17 day diet?

Anyone try that book its called 17 day diet? any results or tips or stories are welcomed!


  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
    I have read about it on the internet, but I have never tried it.
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    I attempted it, bought book cook book and everything. Epic fail after 5 days. Tried it again new resolve....nope.
  • It is a very good lifestyle transition! Me and my mom started it last summer. When school started up again, I ended up going off the diet, but she stayed on it for the most part. She's lost about 60 pounds and in the summer that I did it, I lost about 30 pounds. I plan on going back on it this summer <3
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    what happens on the 18th day?
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    what happens on the 18th day?

    You start over again .... I don't know all the details, it's a cycle type deal
  • jallen1955
    jallen1955 Posts: 121
    Read it

    Super simple plan. No counting calories or anything else. However, it does call for restricting simple carbs and processed junk. It is based on 17 day cycles.

    Once you do the first 17 days, you decide if you want to lose more weight quickly or not and then choose to do the corresponding level,

    After reading it through, I would recommend it to my daughters (and have done so)
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    The 17 Day Diet is how I jump started my weight loss. It's not really a diet, but it helps you make the transition necessary for your lifestyle change. The plan consists of four 17 day cycles. The first 17 days you do cut out sugar, carbs, and eat lots of fruits, veggies, lean protein, yogurt, etc. The 2nd 17 day cycle, they start to add in more meats, veggies, carbs, etc....

    The fist 17 days can be rough, but... it's primarily because you cut out the junk. You are not starving yourself in any way. I wouldn't even call it a diet... I would just say it's a slow method to changing your lifestyle for the healthier. I only made it officially thru cycle 2.... and then I found MFP and just started counting calories and eating more healthy.
  • lroxey
    lroxey Posts: 32 Member
    My hubby and I started following his advice in the book im down 7 pds in a week and my hubby is down 15. U stay full the only counting u do is making sure u get 2 fruits and 2 probiotics a day. Eat lean meat no red meat the first cycle (17 days). cut out carbs in the form of breads and pasta (processed). drink plenty of water and green tea. very simple its not a diet its a healthy way of eating, baby steps. Although I did have a chocolate attack so i let myself eat a few pieces of dark chocolate and it was gone (my craving not the candy lol). worth the read he is a doctor and explains stuff in a way we can understand
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    Read it

    Super simple plan. No counting calories or anything else. However, it does call for restricting simple carbs and processed junk. It is based on 17 day cycles.

    Once you do the first 17 days, you decide if you want to lose more weight quickly or not and then choose to do the corresponding level,

    After reading it through, I would recommend it to my daughters (and have done so)

    without having read the book (nor even heard of it) I can attest to the last 16 days where I have cut simple carbs almost (!) completely. I have lost 5lbs over 16 days. I've been keeping track of my fiber to sugar ratio, aiming to keep it under 5:1 which even allows me the occasional sweet treat.

    and as a bonus today I started my lady time and weighed in a pound less, so that's good news!
  • ampgsp03
    ampgsp03 Posts: 20
    I attempted it, bought book cook book and everything. Epic fail after 5 days. Tried it again new resolve....nope.

    what happened did it just not work or what??
  • ampgsp03
    ampgsp03 Posts: 20
    It is a very good lifestyle transition! Me and my mom started it last summer. When school started up again, I ended up going off the diet, but she stayed on it for the most part. She's lost about 60 pounds and in the summer that I did it, I lost about 30 pounds. I plan on going back on it this summer <3

    what all did you guys do? like meal plans and exercising and stuff??
  • ampgsp03
    ampgsp03 Posts: 20
    Read it

    Super simple plan. No counting calories or anything else. However, it does call for restricting simple carbs and processed junk. It is based on 17 day cycles.

    Once you do the first 17 days, you decide if you want to lose more weight quickly or not and then choose to do the corresponding level,

    After reading it through, I would recommend it to my daughters (and have done so)

    have you done it?
  • rayne78
    rayne78 Posts: 88 Member
    I have been on the 17 Day Diet since January 9th of this year, so just over 4 1/2 months. As of this morning, I've lost 48 lbs since being on it. I've gone through the first 3 cycles almost 3 full times now. I am very much enjoying it. I have not been perfect, but I still have not had a single week without any weight loss. The kind of results you can expect to see really depend on what your current health level is; the more you have to lose the faster people tend to lose it on this "diet". So, if you only have say 20lbs to lose, it will take longer to lose than someone who has 100 lbs to lose. When I started, my ultimate goals was to lose about 110lbs or so and here are the results I've seen so far: Round 1 Cycle 1: 10.2 lbs Cycle 2: 6.4 lbs Cycle 3: 0.6 lbs, Round 2 Cycle 1: 7.8 lbs Cycle 2: 4.4 lbs Cycle 3: 5.2 lbs, Round 3 Cycle 1: 6.6 lbs Cycle 2: 2.6 lbs and so far on Cycle 3: 4.2. lbs. And in there on R1C3 I had a cheat weekend that slowed my progress a tiny bit as well as at the end of R3C2 I had another cheat weekend away that lowered my weight loss a bit.

    Let me know if you have any more questions, I'd be happy to answer them.
  • Slice1
    Slice1 Posts: 193 Member
    I've started it a couple times and then got off track, but both times it has kick started my weight loss and put me on the right track for changing my eating habits.

    I love how the book is easy to read, easy to understand and there's some humor and education in there.

    Will be starting this again as soon as I find my book (just moved)
  • kooshajan
    kooshajan Posts: 174 Member
    My fiance and I did it for a week. I followed it to a T and ended up in the hospital. My arms would go numb and would go limp at the randomest times (once when holding my daughter) headaches, burning sensations in scalp, face, etc. I thought it may be to a vitamin deficiency (the only thing I did wrong was not take the multivitamin like they suggest) but even after taking one I felt no better.

    I was ordered off the diet by my doctor and my body returned to normal.

    You lose weight FAST. In a week I had dropped 6lbs. My sister and her husband have had amazing success with theirs. I believe my sister lost 12lbs in the 1st cycle.

    The 1st cycle is friggen hard. A heck of alot harder than I thought it was. But this isnt a 17 day diet, its 4 cycles of 17 days that really train your body on how to eat clean.

    If my body could tollerate it I would do it. Sadly I will have to find other means of weightloss.

    Works for some, not for others.
  • 130annie
    130annie Posts: 339 Member
    Phase Two....another 17 days....
  • ampgsp03
    ampgsp03 Posts: 20
    I have been on the 17 Day Diet since January 9th of this year, so just over 4 1/2 months. As of this morning, I've lost 48 lbs since being on it. I've gone through the first 3 cycles almost 3 full times now. I am very much enjoying it. I have not been perfect, but I still have not had a single week without any weight loss. The kind of results you can expect to see really depend on what your current health level is; the more you have to lose the faster people tend to lose it on this "diet". So, if you only have say 20lbs to lose, it will take longer to lose than someone who has 100 lbs to lose. When I started, my ultimate goals was to lose about 110lbs or so and here are the results I've seen so far: Round 1 Cycle 1: 10.2 lbs Cycle 2: 6.4 lbs Cycle 3: 0.6 lbs, Round 2 Cycle 1: 7.8 lbs Cycle 2: 4.4 lbs Cycle 3: 5.2 lbs, Round 3 Cycle 1: 6.6 lbs Cycle 2: 2.6 lbs and so far on Cycle 3: 4.2. lbs. And in there on R1C3 I had a cheat weekend that slowed my progress a tiny bit as well as at the end of R3C2 I had another cheat weekend away that lowered my weight loss a bit.

    Let me know if you have any more questions, I'd be happy to answer them.

    what kind of meals did you do?
  • ampgsp03
    ampgsp03 Posts: 20
    so the ones who have done it whats your meal plans like? i dont eat much meat and love eggs so didnt know if i could substitute?
  • rayne78
    rayne78 Posts: 88 Member
    kooshajan...you probably felt that way due the detox that takes place in the first cycle. Also, if you follow the menu plan to a T, it's actually short on daily calories...i think it was actually meant to be an example not the bible, so you may have been cutting yourself short on calories. The 1st week and a half I was tired and had headaches, but they went away, and I've been feeling good since
  • rayne78
    rayne78 Posts: 88 Member
    ampgsp03.... i eat a lot of chicken breast! During cycle 1, my meals are 2 servings of yogurt, 2 servings of fruit, chciken and vegetables for lunch and supper, with some variation (ie ground turkey with taco seasoning to make a taco salad) salads, steamed veggies and a lot of water. I also have plain un-salted almonds, and 1 or 2 protein shakes depending on what my exercise day was like and if i need more calories. You are allowed 2 eggs a day, unless you have cholesterol issues it's limited, but I am not a fan of eggs so I make do without. I have fish on occasion, but I'm never happy with how it turns out, so it's not very often. I drink the occasional diet drink and lots and lots of water. Cycle 2 you can add back a few grains and corn and beans and lean beef products so there are more options, and cycle 3 has even more additions. If you want to see my diary, friend me.