How Do You Keep the Momentum

jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
Question...I ALWAYS start out GREAT, but then I lose momentum--any suggestions?


  • michellereneejenkins
    michellereneejenkins Posts: 16 Member
    i need help there too...
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    Just keep reminding yourself why you're doing this (make sure you know why you're doing this first LOL)
  • 9jenn9
    9jenn9 Posts: 309 Member
    I hear you! Same for me. I'd say, just make sure you're not depriving yourself too much or it's a diet and not a lifestyle change. It's easy to fall off the wagon if your calories are too low or you're really rigid about doing it "perfect". When worse comes to worse, I try to go into maintenance mode till I can get myself back on track.
  • TeddyBear47
    TeddyBear47 Posts: 200 Member
    The best motivation usually comes out of desperation. Thats why you see many people lose a lot of weight initially and then put it back on when they tell themselves, I don't look that bad anymore. Let the circle of life begin. Those who don't learn from their mistakes (ME) are doomed to repeat them.
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    Thank you! Keep em' coming!!!
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    That's typically been my problem too--a few weeks of commitment, a bit of a loss, and then I either a) get bored with dieting or b) start eating whatever I want as soon as I start to feel a little better. This is the first time I've stayed on a "diet" more than about six weeks, and I totally credit MFP. The support network really keeps my interest, and helps rally me when I'm frustrated, bored, or down. So I'd keep the momentum by building a friends list you care about and that cares about you...they'll keep you going, really!
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    Just keep reminding yourself why you're doing this (make sure you know why you're doing this first LOL)

    This is true; I think by doing this is why I haven't COMPLETELY fallen off. Thanks!
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 343 Member
    Once you start seeing results from the scales, the measuring tapes, people noticing, clothes getting too big, feeling fitter and healthier and stronger ....that's what motivates me!

    Also, it's really important not to see it as a diet, but a whole new way of life. Not every day has to be perfect, as long as you're heading in the right direction!
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    I hear you! Same for me. I'd say, just make sure you're not depriving yourself too much or it's a diet and not a lifestyle change. It's easy to fall off the wagon if your calories are too low or you're really rigid about doing it "perfect". When worse comes to worse, I try to go into maintenance mode till I can get myself back on track.

    Good point! I think my problem is the latter of what you said (trying to do it perfect). I had this regimen that worked great for a couple of weeks and the weight was consistently coming off but then I got "bored"??? Does that make sense?
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    The best motivation usually comes out of desperation. Thats why you see many people lose a lot of weight initially and then put it back on when they tell themselves, I don't look that bad anymore. Let the circle of life begin. Those who don't learn from their mistakes (ME) are doomed to repeat them.

    Ooh I think that's what happened. People were telling me they could see it coming off and I could see too; I think I've become too "lax" ... thanks!
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    Early on in my journey, I signed up for 5k dirty girl mud run. I do not like to make a fool of myself. That was motivation to train. And get myself in some sort of shape. Now I am training for a 5k. Then I am going to do another dirty girl in September and I want to beat my first run. Keeping myself motivated by giving myself things to train for.... well that just works for me!
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I used a monthly goal to get me thru the month and then a reward day. After a few months the habit kicks in and you know you can get thru the month (or a week if that works). Its been 18 months for me and I am 3 lbs from my goal wt. then it will be maintenance time which I will work out when I get there. The real key is to look at a lifestyle change---exercise,better eating habits, more wholesome foods, and learning to indulge Once in a while,
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    You just DO it ......

    Two minutes ago I was feeling too tired to go to the gym ....... but reading your post changed my mind, I'm outta here ...... got a date with my treadmill LOL

    We all support each other ...... whether we know it or not ...... thanks !
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    bumping, interesting read!
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I recommend setting a series of achievable goals. For instance, the first one may be "Lose 5 pounds." Or "Walk/run 1 mile." As you reach each goal, celebrate! Then set another. Buy an outfit the size you want to be and hang it where you'll see it every day. Once a month, try it on. It may not fit for a long time, but you may find it's getting closer and closer. The day you can wear it - really celebrate! I think for so many of us, setting a HUGE goal, ie., losing 100 pounds, is just too far in the distance. By setting smaller goals and taking baby steps, you get to see results more quickly and enjoy a lot of celebrating in the meantime!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    This time I knew I had to do things differently. My motto was NEVER GIVE UP. However I approached it I knew that I would keep redesigning for success, not failure.

    You have to find a plan that works for you. We already know that eating as and what you have been eating doesn't work. You should know yourself well enough by now to know what you WILL do and what you WON'T do. I made a list. Food plans. I was after health and a lifestyle change so I picked one that made perfect sense to me. I think cutting out the crap of my diet was good. I don't believe in a cookie every day. Or every week. Doing that means you already "deserve it". It's like buying a new pair of shoes. Do you buy every pair you see regardless if you can afford it or not? good luck if you do! You should only buy those when you need them and if you can afford them. Once in a while you treat yourself to a pair of shoes. Food treats should be the same. I don't always eat the cake if I see it. I must be at a reasonable point in my weight loss. I must have made some reasonable progress. I am on track and I am in control. It isn't because the cake is calling to me. That isn't being in control.

    I don't have a lot of time so I chose to do simple exercises that wouldn't side line me potentially with injuries. My knees are old so I pick activities like walking the dog twice a day EVERY day or swapping out one of those walks for a bike ride with the dog. And simple strength training at home.

    Make your goals achievable so you can succeed. Not everyone can lose 2 pounds a week or even lose steadily every week. You have to be willing to go the distance. Decide what you can do to succeed instead of just giving up. If losing weight was easy, we wouldn't be talking!

    It took me over a year to lose 35 pounds. I still am usually one pound off, but over time I will conquer that. I went from a 10 to a 4 so a year or not, I still got what I wanted! My diet and exercise are so a part of me now that I just DO them every day!

    Good luck!
  • lexington87
    lexington87 Posts: 27 Member
    Like Katejkelley said small goals are a big help it's easy to get discouraged when you set one big one but small achievable keep you motivated and you realize that what you're doing is working. This even for me getting to the gym some days- sometime just putting on your sneakers is a step in the right direction.

    Posting on here and having friends who will comment on both your accomplishments and short comings... Someone will notice if you haven't posted in a few days or give you the motivation when you're slowing down. The friends/blog/message board make a HUGE difference in keeping me going
  • broadway_Calls
    broadway_Calls Posts: 18 Member
    This is weird but I find watching documentaries on diets/obesity or things like the biggest loser help, or I'll look at healthy recipes on the nutrition section of stumble upon. If I'm not eating food then somehow reading about it or even watching cookery shows helps and makes me appreciate it as a treat rather than something I need to constantly have so I don't lapse if I'm losing momentum.
  • dizzydi1968
    dizzydi1968 Posts: 564
    I've stuck to this for over a year, here are a few tricks that I have picked up along the way:-

    1) Small mini goals that can be achieved quickly - the big picture is too far off.
    2) Small rewards for achieving them (not food, mine were beauty products or cheap new clothes)
    3) Visualisation - really focus on seeing the 'new you' for a few minutes every day, very motivating.
    4) Goal outfit - try it on regularly.
    5) Take measurements - these can show progress even when the scale doesnt
    6) Make exercise part of every day - even if its just a walk.
    7) Plan a big treat for your goal celebration - holiday, new experience etc
    8) Record every single item that you eat - its really easy to let little extras creep in which will slow you down.
  • Alexusiexciona23
    I have the same problem but what keeps me going is remembering the reason why you started in the first place. And all the health problems that obesity is linked to. It always gives me that extra boost of energy.