May-June 30DS challenge. Join here!



  • Zonera15
    Zonera15 Posts: 20 Member
    I completed day 4 yesterday! With the internet not working due to issues with the modem, I had to use a stop watch and list of the exercise to do the Shred. I hope day 5 goes well today!
  • pinklily905
    pinklily905 Posts: 106 Member
    Day 4 - DONE

    Not as sore which is a good thing.
  • fiona2785
    fiona2785 Posts: 82
    I've done day 3 & my legs have never felt anything like it! Actually going to have a day off the shred tomorrow because my legs literally buckled at the end of Zumba tonight. Urgh. Can barely get up the stairs, and I spend all day stood up at work so I don't want to do too much damage!!

    Also, does anyone have good suggestions for cool down stretches? I think my legs are struggling because I'm not stretching sufficiently at the end of the work out.

    I'm so impressed with everyone who's managing to keep going through every day!
  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 337 Member
    Day 6 completed. I can't believe how much fitter and slimmer I have gotten since starting. Also it gave me 1500 steps on my pedometre for the Global Corporate Challenge which starts today which is a great start to the day. Keep on going everyone.
  • Zonera15
    Zonera15 Posts: 20 Member
    I finished Day 5 a few minutes and i feel I did better! I was finally able to do some of the butterfly crunches (I've been subing normal crunches because I could not figure them out lol). Anyone having issues with their lower back due to the video? I don't know if it's the shred or just my posture, but my back has been killing me!
  • njmp
    njmp Posts: 277 Member
    Did day 4 today! I saw someone else talking about their calves too! And does anyone else feel like the shoulder presses go on FOREVER???? And I've heard the shoulder exercises just keep coming through the levels. Ah well...power through...
  • pinklily905
    pinklily905 Posts: 106 Member
    I like the shoulder presses!

    Day 5 - DONE!

    Proud of myself *grin*
  • adfabus
    adfabus Posts: 178 Member
    I took a day off yesterday due to not feeling well. So, I just finished day 3 tonight. I can say that my body does not hurt near as much as it did yesterday and I can tell a difference in my endurance. JM ROCKS!
  • ler2665
    ler2665 Posts: 22 Member
    I started a few days earlier than many of you, but I moved up to level 2 today :-) I like the exercises... there are some fun ones but my shoulders are going to be sore as you are in a plank position like 1/3 of the time!
  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    I've already started the thirty day shred, I had joined a group but it was dead there. I gained like four pounds the first week and then lost it back. I'm at the end of week two now, but my weigh in is monday so hopefully more weight has come off, and inches!!! Inches are key!!

    I have lost 1/2 inch off my waist since starting and 1/2 inch on my hips. Keep it coming!!
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    Day 5 completed this morning. Thankfully muscle soreness has now gone and my endurance is up. More importnatly I can actually see the start of changes to my abs. So excited and so motivated to keep going.

    I just finished Day 5 also... My endurance is about the same... Push ups are still hard, I do the modified but my chest muscles feel like they want to rip themselves out! I can notice a bit of a difference in my abs though (wherever they are hiding underneath all my fluff)! Glad to know I'm not the only one :-)
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    @toadiejones That cheering section does work wonders. I finished day three today and my six year old does tries to do the workout with me because "she wants to be big and strong." It's so cute, and it keeps me very motivated. She totally beats me at jumping jacks.

    My brother cheers me on :-)
  • Zonera15
    Zonera15 Posts: 20 Member
    I did day 6 today and it went well! I'm definitely feeling a difference in my endurance as well! I can keep up with JM better which is encouraging. I've only lost about .5 off of my smallest part of my waist and I feel like I look slimmer though i've only lost like 2 pounds since i started the Shred.

    I don't know about you guys, but posting here daily helps me remember what day i'm on! haha, anyone else with me on this?
  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 337 Member
    L1 - Day 7 done. I managed to do all the cardio properly today (before I modify the jump rope). Go team me.

    I definitely like checking in to remind me what day I am up too and to just keeping going.
  • aeris2126
    aeris2126 Posts: 7
    Day five complete! It's amazing to see how many more (modified) push-ups I can do in comparison to day one. Those side lunges with arm lifts are still kicking my butt though. I can do the whole first set with no problem, but only about half of the second and wind up finishing them without the weights. :-(
  • Stephyshoes
    Stephyshoes Posts: 45 Member
    Day 3 completed. :) I definitely felt like I could keep up better today after having break - I use Thursday as my "rest" day because I see most of my clients on Thursday and by the time I get home I'm waaaay too tired to work out after chasing children around all day!

    I explained to my hubby that he has to leave me alone for 30 minutes in the morning each day this weekend so I can concentrate. He was like, "umm...okay...." Hahaha, I just don't like to see or be seen by other people when I'm working out!
  • pinklily905
    pinklily905 Posts: 106 Member
    Day 6 done today. Pushups and side lunges are killing me :( I suck at them!

    Won't be doing day 7 until Monday.
  • bonboncito
    bonboncito Posts: 234 Member
    bump for later
  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 337 Member
    Day 8 completed. It was completely knackering as I decided that it wold be a great idea to do the shred straight after a pilates class. I was dying like I did on Day 1. Looking forward to Day 10 when I wil take some measurements and progress photo's - hpoing that I will be able to see some changes as the scales are doing noting at the moment.
  • rebekah_anne81
    I'll give it a go. I've not had much success with it in the past in terms of actual weight loss, but I'll try again. Just got back of vacation and now my "big" pants don't even fit, so I gotta do something! :)