Is it true that the fitter you are the more you sweat?



  • LauraJWStevenson
    LauraJWStevenson Posts: 55 Member
    I was going to say.... that obese people SWEAT alot...harder for thier body to stay cool. I have always sweated...when younger and ran track, I had to take salt pills. Before Gatoraid! LOL!! Always have drank alot of water. If I don't sweat....I have heat stroke. That has happened only once....and it was HOT!! I knew something was wrong right away and got outta of the gym and in the A/C. So I'll take the sweat...and jump in the shower as much as I need too. So I don't think its true....I would think its geneitic.(SP?)
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Ya know, I believe it! I use to could walk and workout hard and barely break a sweat, now I sweat a lot quicker.
  • apapandrea
    apapandrea Posts: 30
    There's a lot of research and articles on sweating vs efficient sweating.

    Unfit people sweat a lot as they tend to have more mass to cool

    however - Fit people sweat more efficiently. I read they will start sweating during the warm up because the body knows a workout is coming so it starts the "cool off" earlier - hence pry why it seems as though you are sweating more when rather you are sweating more efficiently.

    this is what I've found in my reading too, and it does fit with my personal experience in becoming more fit!
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Yes, that is normal. The body adapts to increased workload by improving its ability to cool itself.
    How, by growing more sweat glands?
    It stores more water (primarily in increased blood volume) and increases the sweat rate. It also changes the composition of the sweat so you lose less electrolyte.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I've always been a crazy sweater. I walk out of the gym and my body is cold to the touch. Always been that way. I remember back when I was playing vball, during timeouts, my teammates would grab my arms b/c they were like ice.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I used to overheat massively when I started working out, now I just drip sweat... :blushing:
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    I say no. In fact you sweat more when you are fat. Hell, I've seen fat people sweat from all the "exertion" it takes to eat. No lie.
    OMG, hilarious. I've seen this many times under the bright lights at the dinner table watching my dad go to town. Hot cooked food increases body T
  • Grandysl
    Grandysl Posts: 189
    I have noticed this too. I now sweat so much I have to change my socks between my cardio exercises. My t-shirts, which are on top of a compression shirt, look like I jumped in the pool. I could wring them out. Its CRAZY! I leave puddles on the floor next to the stationary bke which I have to cleanup. There have been puddle in the foot things on the elliptical! I was actually starting to worry until I started finding out others were in the same boat!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    For me, I don't think so. When I first started working out I sweat a LOT, even while walking. Now that I've lost 34lbs I don't sweat unless I jog so now I'm going to do that more often. I miss that yucky, salty sensation. lol
  • tquig
    tquig Posts: 176 Member
    Maybe you're able to workout harder then you were able to before so sweating more?

  • Sagelit
    Sagelit Posts: 78
    Thank you for this set of information. I have never sweated very much at all, but my face turns purple. I've noticed that has got better as I get more fit, but I'd really just like to be completely normal, lol!
  • ChelseaM18
    ChelseaM18 Posts: 303
    Hmmm i'm not sure? Although I find this to be the case with me too.

    I think it could be the whole one falls into another with living better and getting fitter. The fitter you are the longer you can exercise for and to a higher intensity which causes more sweat I guess? Plus generally I tend to drink more water and hydrate more the more I exercise, so perhaps this is it? I dunno lol, my two cents.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I have no idea, but the fitter I get, the hairier I get. Seriously, my chest is starting to resemble a dead badger.
  • dianacannon89
    dianacannon89 Posts: 235 Member
    I seem to sweat more when I drink more water
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    The more you can raise your body temperature (and sustain) during exercise determines how much you sweat
    It's like having a very low-grade fever, great for killing off bacteria but not damaging at all (why exercise boosts immunity + improved lymphatic circulation)

    This makes the germophobe in me want to hit the gym immediately and start killing bacteria.

    ... but it would probably even out with all the bacteria already at the gym.... :sick:
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I really hope that the more fit you are the more you sweat is NOT true b/c I am not fit & I sweat so bad while working out....And sometimes just doing normal everyday things I can break out in a major sweat....So if this is true I am not sure how I will work out once I get more fit unless I do it in the rain or in the
  • bellyake3
    bellyake3 Posts: 135 Member
    I've also noticed my sweat has changed. It went from salty to not that bad?
  • gamehen2
    gamehen2 Posts: 45 Member
    I used to sweat massive gross quantities, but I found that when I'm not drinking pop, it's more under control. In fact, I had a day where I backslide and drank a bunch of coke zero and sure enough, the next day I was back to grossly dripping sweat. I still sweat,sure, but the sweating is more "normalized".
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    A lot of it is genetic. I've always sweat a lot during exercise, whether I was fit or unfit
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    I think I read somewhere that each person is wired differently when it comes to sweating. It takes a lot to get me to sweat, except for hot flashes. :laugh: