I need help please



  • WaimanaloMan
    WaimanaloMan Posts: 160 Member
    Don't lose heart man, you can kick this things butt!
  • Leah_T
    Leah_T Posts: 17 Member
    Hang in there. If the "big" goal seems impossible, make small goals for yourself. If the number on the scale is frustrating you make your goals behavior related. Make goals like....i will walk 1 mile a day 5 days a week or i will cut back on eating ____ . I will eat a piece of fruit every day. If it helps you be more accountable, post your goals once a week (and make them challenging but reasonable). The last thing you need to do is make goals that you will never be able to achieve and then feel like a failure. Each week you need to make sure that you do at least as much as you did the week before, and maybe add a little. When you are tempted to quit, just think that each day you stick with it is one more day you are closer to your goal. Each day you put off, is one more day you have to work towards your goal. (and if you put it off forever you will never get there...."tomorrow never comes:). I never believed those people that would say that exercise makes them have energy. I was always tired, however i have finally experienced what they meant. Stick with it.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Every day that you eat healthier, do a little more moving around, and tell yourself that YOU ARE WORTH IT are adding years and a better future to your life! We all have challenges and we all get down, but the main thing is to keep going forward. When you have a bad day - start again the minute you recognize where you're going. We all know it's hard on MFP. Otherwise we wouldn't be here. None of us gained it overnight and none of us will lose it overnight. Be strong!!!!
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    Don't give up hope. So many that have replied are correct -- you didn't get here overnight, you can't change it overnight. This is a journey and not a destination and there will be bumps along the road. We've all been there. Lean on the support here within MFP and reach out when frustrated. There are lots of people who use this site and are willing to provide the necessary support and assistance to help you be successful.

    Do this for yourself because YOU CAN!
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    Hey there fellow 42yo caucasian male!

    I've hung around this site long enough (baha 5 months) to have seen plenty of peoples' experiences - and the fact of the matter is that a person's body is a stubborn *kitten*.

    Example: I went up 2.5 lbs from yesterday morning to today. Not a plateau, mind you, but TWO AND A HALF POUNDS IN ONE FREAKING DAY.

    A while back, I would have probably hung it up at that point - but I hear from other folks' experiences that this (a) is not unusual, and (b) nothing to worry about. And actually, I've come to really believe that.

    The path we've all chosen is not a short-term quick fix. It's a journey for the rest of our lives, and it's not possible for every single day to be an "upper." I've learned to shrug at the flatlines and give setbacks a smack in the head. They're just temporary, after all - and I have many, many moons to leave them in the dust.

    Good luck - and keep on fighting the good fight. You're worth it!
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    OH and also, scales are evil.

    I get a whole lot more satisfaction when I realize that I just climbed a flight of stairs and can still breathe, or I survived yet another Jillian Michaels workout.

    The side bonuses are more encouraging to me than the semi-random number I see in the morning on this devilish little device, because they reflect real and tangible progress - not some fleeting thing that might not be there tomorrow.
  • bakatare2k
    bakatare2k Posts: 17
    Todd, believe me yes starting was the hardest thing to do. But little changes help (change in diet, change in exercise change in thinking). Brother its just going to take some time. Little goals always help also.

    I just started on March 1 2012 and have lost 33 Lbs. as of yesterday, just watching what I eat and doing my elliptical for at least 30 min.

    Keep up with it and you will see results. Also remember you have all of us out here for support!
  • kecarlto
    kecarlto Posts: 49 Member
    Todd!!! Don't give up!!! The quest to being healthier is hard. I've lost 53 lbs, sure, but it's taken me over 2 years to do it and I still have a long way to go. And, yes, I've given up myself and then kicked my own @$$ and got back on it. It takes time but you will start to feel better. You can do it!! :happy:
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi Todd:

    JUST THE FACT that you're HERE is a step in the right direction!!! You must have been thinking about your health, and losing weight, and wondering what the heck to do about that! We all want an EASY way, a quick route..........but, you have to know that anything GOOD takes time and effort.

    As most others have said: take baby steps. Make reasonable goals. Don't kick yourself when you stumble - just get back up and keep on moving.

    An interesting thing I heard recently. I love frogs. My family calls me pollywog, and frogs are cool.........and this person pointed out to me, "did you know that frogs CANNOT move backwards? They can only move forward!!" And I thought.......I WANT to be like that frog. I want to move forward, to NOT look back, to see the glimmer on the horizon.

    You can do this, Todd. You KNOW inside that you can........but it's locked up in fear and failure and sadness. Break out of the box, and move FORWARD.

    We're all behind you. Take care...........

    Polly :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • oceanviewdream
    oceanviewdream Posts: 56 Member
    Hey Todd, Hang in there, I have been on here for awhile and I loose and then I gain back and then start over but I keep pushing myself for the end result.... I have taken baby steps gave up soda then went for more healthy choices, fruits veggies. Take the time you need and try new things and take the baby steps and celebrate the small accomplishments and the rest will come in time . Friend me if you like and we can continue on our journeys with motivation from others.....
  • Hi Todd. You CAN do this! Don't give up! I know it seems like forever but you will succeed if you keep trying. Best wishes! :)
  • todd6977
    todd6977 Posts: 400 Member
    wow what can i say thank god i found this site and thank you for the support it is just what i needed all of you are the greatest!!
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    Hey there! Own your journey! You started it......you FINISH it! I believe you can achieve anything when you set your heart and mind to it. I know it seems so out of reach at times, but it truly is right around the corner. Chin up ~ hang in there. We are all here for you and for each other. Feel free to add me as I like kicking some butt when people get down!..LOL :bigsmile:
  • Don't you dare give up! You deserve so much more for yourself! Hang in there and when the going gets tough and you have a bad day just get up the next day and start refreshed! Keep your chin up and always know YOU deserve to be happy and healthy!
  • cbh142
    cbh142 Posts: 270 Member
    It's not going to come off overnight. Maybe try setting a small goal first like 20 lbs by september or whatever you think is doable. This is so worth it! Please don't give up.
  • kbownds65
    kbownds65 Posts: 3
    Don't give up Todd!! I felt the same way you did when I started a couple of weeks ago. It takes time. I have lost 3 lbs in 2 weeks. Would I like to see it come off faster? Absolutely! But, I have done the diets where you lost 5-10 lbs per week consistently and, guess what? I gained it all back!!!

    I promise you it will be worth it!

  • mommeex6
    mommeex6 Posts: 16 Member
    I just found this website this morning and the words are very helpful and encouraging! Check it out!! HANG IN THERE!
    Weight loss meditations to give you encouragement and motivation on your thinner journey. http://www.secretsofaweightlossmaster.com/weight-loss-wisdom.html
  • tcbutler
    tcbutler Posts: 146
    C'mon Todd! Don't give up! You can do it! Don't let yourself down. We are all here for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    dont give up!

    keep in mind that it takes 3-4 weeks to create a habit. until then you have to always think about what you're doing and why you're doing it and force yourself to do it if necessary . after a month of that it'll be less of a struggle. just think of the you a month from now cheering you on to reach him there. then once you reach him, think of the you 3 months from now cheering you on from there, etc visualize that until you see the goal you cheering you on.

    you can do this! :happy:
  • Burrittanee
    Burrittanee Posts: 18
    Don't give up! there are so many people here that support you! we're all here for the same reason! You can do it, stay focused, motivated, and remember what you want. Keep your eye on the prize!