140lb, 5, 3 doing 1000 calorie diet .....



  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I love how everyone is like "OH NO! 1000 IS WAAAAY TOO LOW!" TRY 1200! :noway:
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    I pretty much feel like I wrote this post. I just turned 21, I am a student, Im 138 lbs, 5'1". Starting weight 172. 1000 is low for me, but I workout all the time. THe past few days have been a **** show for me eating wise, but I usually eat around 1200. People give you alot of **** for eating low cal. Sometimes its justified and sometimes its not. I understand why you would want to eat 1000 but in your case I dont thing you should. Here is why. I also yoyo dietied and ****ed up my metabolism starting in 5th grade. In order to get metabolism back on track you should eat more (maybe even 1300) for a few weeks. That will make weight loss easer in the long run. And I know you think you dont have time to work out. God knows I get that but I have found that when I work out I am way more productive in my work. If you get on the treadmill for 30 mins a day (not that long at all! ) you can start to get into good shape. Honestly this could only be good for you. There are so many studies that show students who exercise and eat healthy and get enough sleep are better students. Since I started MFP my grades have improved.
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    I love how everyone is like "OH NO! 1000 IS WAAAAY TOO LOW!" TRY 1200! :noway:

    It doesnt seem that much higher but % wise it does make a difference.
  • Kybelle132
    Kybelle132 Posts: 71 Member
    Before I started using MFP I was only eating around 1000 cals a day and my weight loss was very sluggish and so was I! I started MFP and upped my cals to 1200 and just do light walks for excercise...my weight loss has picked back up and I feel great!
  • hellokitty41489
    I agree with everyone else; 1000 isn't really enough calories. I'm almost 5' 4" and almost 23 years old and was eating 1200 calories a day since December and lost 35lbs, however even that wasn't enough calories for me. My body is now rebelling; my weight loss has mostly stalled, I bruise easier, and I have MAJOR hair shedding. This past week I upped my calories to 1500 so while I can't speak for results yet I know that's my bodys way of telling me I need more food. It will probably take me a while to reset my metabolism which sucks but I have no one to blame but myself.

    Have you considered, instead of focusing on pounds lost, maybe focus on sizes/inches? Some people lose 2-3 pants sizes without ever losing weight because they convert body fat into muscle mass. I know you said you don't have time but Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is a great workout to lose inches and it's only a 20 minute work out. You can find the whole thing for free on Youtube and a few other sites. If you want links just message me sometime :)
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    2 slices toast - 140 cals (white generic bread)
    1tbsp can't believe it's not butter - 70 cals
    Raisin yogurt trail mix (used because it's what I eat) - 150 cals

    Breakfast: 360 cals

    2 hard boiled eggs plain - roughly 150 cals
    1 cup grapes - around 100 cals Or banana - around 110 cals Or apple - less than both of these options.

    Lunch in a hurry - 250 cals
    (BTW I survive on this lunch - I have no lunch break at work and may only eat while feeding the people that cannot feed themselves - 6 people in a 30 minute timeframe, and most the time the people who can feed themselves steal my grapes)

    Snickers - 280

    Afternoon snack - 280 cals

    Note - this doesn't have to be snickers. If you didn't have the snickers you could eat quite a few more items and feel even more full - but I said candy bar and have written the one that I haven't eaten in 2 years!)

    Italian sausage - 250 cals -prepared on an indoor grill sprayed with non fat cooking spray)
    2 cups salad - 50 cals (If that)
    Fat free salad dressing 1 tbsp - 45 cals
    Small side of those pasta side (lipton things) - 70 cals

    Dinner - 415 cals (This TO ME is a reasonable size meal. It is what I might eat - my husband would have at least 500 cals in the italian sausage, my kid would have a little less than me but for 415 cals there are quite a few reasonably size meals)

    Coffee - black 0 cals
    Tea - black 0 cals. With fat free milk - 5-10 cals.
    Water - 0 cals

    Drinks - 5-10 cals.

    Days cals 1035 (go walk around the block, burn 35 cals - day done!)

    It doesn't meet macros, it's not a healthy day but it is around 1000 cals and it would fill me up. For the record - this is not MY day - I eat more than mentioned here and I eat healthier 90% of the time but you asked for help to work those numbers out and I used MFP database.

    I such at math, but, 360+250+280+415 = 1035?????

    Or did I misread anything here? scratching my head...
  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    You should be scratching your head. Haha. Editing to hide my bad math skills :D

    Edit - oh it won't let me edit. Haha.
    Ok here. Take italian sausage and eat 0.75. Eat m&m pretzels instead of snickers. Eat 3/4 of grapes. And anyhow. And skip the pasta side.

    Oh dear. My point was it can be done and has been done but I screwed up with math at some point. I have done 1000 cals (and I let MFP add it up, not me) and been fine. I don't do it every day and I wouldn't love it - but I wouldn't be weak and unmotivated.

    Edit again - awkward as I realize I posted more than I ate today.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    You should be scratching your head. Haha. Editing to hide my bad math skills :D

    You could have fooled me...LOL
  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    Nah, I had a brain fart. Maybe it's my calorie deficit. ;)
  • Joneses17
    Joneses17 Posts: 135 Member
    I also wouldn't recommend eating only 1200 calories. I'm not sure how your campus is set up but small things like opting to walk to class instead of riding the bus can make a big difference. Maybe using a pedometer ($10-20) and making sure you hit 10,000 steps a day on days when you can structure and official workout will help. It maybe tough but if you can get up early and ride the bike while you read your text books or walk a lap around campus before and after class it will add up. I'm a gym rat myself but walking is effective and can really help.
  • Tjacobs78
    Tjacobs78 Posts: 6
    Definitely too low! I too have a hx of yo yo dieting...hence the word hx! I have lost 44 lbs in about 6 months by calorie counting, eating healthier & excercising regularly. I am also a nurse and can tell you when you do not eat, your body's natural defense is to go into a fat storing mode. The key to ramping up your metabolism is to eat lean, naturally, smaller portions & more often. When you get the hang of this site & logging your food you will be amazed that when you eat healthier you can actually eat more! You will never feel hungry or deprived. I snack all thruout the day on good stuff (fresh veg, fruit, low fat cheese, peanut butter etc...) You will have more energy & that in it self helps to motivate you to excercise. The wt will just fall off then. Go by your guideline calories when you signed onto the web site and it will happen. Hope this helps.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    At your size, losing 2 lbs/wk (for 9 wks) is unrealistic, and eating <1000 calories/day is unhealthy. Why don't you try eating better, eating more than 1000 calories/day, and exercising more? Your body will start getting into better shape. You may not weigh what you think you should weigh by August, but you will look and feel so much healthier. Please search the forums for similar threads. There is a LOT you can learn here.

    100% agree
  • Tjacobs78
    Tjacobs78 Posts: 6
    Good call!
  • onikonor
    onikonor Posts: 473 Member
    A 1000 calorie diet is a temporary solution. I've joined a weight loss program where I am eating roughly ~800 and have to take vitamins to make up for lost nutrition. Make sure if you are doing this to get advise from a nutritionist or doctor. The main thing is to learn about healthy alternatives and portion control.

    PS it's not really true that you feel tired on low calorie diets, but it's true you cannot do heavy workouts
  • drewbird911
    drewbird911 Posts: 120 Member
    Use the MFP goals and sick to it, why do so many people try and do it there own way?
    Log everything, see how that works for a while?
  • Doomfrog
    Doomfrog Posts: 79
    I'm not going to give you crap about how much you eat or don't eat. I personally chose not to eat that little, but you'll figure that out for yourself.

    I do want to encourage you to exercise. Being a student is STRESSFUL. I know that there are people out there with 12 jobs and 1,287 kids who still find time to exercise. But that isn't the point. Being a student...especially a 20 year old student can be absolutely paralyzing. It is a hard age and even though being an adult had having 9000 responsibilities might SEEM harder, there is a certain amount of "guilt" that comes with a dedicated student taking time off from studying and doing things that are good for her.

    That being said, I think there is no better time to get in a good exercise routine. It will reduce your stress hormones and help you feel more prepared to tackle everyday tasks. Think of the days when you have to walk the three miles from class to your practicum. Do you feel better or worse on those days? Probably better. Not just for weight loss, but for your BRAIN you should try to work some exercise in. Some YOU time. If you get in the habit now, it will be harder to break as things get more crazy. I worked full time and went to school full time as a full fledged adult, and I have to say my time in the gym saved my sanity. It was like having a reboot button between my job and my studies.

    Best of luck to you. I promise, it all only gets better from here!
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    So if a 1000 calories is good....500 + hcg would be best right?
  • mark_n_kim
    mark_n_kim Posts: 3 Member
    Agree with almost everyone who is being serious and trying to be helpful. I am 42 years old and the only thing i have found that REALLY works and can be maintained is to work out and eat right. Dont completely deprive yourself of things you love but moderation is key. Smaller portions, healthier food choices and exercise.. if you dont add exercise into your routine you wont be able to maintain a healthy balance.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I just wanted to point out that I'm a full time student, I have a job AND I still manage to find an hour a day to workout. You don't even have to do an hour like me. You can pop in one of Jilian Michael's 24 minute dvds. They work. Just sayin....I've done the 1000 calorie thing and yea, I lost weight but the second school was out and I wasn't busy I gained it ALL back. It's much healthier for your body to eat a little more and work out. If you're just looking to wear a bikini in the summer and don't care how you look come the fall, by all means, keep doing what you're doing lol. I'm not trying to be mean or condescending, I'm just saying I've been there and it doesn't work out in the long run. You'll end up like me, back where you started and realize, hey, maybe all those people on MFP were right! lol <3 Good luck to you, whatever you choose to do. :)