enlighten me-how to stay full during master cleanse.

I know a bunch of you out there have done it-did you eat anything at all to keep you going?
Almonds? Avocados? Fruit? Psyillium husk? C'mon I want to do this and do it WELL


  • dentedearmuffs1
    i think the point of master cleanse is that you don't eat or drink anything except that concoction. and that it's "effective" because that weird mix of ingredients curbs appetites/cravings while providing sufficient nutrients. that said, I'm not saying I actually believe in this. I've heard it can be a good quick temporary fix but definitely not something for the long run.
  • lehorrible
    lehorrible Posts: 4
    Im actually going to start this fast in two weeks time, and no, you don't eat anything. You're allowed to drink herbal teas mixed with maple syrup, water, and should drink about 6-8 glasses of the lemonade daily. You will gain all your weight back and ruin the detoxification purpose if you go back to your bad eating habits. It is for the long run, it is astart to a healthier lifestyle.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I know a bunch of you out there have done it-did you eat anything at all to keep you going?
    Almonds? Avocados? Fruit? Psyillium husk? C'mon I want to do this and do it WELL

    Ditch the fads, eat less, move more....
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Im actually going to start this fast in two weeks time, and no, you don't eat anything. You're allowed to drink herbal teas mixed with maple syrup, water, and should drink about 6-8 glasses of the lemonade daily. You will gain all your weight back and ruin the detoxification purpose if you go back to your bad eating habits. It is for the long run, it is astart to a healthier lifestyle.

    You're going to gain it all back anyway no matter what you do because any weight that is lost on this cleanse will be water weight and will come right back once you re-hydrate your body.

    To OP:
    As someone else said.. Ditch the master cleanse. Eat less, move more.. it's that simple.
  • yurhynesskilbs
    I am currently on a modified master cleanse (day 7 7 lbs down) I recieved from a Holistic Dr. Its more so a Total Body Cleanse. Its mostly the same ingridents however it contains ginger and echineca (using unpasterized juice from Trader Joes). With all the ingridents lemon, ginger, echineca, and grade B dark Maple syrup. Im intaking between 1100-1200 Calories a Day. I also take 4 cayenne pepper pills that have coolray outside. The Maple B dark organic syrup sticks to me like oatmel.. I also drink 1/2 my body weight in water.. So far so good. Also the other part of it is to phase off correctly too. I did this cleanse to detox my insides and rid of things I've eaten previously since Im giving up beef.

    I have 2 friends that have completed this Modified MC and have kept the weight off. One is in 8 months of keeping it off and the other its been 6 months.

    friend 1) Did Modified MC for 12 days lost 25 lbs, then took a 60 day break and kept a 1200 calorie a day diet w/ 1/2 body wt water, and fiber lost 5 lbs in that 60 days, Did a round 2 of Modified MC for 10 days and lost 15 pounds. She has kept this weight off for 8 months now, and eats 1500 calories a day and workouts 1 hour 4 days week cardio/weight training

    friend 2) just did 15 days of Modified MC and dropped 18 lbs and kept it off for 6 months. She also transitioned to a pescatarian after cleanse. She was ridding her body of meat..

    Hope this works. The Ginger and Echineacea also is a bonus cause it helps with the nausea some get during Cleanse and Echinecea is a healing property amognst other things

    Hope this helps
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    You will gain all your weight back and ruin the detoxification purpose if you go back to your bad eating habits.
    And how does ingesting nothing but lemonade and maple syrup teach you anything about good eating habits?
    It is for the long run, it is astart to a healthier lifestyle.
    Um no, master cleanse is not for the long run.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    I know a bunch of you out there have done it-did you eat anything at all to keep you going?
    No. I refrained from eating anything but maple syrup, lemon juice and cayenne pepper. By the second day, I was whisked away by my animal guide to a real life version of Candy Land. There, I gorged on lollipop fence posts, taffy toilet paper and cotton candy clouds. Then, I woke up in the hospital.
    No. Almonds have carbs!
    No. Avocados have fat!
    No. Fruit has sugar!
    Psyillium husk?
    No. Psyllium husk will make your stools soft. I like mine beefy.
    C'mon I want to do this and do it WELL
    Oh. You want to do it well? Then, don't do a silly "cleanse".

    The body does an excellent job of "cleansing" itself. Just treat it right and it will treat you right. There is no "cleanse" as effective as simply eating well.

    "The best way to 'detox' the body is simply to let your body do its job. Unless you have a medical problem, your body takes care of itself quite nicely, experts say.

    "The liver and kidneys are nature's best-kept secret, because they are the weapons to eliminate toxins from your body," says Gerbstadt. "If you are concerned about certain substances in your diet, it is easier and safer to simply eliminate [those substances] rather than engage in unhealthy detox plans."


    According to Chau Che MD, with New York University:

    "Despite evidence to the contrary, the idea that colon cleansing is therapeutic by removing impurities, lives on. However, these claims largely fail to consider normal physiology. The digestive tract has inherent properties that work to clean our colon. After food ingestion, the small intestine absorbs nutrients and contracts to move indigestible residue into the colon. The colon continues the digestive process by absorbing and secreting electrolytes and fluids while its resident bacteria ferments the undigested food products. These are just some of the many mechanisms in which the digestive tract works in order to ensure that the colon does not become encrusted with fecal matter as some products claim. The black, rubbery material passed on a colon cleanse is actually a byproduct from the supplements and fiber in the colon cleansing product as opposed to old fecal material, in which consumers are led to believe."

    Reviewed by Michael Poles MD and Fritz Francois MD, NYU Division of Gastroenterology

    Also, check out this article: http://lifehacker.com/5908996/why-body-detoxification-is-a-myth-and-you-should-stop-wasting-money-on-detox-products
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Have some self respect. Eat food.
  • indigochilds
    indigochilds Posts: 69 Member
    If you're fasting, your not suppose to eat anything, until its over. Then your suppose to break from the fast properly. If you eat as soon as its over even if its a piece of small fruit. You will be in pain. Please do your research before attempting this. You will be in a world of pain, and I do mean literally.

    However, may I ask why do you want to fast? It's something that should not be taken lightly. I've done it 2 years ago for 10 days. Your better off just eating a lot of fruit and vegetables and drinking water. To get your body back into its normal flow.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Have some self respect. Eat food.

    This is the best enlightening that you'll get.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    oh.never mind...i thought it read "struck by lightening"
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Your better off just eating a lot of fruit and vegetables and drinking water. To get your body back into its normal flow.
    That always gets my bowels flowing! :drinker:
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    Im actually going to start this fast in two weeks time, and no, you don't eat anything. You're allowed to drink herbal teas mixed with maple syrup, water, and should drink about 6-8 glasses of the lemonade daily. You will gain all your weight back and ruin the detoxification purpose if you go back to your bad eating habits. It is for the long run, it is astart to a healthier lifestyle.

    You're going to gain it all back anyway no matter what you do because any weight that is lost on this cleanse will be water weight and will come right back once you re-hydrate your body.

    To OP:
    As someone else said.. Ditch the master cleanse. Eat less, move more.. it's that simple.

    I have done the Master Cleanse twice...Once to jump start my weight loss and another time to break a plateau. If you continue to exercise and eat healthy and count calories you will keep all of it off. I did.
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    I did not eat any food at all during the cleanse. It is very hard, most people can't get past the second day. I actually felt amazing during the cleanse and my skin was as soft as a baby's behind. I did it for 7 days and the 2 days maintenance and then just transitioned to healthy eating...There is nothing wrong with doing a cleanse a few times a year.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    All you need is sunlight. You can survive on it for ... days.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
  • SuperAmie
    SuperAmie Posts: 307 Member
    I dont know if this was said already but you can have as much water and peppermint tea as you want!! Just mke sure you make enough of the cleanse that your never hungry but to switch it up have lots of water and peppermint tea too... Make sure you get the book.. its not just "here drink this for 8 days" theres alot more to it...
  • slbeutler
    slbeutler Posts: 205
    Im actually going to start this fast in two weeks time, and no, you don't eat anything. You're allowed to drink herbal teas mixed with maple syrup, water, and should drink about 6-8 glasses of the lemonade daily. You will gain all your weight back and ruin the detoxification purpose if you go back to your bad eating habits. It is for the long run, it is astart to a healthier lifestyle.

    I know someone who did this and she ended up in the ICU because her organs shut down. Don't do it, just eat whole healthy foods and drink water.
  • SheehyCFC
    SheehyCFC Posts: 529 Member
    I have done the Master Cleanse twice...Once to jump start my weight loss and another time to break a plateau. If you continue to exercise and eat healthy and count calories you will keep all of it off. I did.
    Congratulations on your weight loss - but you are the exception not the rule. **EDIT - Just noticed you said "exercise and eat healthy and count calories" - that works, period. No need for a cleanse if you are doing those 3 correctly.

    OP - the tried and true pattern of eating healthy and getting good exercise works. Please try that for 3-6 months and see how you do.
  • xlolitabandita
    I would seriously take the advice to not do this. Really, your body cleanses itself. If you want to lose weight eat a healthy, balanced diet, and throw in some cardio and weight training. You'll look better, you'll feel better, and you won't have to gorge yourself on syrup. I know it's your choice, and you haqve the right to do whatever you want but seriously consider the damage this can do to your body.