C25K... Results...Sucesses



  • SmallTownSweetie03
    SmallTownSweetie03 Posts: 63 Member
    After I read your post I grabbed my iPhone and downloaded the app that you recommended! I have always wanted to try running, but have never known where to start or what to do! I am so excited to start tomorrow and I was totally inspired by your post!
  • SmallTownSweetie03
    SmallTownSweetie03 Posts: 63 Member
    After I read your post I grabbed my iPhone and downloaded the app that you recommended! I have always wanted to try running, but have never known where to start or what to do! I am so excited to start tomorrow and I was totally inspired by your post!
    I've been exercising for awhile, and can walk all day long, but I've never been a runner. But since I figured it was something I could do anywhere, and for the sake of the challenge, I started c25k on the last day of January. I followed the program exactly and finished it as scheduled. I'm still running 3 days per week and registered for my first 5k race at the end of this month!

    I do enjoy it, it's nice to get outside, and I usually run anywhere from 2 - 4 miles. I even managed 5 miles once, but I think it was too far too soon, and I ended up with some knee pain after that. And that's why I think the c25k program works so well - it keeps you from going too fast or too far too quickly. I ran as slow as I needed to in order to complete each day's running times.

    And I also think it has helped with my fat loss. I usually do various workout DVDs at home, some with weights, some more cardio, but the running really boosted the fat loss. I've lost a pants size and even hubby noticed that my back fat is gone. :bigsmile:

    I say go for it! You can see an overview of the program online, just Google it, and if you've got a smart phone, download an app (I used c25kFree by ZenLabs) and it will coach you through all the walking & running times. Make sure you have some good shoes, and do some stretching when you're done each time.
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I actually ran/brisk walked equal amounts of time tonight for 45 minutes... I may have found something that I actually enjoy! Nice!:smile:
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member

    Thank you... this exactly what I posted for! i have been walking briskly for several months and i think I could do it all day with no problem... but running...Just kills me, and my knees! You mentioned that you had knee issues..did that improve?

    I found my knee problems disappear when I walk/run in my proper running shoes. When I walk around the house or outside in regular shoes my knees and my back bother me.
  • Lady3683
    Lady3683 Posts: 3
    I just finished week 2 day two and I am really enjoying the program. I love how fast the weight is coming off, and it feels good to be able to meet my goals.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I'm a C25K success for sure! Two years ago I started it. I was determined to finally get in shape and had never EVER run a mile in my entire life. It felt like a huge undertaking, and it really was. I was 38 years old, 182 pounds and very sedentary (I'm 5'2"). I saw my future and it was bleak, so I figured why not set a goal and try and run a 5k??? I downloaded the podcasts called Podrunner Intervals and set out in the neighborhood. It was hard. I thought I was going to die. I didn't.

    Nine weeks later I ran my first 5k. That's all it took. A few months later I ran another one and shaved 5 minutes off my time. The follwoing spring I ran my first 10k. A few more 5k's (faster every time) and by last fall I ran my first half marathon. I still run only 3 days a week and do other stuff (weights, and currently P90X) on my other days. I just turned 40, I'm so close to my goal weight I can smell it, and I love my new life as a runner! I ran my second half marathon in April, I have my first 25k (that's 15.5 miles) on Saturday and I'm already training for my first full marathon in the fall.

    If I can become a runner, ANYONE can!!!! Take it easy, listen to your body and GET THE RIGHT SHOES!!!! Don't worry about speed until you have the base mileage down that you want. Speedwork will come in time. Just get out there and DO it. Trust me, this program works.
  • nightnurse2
    nightnurse2 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm on wk2 D1 of the C25K and like many of you, had never done any running, ever! It's not easy but I really look forward to my 'running' days and can't wait to be able to run for 30 minutes non stop! Please feel free to add me for support!
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    This may seem negative, but you may never love running--and that is okay. However, you may love the benefits to your overall health. The C25K program is a great tool for building stamina.
  • stacyshane
    stacyshane Posts: 1 Member
    I am on my last week of C25k. I've never been a runner and never thought I could do this. My race is scheduled for Saturday. Now all of the sudden I'm experiencing pain in my right foot with every stride. I'm so disappointed that I might not make my race :(
  • I am so happy I found this post tonight. I am starting C25K tomorrow morning, and was not looking forward to it!
  • Tkitchell
    Tkitchell Posts: 4 Member
    I am on week three day two and I love it. Like others have said--the first day I could barely run & felt like I was dying. Now I love it & can't hardly wait between days.
  • Lady3683
    Lady3683 Posts: 3
    I'm on week 3 day 1 now. (that last week was hard :( ) but I was able to run for all of the time that I was supposed to today, so I guess it's time to move on in the program.
  • Buettner22
    Buettner22 Posts: 129 Member
    I just finished week 5 day 1 and wow I was so proud of myself! Ive been having to squeeze 4 weeks of the program into 2 weeks so hopefully ill kind of be ready for my first 5K in a week and half. Im kind of freaking out about Thursdays run cause its 20mins straight but I promised myself id do this and darn it I'm going to do the best i can! 1 minute at a time thats what my mom keeps reminding me!!!
  • hpynh2o
    hpynh2o Posts: 194 Member
    Do it! C25K is a really great program and it works. Start slow and give your body (and mind) time to catch up to your abilities. Running comes with all kinds of benefits... great calorie burn, improved endurance, satisfaction for doing good, etc. Plus look at all the cook 5k runs you can do! :)
  • jerijett
    jerijett Posts: 14 Member
    I started C25K. completed week one but had some knee pain so I took a break. I'd really like to start up again because I was actually starting to get a runners high. Good luck!
  • babicak3z
    babicak3z Posts: 79 Member
    What app are u downloading???
  • whopua
    whopua Posts: 2
    Has anyone noticed something wrong with the timing of week 3 of podrunner intervals 1st day to 5k? The chime that tells you you are done and on to your 5min cooldown happens when I'm already walking. I've done it twice now and same result.
  • whopua
    whopua Posts: 2
    Also those of you having OUTER knee pain should look into a high density foam roller. You may have ITBS. I do and the foam roller has made all the difference.
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 557 Member
    Another c25k graduate here. I, too, had never run a mile in my life. When I started 9 weeks ago, I could barely run a minute. Friday, I ran 5k without stopping to walk for even a second. I did it again on Tuesday, and I will do it again tomorrow.

    I am actually, and officially, a runner! And it feels great!!

    The best advice I can give you is to slow down if it feels too hard. Endurance before speed. You can do it!!
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    I'm a former total couch potato, could barely run for 1 minute when I started the program last March. by the end of June I ran for a whole 40 minutes straight - I couldn't believe it!!! I also lost weight much more easily when doing C25K. Unfortunately I went on vacation in the beginning of July and never got back in the groove. I restarted about 2 weeks ago and just did week 5 day 1 - I'm glad I didn't have to start back at week 1.

    Definitely give the program a try - it really is doable. I had to repeat some days more than once, but that's okay - you still reach the goal line! Best of luck to you!