Did you tell anyone?



  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I told everyone. I wanted to accountable. And I have a big mouth and tell everyone everything...LOL

    Me too.

    I found that 90% of people were great. The other 10% divided themselves between sabotage & stupid advice.
  • VCanadapt
    VCanadapt Posts: 142 Member
    I didn't tell anyone except for my husband. He does a good majority of the cooking so we discussed my new food options and he's been very accomadating and supportive. I have a friend who is competative so I wanted to keep a lid on my lifestyle change so that she's not "guilt-tripped" into losing weight because I am.

    As far as accountability goes...that's what I have MFP and my hubby for! Enough said.
  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    I only told my husband bc our meals would be slightly different, and I would be at the gym/exercising more often. It never occurred to me to tell other people. I am adjusting my lifestyle and recovering from an injury which led to my weight gain. Everyone that knows me realizes that I am recovering and that I have gained weight, especially since they all helped me during my injury (my husband was deployed). But, I do mention this site and articles/blogs that I find useful to friends. I am happy to discuss if asked.
  • teresadutton
    teresadutton Posts: 217 Member
    Several of you hit the nail on the head!
    1. This is my thing...I dont wanta share it right now.
    2. I come here to get the positive support I need. (FYI I am addicted to MFP message boards!!!!)
    3. I dont wanta be asked 500 questions a day about what I am eatting, what am I doing
    4. This isnt about just losing weight...it is about getting right with myself in alot of ways and losing weight OF COURSE!

    I know she is going to be jelous...but I cant help that. When she is really ready to lose her weight she will do it. I just happen to be ready before she was. I also now understand this is more than just losing weight. It is about getting healthy, being honest with myself, facing some demons. No one can help me "get" all of that but me. Its a personal journey. My husband supports me and gives me positive comments but otherwise leaves me alone to do my thing ( I love that man!!!). I love the support I get here, you guys are GREAT!!! THANKS!!
  • iva001
    iva001 Posts: 162
    I only told my friends who are also on MFP..but for others I only bring it up when they are encouraging me to eat or drink more than what I should. Then they say "oh you don't look fat at all" but they don't see me in my underwear, etc. You know the deal.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I am not on a diet. I am just focusing on making healthier choices for life.

    I have told a few people...I have nothing to hide really. I don't really share too much information though. I have just divulged that I am running now and maybe trying to lose a few pounds for my wedding. I don't talk about it a lot to anyone but my Fiance though.
  • I think it is a good idea to let people know you are trying to lose weight. This keeps you accountable! And yes, it might explain why you get on your phone before/after every meal when you are logging or calculating calories. Hopefully others will understand and respect your choice

    That being said, I have never made a huge annoucement or boasted about it-if people ask about it or they are trying to push food my way, its a good time to mention it.
  • Deltafliers
    Deltafliers Posts: 201 Member
    I didn't tell anyone at first, not even my husband. I don't know why...I guess I was too self conscious, too worried I couldn't do it and be viewed as a failure. Anyway, after I lost 5-10 pounds, I told my husband what I was doing and he was extremely supportive. I told no one else but after dropping 15 pounds (I lost 30 total) everyone started noticing- coworkers, family, etc. and I felt like I was CONSTANTLY being asked about it. I guess that's what I get for keeping it a secret!

    I did the same except I waited till I lost 15#. I have said to many times that I would, and didn't follow thru. I will admit tho, one of the the most helpful tools I have for me right now is an unmovable deadline. With my husband deployed, I am using his redeployment as my deadline; in the past, I continually changed my deadlines when I saw I wasn't doing anything so that I could never fail. With an unmovable timeframe, the pressure to suceed is making a difference.
  • TamAD48
    TamAD48 Posts: 387
    I have told everyone about it. In fact after talking about how much I love this site, two of my coworkers signed up for it. So we are working on our plans together, providing support and motivation to each other at work.
  • rostraqueen
    rostraqueen Posts: 22
    I told everyone! I knew it would make me feel bad eating unhealthy stuff in front of them if they knew I was on a diet and so I would do better! I was right, this is the first diet I've stuck to :)
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    No. Not when I started. For me, it was more about the commitment.

    My goals are my own, my commitment is to me. I don't want to announce to anyone my commitment about how I'm going to live my life.
    When I do discuss my lifestyle changes, it is in the context of this is how I've been living my life recently, and I'm going to continue on doing so.

    Yes, for some declaring your goals can help you keep them. But I'm done seeking the approval of others, or needing their support (although who doesn't appreciate the support when given). At this point, if it is important to me, then it's important.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    I told a few people, then when the whole, "You don't need to lose weight" comments started I just stopped talking about it to anyone that didn't ask or mention an interest in losing weight.
  • Gemini570
    Gemini570 Posts: 8
    I told everyone. I wanted to accountable. And I have a big mouth and tell everyone everything...LOL

    Same here. I did the same with quitting smoking.
    I'm more likely to stay the course if I am accountable to someone other than myself.

    I gained tons of support. I now have three work-out/diet buddies, and without their support, I would have already failed.
    Also, in telling, others have shared their techniques, successes and failures, which I can learn from.
  • Deltafliers
    Deltafliers Posts: 201 Member
    I only told my friends who are also on MFP..but for others I only bring it up when they are encouraging me to eat or drink more than what I should. Then they say "oh you don't look fat at all" but they don't see me in my underwear, etc. You know the deal.

    I agree, I hate hearing "skinny size 5 and under" or "I have never been pregnant" people tell me (last month size 14 tight, this month size 12 loose), "Stop being hard on yourself, you don't need to lose weight, you are beautiful the way you are!" :grumble:

    I mean, really?
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I told everyone.

    Being very public about it was great motivation to stick with it. After I lost a certain amount of weight, it was pretty obvious anyways. :)
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I only tell people if they ask how I'm doing it.
    Whether I tell everyone or no one doesn't really affect me, outside of MFP anyway.
    I do share my day to day successes with my boyfriend, but that's about it.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    The only person I purposely didn't tell was my dad because he's not the most positive person (I've lost 55 lbs since I saw him last), but I only actively told a few people until others started noticing the losses. I hooked MFP up with FB so every time I work out it shows up on my news feed. Those people know me IRL, so I figured it would be an incentive to stick with it. I was a little embarrassed the first time my weight loss showed up, but everyone else seemed to know how big I'd gotten but me, so I don't think about it anymore. I saw my dad, for the first time since August, last weekend. He couldn't believe his eyes, and my stepmom said she turned to him and said "That can't be Rachel!" It did feel good to see how happy he was. He couldn't stop looking at me! It's your journey, so you need to do what's best for you.
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    I didn't really tell anyone either. My husband knows I am making some changes but that is all. I worry my best friend will sabatoge me as well - I don't think she would do it to hurt me intentionally I think she just wants me to remain where she is. Misery loves company, right? I see my best friend every day.

    Maybe you could slightly hint that you are trying to eat better - if your BFF starts in on the negative stuff just say "I want to try. Lets not talk about it because it makes me upset." and move onto another topic. This way she cant say you didnt tell her and get mad at you when she sees how awesome and slim you look! Who knows maybe seeing your success will motivate her.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I told only my wife & children.

    As I progressed I was asked about what I was doing. But initially it was just the family the was in on it!

    Now, I get asked almost daily to provide some secret recipe to losing weight. :-)

    Same answer every time - Eat healthy, drink lots of water and exercise regularly. The rest will take care of it's self!
  • inraptorswetrust
    inraptorswetrust Posts: 45 Member
    The only person who knows is my boyfriend, because if I tell anyone else they tell me that I don't need to lose weight because I'm technically not "overweight," so why bother? I've been encouraged to eat unhealthily and take days off my workout routine because I "don't need it." It's very discouraging.