, eating right and exercising works, maybe not as fast, but it works! why turn to dangerous chemicals when you can do it all on your own? That's just crazy IMHO.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    i understand what you are saying about oprah having to work out just like we do, but i can't afford a personal trainer or someone to cook the right food for me. heck i can barely afford food! :smile: plus she doesn't have a job and house and family to keep up with. so i don't think a little aid in losing weight is a bad thing as long as you use it along with proper diet and excercise! i personally am thinking of trying it just to help me jump start my loss along with following this site. summer is just around the corner!:noway:
    I had a whole big diatribe that I wrote, I deleted it though, because it sounded way to preachy. I'll just say this, most of us are in the same situation (or similar) financially with food and the gym. I know our budget is tight. It's an excuse to take pills, not a reason. The proof is in the pudding, eating right and exercising works, maybe not as fast, but it works! why turn to dangerous chemicals when you can do it all on your own? That's just crazy IMHO.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Watch out for side effects. I was extremely queezy and jittery!

    two words : pooing blood.

    That was my experience. Not good.

    Yep, I'd say TMI but I think we passed that 2 exits ago.