Getting hate for wanting to recover from..

My BMI used to be 16 due to starvation when I was 14. Now it's currently 18.6-18.7 and people say I'm already looking pudgy and that I don't need to gain more weight even though my body isn't functioning properly.
I feel so horrible now. People on here that are anorexic and still losing weight are telling me im disgusting and ruining all my hard work and I'm going to get fat and huge like a house
My lowest I was only 69 pounds. I still feel cold, I'm anemic, my hormones are out of whack and I act insane and not normal. ):
I'm miserable. Gaining weight is scary though.
I gain weight quite easily and am doing it all by myself. no parents help or anything ( they dont care or believe im even sick )

should I continue eating or just..go back like I want to ):
currently eating 1,200-1,300


  • sarar_smiles
    Continue eating! It's way more important to be healthy then to be super-skinny, which isn't even attractive to anyone but other anorexics. You're getting healthier, and that's what matters. Ignore the nay-sayers -- they're not worth your time. :)
  • LadyKatieBug
    LadyKatieBug Posts: 178 Member
    I agree with the other poster as well
  • lovelysummerbabe2012
    its just horrible though! I see people everywhere and I know I'm much smaller then them but I feel so BIG.
    And like everyone is beautiful and thin and I'm not. Magazines, TV, even seeing my family..):
  • dietstokes
    dietstokes Posts: 216 Member
    Most people I know with an eating disorder try and encourage those who are trying to recover to get better, not to get worse or even to stay the same. I say continue with your recovery. Good luck hun :) You seem to have made some wonderful progress so far!
  • jackibailey
    jackibailey Posts: 206 Member
    Of course you should continue eating, but you probably need to be under a doctors care. And you need to find friends and support on here that match your goals. Just because they're anorexic too doesn't mean that they're here to help you. It sounds like they're feeding your fear of being fat instead of supporting you in your goal to get healthy. Delete them. And go to the doctor.
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    I think you should get off this site and into a recovery center or otherwise under a professional's supervision. And I don't mean this in a snarky way. I hope you can find the help you need.
  • HolllyBot
    HolllyBot Posts: 33
    Get new friends on here, block the ones that give you grieg. Strong and healthy is sooooooooo much better looking than stick thin. Please eat. The damage done to your body can start repairing itself, and you'll start feeling better. Eat.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Why are you still friends w/ folks who are still suffering from ED's?

    It's like an alcoholic who's trying to quit drinking but still hangs out at the bars.

    You already know what the answer is to your question is. Find new friends, continue eating at healthy levels until you're eating at maintenance. Maintain body weight not by starving but by exercising moderately.

    I get the impression you don't want to live w/ an ED any longer. Time to cut those out of your life who are bringing you down and not supporting you.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Twilightsunflower
    Twilightsunflower Posts: 330 Member
    eat and block those who are telling you not too... your health is more important then what others say...i think they might be projecting their own body issues on you because they are jealouse of you taking control of your life and doing what they (yet) cant..your getting better..every day make the choice to live a healthy life!!
  • dancngdolfn
    dancngdolfn Posts: 81 Member
    Continue eating! It's way more important to be healthy then to be super-skinny, which isn't even attractive to anyone but other anorexics. You're getting healthier, and that's what matters. Ignore the nay-sayers -- they're not worth your time. :)

    I agree! Ignore them and get healthy that's what matters.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,096 Member
    1. Yes. Eat. You aren't seeing things clearly. Google Body Dymorphia.

    2. Stop talking to any friends you made in the ANA circle. Delete your profile from any ANA sites. You need healthy friends.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :bigsmile: you have worked hard to recover from your eating disorder....there will always be people who will try to drag you down with them....stay away from them......find friends and a group on MFP that applaud your desire to be healthy:bigsmile: don't let anyone steal your dream

    :bigsmile: you can stay recovered one day at a time.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Remeber the people giving you grief are in the throes of their own struggle, what they say isn't about you it is about them. Cut that toxicity off your friend list and out of your life and make friends with some of the incredible strong fit healthy supportive people on here :) x
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    Options know the answer. your body needs at least those 1200. that s the fuel you need to function properly and that is AT LEAST. you can probably do with more. ignore any comments from the peanut gallery. you have to be healthy. your body needs to work and so does your brain.
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    Well the anorexic people bashing you are being ignorant and neglecting your health and life. So that fact alone disqualifies anything that they have to say. Eat and be healthy. If you are concerned about the form that your weight takes, do some weight lifting to tone and turn those calories into healthy muscle. If the thin image is what you are after, that is attainable to realistic levels through proper nutrition and exercise while still maintaining a healthy body. Since you are trying to recover, you obviously know that just starving yourself isn't the way to go. Keep on your path and only listen to people that want you to be healthy and happy. There's a lot of people on here who have recovered from anorexia and I'm sure they would offer a lot of great advice and continued support via e-mail if you seek it out. I wish you the best.
  • mrf330
    mrf330 Posts: 19 Member
    I commend you, lovelysummerb, and can really only echo what others here have said. Keep eating and surround yourself with true friends; those who will support you rather than try to tear you down. Be proud of yourself for the steps you're taking to a healthier, longer life.
  • rbene07
    rbene07 Posts: 143 Member
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    I agree with those who say you should be under a doctor's care.
  • campi_mama
    campi_mama Posts: 350 Member
    anyone on your "friends" list who is giving you negative feedback, ditch them! Get some supportive people in your sphere. My heart goes out to you. Your body will level out once you get to a healthy weight. Be the best YOU that you can be. Eat foods that will nourish you and make you feel amazing (fresh fruits, and veggies, nuts etc). I know that it's hard to understand, but these people you see in magazines are airbrushed or photoshopped or have gone to unhealthy extremes. Do you want to live this way for the rest of your life? You are the only one who can control this. You don't have to be perfect, just the best version of yourself that you can be. You can do this. Be strong! You are AMAZING...
  • lovelysummerbabe2012
    I cannot go to the doctor. I have social anxiety anyways. Doctors scare me.
    She'll put me on like 3,000 calories or something crazy and I'm far to worried ):