Just messed up BIG time :(

I totally just pigged out on Mexican food, and of course, am feeling SO guilty!!! WHY do I do this?!?! UGH...


  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    You did it because you're human!
    Just cut back your calories a little each day for the rest of the week, push yourself to work out harder too.
  • girlyhurley
    We all have those moments! A book I recently read had this quote "Setbacks pave the way for comebacks!" This is just a setback. . .you can do it! the comeback will be phenomenal!
  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    Treating yourself once a week is actually a good thing...it keeps the body guessing.
  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    As long as we're confessing I just ate a whole Zero bar and a bag of Golden Flake potato chips about 600 calories total. So you're not alone. We mess up, it happens. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • TheTallMan
    TheTallMan Posts: 23 Member
    It happens, I had Chinese food last night. I've learned that entertaining a less-than-ideal meal from time to time keeps me sane and dedicated the other 99% of the time.
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    Log it and move on. Tomorrow will be better.
  • pmad37
    pmad37 Posts: 105 Member
    Life happens - I had Heath Bar cake....the sun will still come up tomorrow and I will make up for it.....
  • veggievixen79
    veggievixen79 Posts: 109 Member
    Yup. I had yogurt covered raisins....540 calories worth. I wasn't even hungry!

    Tomorrow is a new day.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    You are a human being, not a robot. It is unrealistic to believe you will be perfect 100% of the time.

    That said, I occasionally have mexican, indian, chinese, or many other foods that I know will put me over. It hasn't messed me up long term. I might have a short term gain due to the sodium or whatever, but that usually disappears and doesn't impact the overall loss.
  • KristysLosing
    KristysLosing Posts: 683
    It happens, I had Chinese food last night. I've learned that entertaining a less-than-ideal meal from time to time keeps me sane and dedicated the other 99% of the time.

    I agree 110% with this. :smile:
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Remember the way you feel now and next time you go to make a similar 'mistake', you might be able to steer yourself toward a healthier option. There is always tomorrow. =)
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    I totally just pigged out on Mexican food, and of course, am feeling SO guilty!!! WHY do I do this?!?! UGH...

    I did that last week. I wanted Taco Bell badly and I ate it. It was awesome and I got right back on the band wagon the next day. I know people have differing opinions on cheats, etc. but for me, I have to give in every once in a while or I feel totally deprived.
  • durhamity
    durhamity Posts: 174 Member
    Just eat better for the rest of the day, drink lots of water to flush out that extra sodium and get your workout in sometime today. Tomorrow will be better! :flowerforyou:
  • kendib
    kendib Posts: 155 Member
    It happens to everyone. I love Mexican food and one of the ways that I combat eating to much is to do the following:
    1. I count out 10-12 chips from the bowl and move it way. 10-12 chips is about a serving and eat as much salsa I would like with those chips. If I want more I count out more but then I know I have had 2 servings.

    2. Order a la carte or off the kids/light menu. I just eat my premeal chips and salsa and don't need more than this portion but if I order a full portion I will eat it cause it is in front of me.

    My biggest thing is not to mindlessly eat and to be aware of how much and what I am eating.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    it's done, now it's time to move on. Start drinking lots of water to help flush it out and remember tomorrow is a new day!
  • artbkward
    artbkward Posts: 238 Member
    No use dwelling on it now, but there is plenty of day left. Go for a jog or a walk or something!
  • Blodnie
    Blodnie Posts: 66
    I did that last week. I wanted Taco Bell badly and I ate it. It was awesome and I got right back on the band wagon the next day. I know people have differing opinions on cheats, etc. but for me, I have to give in every once in a while or I feel totally deprived.

    This.. definitely.
  • irishcanadianwoman
    As posted above....Log it and move on. The key word is 'move'... Keep moving forward physically and mentally.
    I love the motto, "Just because I fall half way down the stairs does not mean I should throw myself down the other half!"
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Because it's delicious!!!! Forgive yourself, move on, and do better tomorrow! No worries. One day won't derail your efforts.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I totally just pigged out on Mexican food, and of course, am feeling SO guilty!!! WHY do I do this?!?! UGH...

    MMmmm. Me too. Except for the guilty feeling part. I'm going to make chicken fajitas when I get home to make up for it.

    Do you do it every day? If not, don't get too down.

    Keep on truckin! Rome wasn't built in a day and it wasn't torn down the next day.