Snacks for the week...What do you buy?



  • juliee274
    juliee274 Posts: 124 Member
    one slice of bread with cream cheese is only 100 cals

    That sounds great but most of the bread I see is more like 100 cals just for the bread with another 50-100 on top of that for the cream cheese...the only one I know of that is less is a 45 calorie sara lee bread but the slices are so small....

    Nature Own 100% Whole Wheat is 50 calories a slice and has no HFC (and it's a "regular" slice of bread!)

    If you don't want the calories of peanut butter, you can use PB2 (they also have a chocolate flavor!)...with PB2 and Nature's Own, you could make a peanut butter sandwich for 150 calories! Add some mashed up fresh berries or use no sugar jam for a 200 calorie snack!
  • jillzin
    jillzin Posts: 3 Member
    Trader Joe's is my crackden, and I'm constantly going there to look for new stuff, like:
    Seaweed snacks (try the Wasabi with caution!) = 60 calories
    Lite Kettlecorn = 110 calories
    Mini Brie Bites = 70 calories
    Mini rice crackers = 110 (35 crackers)
    100 calorie chocolate bars (dark and milk chocolate)

    Other things of note:
    Quaker Cinnamon Roll Bar = 140 cals, 6 g protein, 5 g fiber
    Quaker Peanut Butter Choc Chip Bars 25% less sugar = 100 cals
    Kellogg's Pastry Crisps = 100 cals for 2 bars
    Pirate Booty (1oz) = 130 cals
    Cottage cheese single packs
    String cheese w/jalapeno (like the kick)
    Soynuts = 140 calories for 1/3 cup

    Yes, some of it's processed food, but I get in my fruits and veggies too. But I'm a snacker, and sometimes I just need it...(see my crackden note above).
  • Tall_E
    Tall_E Posts: 182 Member
    Protein bars, green smoothies (I make my own or am picky about buying good ones), leftovers from last night's dinner, whole wheat pita or wholesome pita chips or veggies and hummus which I doctor up with sun dried tomatoes, olives and such, a whole avocado, whole kiwis, almond or peanut butter on an apple, green salsa on slices of squash or cucumber, use applesauce as a dip with crunchy sesame crackers or other favorite, dates and raw almonds together... I find that trying new pairings for fruits and veggies and/or nuts wakes my taste buds up and it's fun to experiment.
  • Embera
    Embera Posts: 291 Member
    one slice of bread with cream cheese is only 100 cals

    That sounds great but most of the bread I see is more like 100 cals just for the bread with another 50-100 on top of that for the cream cheese...the only one I know of that is less is a 45 calorie sara lee bread but the slices are so small....

    we have generic wallmart weat bread and one slice is 60 cal one tbs is 40 cal
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    Ooh I love mini meals and snacking too. Lately I'm all over air popped corn with olive oil and sea salt. I like a cheese string and V8. Protein shake and and friut like banana. Almonds or other nuts. Carrots and cellary with humas. Yogurt or cottage cheese and frozen friut. Latte. Half a sandwich. Oatmeal. Anything that is a meal could be a snack in small portions. Oh and jerky. :-) have fun.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Anything dipped in hummus! Veggies, fruit, bell peppers, etc.
    Laughing cow cheese wedges w/ crackers.
    Skinny Cow Ice Creams
    Quaker lightly salted rice cakes smeared w/ a little peanut butter or a laughing cow cheese wedge.
    Snap pea crisps
    Pita chips
    Jello/pudding cups
    String cheese
  • TabiNS
    TabiNS Posts: 15
    one slice of bread with cream cheese is only 100 cals

    That sounds great but most of the bread I see is more like 100 cals just for the bread with another 50-100 on top of that for the cream cheese...the only one I know of that is less is a 45 calorie sara lee bread but the slices are so small....

    Oroweat Jewish Rye Bread is only 70 calories a slice, and decently sized. I usually top my bread with sugar free jam (I love peach and strawberry). Only about 80 calories in all. :-)
  • JWolf7911
    JWolf7911 Posts: 63 Member
    Fruits, veggies, fiber one bars, homemade smoothies, pistachios or other nuts, yogurt, hummus...
  • schlange11b
    schlange11b Posts: 105 Member
    Tuna with honey mustard. DELICIOUS! Almost zero fat, high protein, and surprisingly filling. :)
  • Perisylpha
    Perisylpha Posts: 139
    i really love nature valley granola bars and dried pineapple rice cakes r good too celery and peanutbutter, one slice of bread with cream cheese is only 100 cals

    The Nature Valley bars get my vote too. I also like dried pitted dates, pecan nuts and fruit...and the occasional slice of wholemeal bread.
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    One of my faves:

    8 low fat whole wheat or multigrain crackers like triscuits
    2 slices cheddar cheese
    8 slices cucumber

    Split the cheese into 4 pieces and put one piece of cheese and one slice of cucumber in each cracker :) So yummy!!!
  • phillieschic
    phillieschic Posts: 615
    Emerald Cocoa Roast Almonds: Dark Chocolate flavor
    Red Delicious Apples
    Eat Smart Garden Veggie Crisps
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    strawberries and light cool whip, with chopped peanuts

    celery and peanut butter

    wheat bread with peanut butter and banana

    orange slices and string cheese
  • cindiva65
    cindiva65 Posts: 335 Member
    Im hooked on Hormel Turkey pepperoni
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Chicken.....most sundays we grill and I make 3 - 4 oz portions to freeze and have for snacks. I'll season several different ways so I have choices. This came from months of too many high carb/sugar snacks and trying to figure out how to maximize protein and get a better macro balance - definitely still very much a work in progress for me :)
  • Brianabomb
    Brianabomb Posts: 87 Member
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    Natural Peanut Butter - Goes with me everywhere
    Protein Mix Whey
    Protein Mix Soy
    Uncle Ben's Natural Whole Grain Brown Rice "microwavables"
    Brown Rice Cakes
    Almonds Jalepno smokehouse flavor
    Almonds covered in Cocoa
    Dole Real Bites with yougurt and whole grain oats
    Instant Oatmeal
    Greek Yogurt Singles
    Pre-Made Smoothie
    Fiber One Cereal - I eat with no milk
    Budding 90 cal pack Turkey or Chicken

    I can fill my macros really good with those items
  • arykh24
    arykh24 Posts: 64
    the Atkins brand snack bars are delicious!!!
  • RDalton84
    RDalton84 Posts: 207
    one slice of bread with cream cheese is only 100 cals

    That sounds great but most of the bread I see is more like 100 cals just for the bread with another 50-100 on top of that for the cream cheese...the only one I know of that is less is a 45 calorie sara lee bread but the slices are so small....

    Wonder makes a Wheat bread called Smart Bread, it's 50 cals per slice and looks and tastes like real bread lol it's yummy
  • dlongshot7
    dlongshot7 Posts: 79
    My snacks range from fruit (Green grapes, Apples, Strawberries, or Pineapple), veggies (raw carrots YUMMY!, cucumbers), Rice Cakes (butter popcorn is my new favorite), yogurt with granola, almonds or sunflower seeds.