Gaining puffy fat on Insanity



  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    MHO I would talk to my doctor about your thyroid.
  • jessicakogan
    Wow I have alot to think about! I cant reply to every single person, but I'll say this: I will take a pregnancy test. I have been on birth control shots for about a year, which typically are so effective that woman are prone to take up to a year to get pregnant after the last shot, but I will test myself just to be 100% knowledgeable on the situation.

    I can see some trolls are here, typical. You can always expect the trolls to come out. Its ok, though, I knew that would happen. In any case, some people were very uppity and negative, not really doing what I hoped, which was to really consider the situation. every situation is different, and the negative ones forgot that. You people say that I eat too much, while Im passing out from who knows what. I eat exactly THREE times per day, usually two salads and a soup. I know about sodium and I know about sugar, carbs, fat, and calories. I know all that, which is the very reason why I posted this, because I dont understand WHY I gain.

    @dwightdegroff gave me the BEST advice!! thank you!

    Alot of people here are so positive and helpful. Not giving me generic or rude responses. I love the help, and I am going to start counting a little bit again just to have an idea.
  • ericarae33
    ericarae33 Posts: 211 Member
    Pregnancy? Def get your thyriod re-checked, mine was all out of whack after I lost weight at first...and I started having same issues!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Poor Jessica. I can totally relate to your possible stepping into depression after all this hard work without result.

    I think a pregnacy test might be a start. One of my friends who has been skinny all her life and once she started workingout, she literally put on quite some weight...It had nothing to do with workout; it turned out she happened to get pregnant at the same time.

    GOod luck. And please don't feel depressed. You are smart and will find out a good solution. :)
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    i agree that calorie counting will be helpful, in your case specifically. You dont have to do it long term if thats not something you like or works for you, but you may be over eating, or as a previous poster mentioned, you may not be eating enough, therefore taxing your body with such intense workouts and dietary changes.

    Also, the pregnancy bit came to my mind too, even before you mentioned the honeymoon. If it is at all possible for you to be pregnant, you may want to get a test and check it out.

    Good luck! I know its hard and nobody can give you the exact answer or explanation, because nobody else knows exactly what you eat, the intensity you work out, your medical history, etc. All the answers you get are just guesses. I hope you find some suggestions that you can try.

    edited to add: i just read your most recent response, and with two salads and a soup daily, you are very very likely not eating enough to fuel your body for Insanity. The passing out thing scares me a bit, to be honest! I would follow up with your doc, but calorie tracking might be really helpful, just to get an idea where you are at with your daily food consumption.
  • jessicakogan
    @Albayin and @AmyLRed Thanks girls! Yes I will do a test probably tomorrow. Before this forum I even did tons of research about Depo Prevara and weather woman have gotten pregnant. Now if you are preganant before, you will still be pregnant after. But as long as the shots are every 3 months, you will be sterile, it has like a 3-way process of preventing pregnancy. I'll say this, I have been on it for a year, but my husband and I did not consimate the relationship until about 6 weeks ago, after we got married. So I have had the shots every 3 months for a year. HOWEVER. You just never know. some weird stories out there. So I will take a test. If I am, it would explain a lot. If Im not, that also will explain alot. Because I can put the advice that I got here to good use! :happy:
  • abigailmariecs
    abigailmariecs Posts: 192 Member
    I am not very familiar with Insanity but here is just another thought...... Every time I attempt to build up muscle (ie work abs, thighs, arms ect) I am very please with the results for about a month maybe two months. Then puffy fat shows up every where. My doctor said it had something to do with all the extra muscle I add pushing on the fat making it appear to be more then it really is. She suggested holding off on heavy strengh training until I was closer to my goal weight (about 15lbs away). That instead I should do 3 reps of 15 (legs, arms and abs) 2x a week and instead focus more on cardio, this included staying away from the muscle building cardio ie rapid reps. Before I fell off the wagon I looked amazing by following her advice. I am giving it another try and hope to stay on the wagon this time around.
  • Ladydee33
    Ladydee33 Posts: 5

    First off do not beat yourself up there are a lot of things going on in your life and stress causes your body to react in a lot of different ways. I have been doing Insanity and it is a great workout. You are burning the miniumum of 300 calories a workout each day and if you're incorporating other workouts keep in mind more calories burned.

    You're probably not eating enought. Yes you're making healthy choices but it seems you could be depriving your body and lacking on nutrients (that's why you're passing out). Keep in mind also that when you don't eat enough your body is holding on to your last meals because it doesn't know when its going to receive more.

    You need to fuel your body. So the puffiness can be many things and only a doctor and a nutritionist can really pin point the main issue.

    And last thought: Keep in mind everyone does things differently, you do what you feel is best for you and only you know your body enough to know what it needs and what it doesn't. someone posted to try to go back to what used to work for you might be a good idea.

    Good luck, i hope this helps and stay positive.
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    I got pregnant on the Depo 11 months post delivery of my first born, if that is the shots you have been getting..? def go to the DR.
  • Sksieger
    Sksieger Posts: 63
    @Kenny536 see that is another generic response. I said that I DONT want to buy shakeology because its just way too overpriced. Life is not all about counting calories. So eating healthy means nothing? That all goes out the window if I dont know the calories?

    The one and only way to lose weight ( if that is your goal) is to have caloric deficit. Healthy food does not = low calories. Low fat does not = low calories either. Eating calories from "healthy food" is better for you body and how it burns it then eating calories form "crap food" . 800 calories is 800 calories no matter where it came from. I am not say COUNT CALORIES NOW! I am saying being aware is really the only way to know and try and manage weight loss. It can come from counting what you eat and counting what your burn in your work outs. Eating lower calories or burning more in a work out are the only two ways to create a calorie deficit, which is obviously not happening.

    If you just want to eat better aka more veggies, less fatty meals and be fit aka work you *kitten* off at the gym or at home then you are on the right track. Keep it up. but it sounds like you are not happy with what that means and there results.

    As for your shake and your work out. I am not familiar with either. If you really want to do the shake then find out what is in it and find a cheaper alternative. There is always one.

    I totally agree to go with what works. Dont do what everyone else is telling you to do. You know your body. Everyone loses weight and gains weight differently.

    If you noticed results you were happy with then go back to doing that.

    Health: I have some thyroid issues as well. It can effect your weight a lot but nothing that can not be managed or controlled with doing what you are doing. I dont think that really is the reason you are storing your fat the way you are. I dont know about you blood so I am not sure if that could be a cause.

    I am not trying to be mean or anything or lift you up with rainbows butterfly and calorie counting, but it seems you have an answer you want to hear in your head, that on one is giving you.

    People on here can only offer up what works for them and give you there own personal advice. If you are truly worried and you really thing there is no way in hell you have done anything to gain the weight you have, then go see your dr. and have him look into why this may be happening to you. It may be a bigger health issue.

    I hope this helped.

    Good luck!
  • ShyFeather
    ShyFeather Posts: 138 Member
    I know with the honeymoon some people are suggesting pregnancy, which is something you should check. But outside of that it could also be stress. Believe it or not, going on vacation does cause stress. Really any change from the normal routine like vacations and holidays do that. Stress can cause hormonal changes that can make weight loss more challenging. Just something to keep in mind. I hope you figure out the problem and work it out.
  • jessicakogan
    @dlpnrn2b When did u restart the shots after delivery and did you take them every single 3 months without missing ur 2 week window?
  • abigailmariecs
    abigailmariecs Posts: 192 Member

    Alot of people here are so positive and helpful. Not giving me generic or rude responses. I love the help, and I am going to start counting a little bit again just to have an idea.

    When I first started counting I would obsess. One way around that is I would write everything down for a week then go back and put it in MFP so I did not worry about the numbers. I did weigh/measure everything but this kept me from knowing exactly what I was consuming until it was too late for me to worry about what I could/should and could not eat every day. Instead I would look at the week total and think okay I need to eat more/less depending on the numbers.
  • tnqnt
    tnqnt Posts: 397 Member
    What is a generic response? ..IMHO people are trying to help..... Honestly, I didn't find anyone to be rude in their responses.:smile:
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    What is a generic response? ..IMHO people are trying to help..... Honestly, I didn't find anyone to be rude in their responses.:smile:
    A generic response is something she does not want to hear, despite it being reality. It also makes the response negative as well apparently. She says she knows about calories but does not count them, and then wants us to figure out why she is gaining weight.
  • jessicakogan
    @Tnqnt I mean people who dont really think about what I am saying and just say what they would tell anyone, such as "muscle weighs more than fat" etc (a pound is a pound, if I was gaining muscle my size would be smaller, what they mean probably is muscle is smaller than fat when it weighs the same). I have consulted other beachbody coaches who were just outright rude, nasty, put me down, and said that I have zero excuses. I dont mind being told that, but when you are a coach who has not lost any weight and doesnt even post pics of yourself, how can you tell me anything?I post lots of pics of myself. I wont post the said insanity pics here because I was in my underwear but I dont mind posting pics in clothing or on the beach at my honeymoon. I talk the talk and I walk the walk. If you just talk the talk, dont give me a generic, empty response.
  • rebecca_d35
    rebecca_d35 Posts: 131
    I don't think you are pregnant, but I know that Depo Provera makes a LOT of women gain a lot of weight. If weight loss is a priority, I would consider switching birth control methods.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    Perhaps you're over-training? Another option for you to check out. Good luck :)
  • FitSuga
    FitSuga Posts: 262 Member
    @Albayin and @AmyLRed Thanks girls! Yes I will do a test probably tomorrow. Before this forum I even did tons of research about Depo Prevara and weather woman have gotten pregnant. Now if you are preganant before, you will still be pregnant after. But as long as the shots are every 3 months, you will be sterile, it has like a 3-way process of preventing pregnancy. I'll say this, I have been on it for a year, but my husband and I did not consimate the relationship until about 6 weeks ago, after we got married. So I have had the shots every 3 months for a year. HOWEVER. You just never know. some weird stories out there. So I will take a test. If I am, it would explain a lot. If Im not, that also will explain alot. Because I can put the advice that I got here to good use! :happy:
    Okay, not to freak you out or anything but I got pregnant with my daughter on DEPO. I was very good about going in and getting my shots. We already had one child so I planned to wait a couple of years. At any rate, it honestly can happen.
    I also think pregncy would explain a lot of your symptoms.

    If its not that, I would go back to what was working for you. I'm sure your husband has good advice being fit, but, your body is completely different. I would consider taking one week, record as you have been eating since the gain, and see how your sodium levels were etc. And as much as I know you hate to hear it but, doing those type of programs, it is very likely you gained muscle. So you not only look puffier but gained more. And since the fat isn't shedding and likely water Retention from muscle repair, you'll appear bigger. Did you know your BF% in the beginning ? Perhaps compare the two.
  • jessicakogan
    Here, I know this is going to sound stupid, but here is the link to my fb, I think most of the pics are public and the profile is from last week. Im not looking for someone to say anything that Im pretty or whatever, I have my husband for that. But if I were giving advice to someone I would want to see where they are at, but that is me. Before pics can be seen as time get earlier and earlier, obviously. Sorry I have to respect my husband, cant post the pics with the underwear.