what are you reading?



  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    Currently reading:

    Never let me go by Kazuo Ishiguro (I actually enjoyed this movie adaptation)

    One Day by David Nicholls (The movie adaptation is meh)

    The Wind Through the Keyhole by Stephen King
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    A Storm of Swords. The third in the "Song of Ice and Fire" series (A Game of Thrones). I've loved the whole series so far. Loooooong books, but worth the commitment.

    I am on the fourth book of the series...."A Feast for Crows" and I am almost done with it and am waiting for the 5th book to come to paperback so I can read it!

    With as long as they are, I figured I'd need to take a break with a shorter, "fluffier" book between installments. But I've just been immediately starting the next one when I finish one. That's one good (and bad) thing about having a Nook: I can get a new book in minutes, as long as I have an internet connection.
  • HellsBells61
    The Passage by Justin Cronin. Utterly un-put-downable. Not your usual run-of-the-mill post apocalyptic clap trap. Can't recommend highly enough.
  • Zalovar
    Zalovar Posts: 92 Member
    I'm just now reading the first book of a Game of Thrones...started to after I watched the first couple episodes and was intrigued. Also, I'm reading The World Without Us by Alan Weisman, an intereresting book that explores what would happen to the world if human all of a sudden disappeared.
    A Storm of Swords. The third in the "Song of Ice and Fire" series (A Game of Thrones). I've loved the whole series so far. Loooooong books, but worth the commitment.

    I am on the fourth book of the series...."A Feast for Crows" and I am almost done with it and am waiting for the 5th book to come to paperback so I can read it!
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I'm just now reading the first book of a Game of Thrones...started to after I watched the first couple episodes and was intrigued. Also, I'm reading The World Without Us by Alan Weisman, an intereresting book that explores what would happen to the world if human all of a sudden disappeared.
    A Storm of Swords. The third in the "Song of Ice and Fire" series (A Game of Thrones). I've loved the whole series so far. Loooooong books, but worth the commitment.

    I am on the fourth book of the series...."A Feast for Crows" and I am almost done with it and am waiting for the 5th book to come to paperback so I can read it!

    We bought the first season on blu-ray after we both finished the first book. I like the series, but I much prefer the books. I felt like there were some things happening in the series that might not make a ton of sense if you didn't have all the information he gives in the books.
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    I'm just now reading the first book of a Game of Thrones...started to after I watched the first couple episodes and was intrigued. Also, I'm reading The World Without Us by Alan Weisman, an intereresting book that explores what would happen to the world if human all of a sudden disappeared.
    A Storm of Swords. The third in the "Song of Ice and Fire" series (A Game of Thrones). I've loved the whole series so far. Loooooong books, but worth the commitment.

    I am on the fourth book of the series...."A Feast for Crows" and I am almost done with it and am waiting for the 5th book to come to paperback so I can read it!

    We bought the first season on blu-ray after we both finished the first book. I like the series, but I much prefer the books. I felt like there were some things happening in the series that might not make a ton of sense if you didn't have all the information he gives in the books.

    I agree. I watched the first episode of the HBO series then I read the first two books within a couple of months. Even though I have read the books, I still don't know all the characters on the series! He jumps around a lot too which may make it hard (for some)
  • tamsinwhitfield
    tamsinwhitfield Posts: 135 Member
    I've just finished reading the first five Game of Thrones novels back to back for the fifth time (yes, each book five times) - admittedly this may seem a bit insane, but not many series you could do that with!

    Decided I need a Game of Thrones break now, so re-reading collected works of Neil Gaiman (recommend more or less anything, but particularly American Gods).
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Just finished book two of the Song of Ice and Fire series (aka Game of Thrones)... on the waiting list for book 3!!!!!
  • Shajadea
    Shajadea Posts: 57 Member
    Sherlock Holmes. It's delightful!
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I've just finished reading the first five Game of Thrones novels back to back for the fifth time (yes, each book five times) - admittedly this may seem a bit insane, but not many series you could do that with!

    Decided I need a Game of Thrones break now, so re-reading collected works of Neil Gaiman (recommend more or less anything, but particularly American Gods).

    LOL I'm the same way with books. But this is my first time around with Game of Thrones
  • pmad37
    pmad37 Posts: 105 Member
    Finished the Hunger Games books, finished the Grey trilogy, now am reading The Lucky One. Have a couple of books about Alzheimers/dementia in the stack that I need to check out

    I read from many different authors - I do the "free" books on my Kindle

    And I HIGHLY recommend The Sisters by Nancy Jensen
  • kjburgess11
    kjburgess11 Posts: 20
    Organizational Behavior: I am reading it prior to my class stating in about 2 weeks. I am working on my masters in project management. Sorry that I can't recommend anything really worth an "interesting read"....I did get some good ideas from everyone else. I am going to have to get the hunger games books.
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    Just finished Insurgent by Veronica Roth. And now I'm reading Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. I've been on a dystopia kick lately.
  • scloyd
    scloyd Posts: 327 Member
    Received a nook color for Christmas, I love it.

    Currently reading "Sackett's Land" by Louis L'Amour

    Some of my recent favorites:
    A Walk in the Woods - Bill Bryson
    Travels in Siberia - Ian Frazier
    Prague, My Long Journey Home - Charles Ota Heller
    A Journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway - Clive Simpson
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    If your tastes run to light and funny, read Gini Koch's Alien series. Will definitely put a grin on your face. Other favorite authors:

    Ilona Andrews
    Patricia Briggs
    Faith Hunter
    Seanan McGuire

    Have a couple of Joyce Meyer's books, lots of English and French history and biographies.

    I also heart Anne McCaffrey, David Eddings, and Georgette Heyer (unfortunately her Regency books aren't available as epubs.)

    For the Neil Gaiman fans, have your ever read "Good Omens"?
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    Oh Anne Bishop is another good one, I can't decide if lucivar or daemon is hotter! Lol
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    Currently reading Stephen King's The Gunslinger from the Dark Tower Series :)
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    Emerson and Zen Buddhism by John G. Rudy.
  • rysgal123
    rysgal123 Posts: 27
    I just started reading The Fame Game. And I'm also just about to start Fifty Shades of Grey. I just finished reading The Lucky One (super nice story)
  • blazingbabe
    blazingbabe Posts: 40 Member
    " Fifty Shades Freed" the third and last book of Fifty Shades of Gray!