MFP Spitfires Cycling Club Week 10!!!



  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    I'm still here :happy:

    I took your advice Skywalker and got out on the bike today, 13 miles (in the rain!) I really must get some mudguards!

    You were right i do feel better :wink:

    I plan on doing 35 miles this week.
  • dlestermfp
    I did an 18 mile ride just for fun today. We had a big wind storm last night, and it was still pretty windy today, but not so much that I didn't feel like riding. It was kind of funny because all along the route, which is a standard route for me, my path is constantly being blocked by all manner of tree branches and sticks and such that were blown down the night before.

    I was really on the wrong bike, but I still had a good time. I bet when I go out later and check I will have at least one flat on my road bike. It has standard racing slicks on it, which aren't very practical, but definitely don't protect against road debris.
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Did a 20 mile ride tonight with my cycling buddy, he really pushes me and it kills me, but i feel great now!!

    I'm very lucky, i live in an area where i can ride to the sea or i can ride up onto the moors, today it was the sea route, beautiful views which really make it well worth the effort :happy:

    I think i've found my mojo again :happy:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    YAY, JAX!!!!
    Welcome back!!! Glad you found your mojo! :laugh:
  • prayerfulmom
    jax good to see ya back.

    dlester & sky- awesome mileage.

    my pledge last week 100
    actual- 56

    I forgot I was out of town for 4 days but thought since I was in the mountains I'd get some hill rides in for the century. Nope, it snowed.

    New pleadge-100
  • dlestermfp
    Week is over. 104.8 miles. They have a path opened up so I don't have to do as long a commute, so I may not hit my 100 next week, but it is still going to be my goal.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Week 16!!!

    Checking in..
    Pledge 100m
    Actual 83.2m
    Very hectic week and this week will probably be the same, so this week's pledge will be 80m and I'll be lucky if I make that. :tongue:

    Good luck, everyone :drinker:
  • prayerfulmom
    Pleadge 100
    actual 54
    I had the flu.

    I'm not going to pledge this week. I'll just see what I can get. Very bad storms and then taper for the century. If its storming I'll be skipping the century. Wet mountain roads don't sound so safe.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Week 17!!

    I guess I shouldn't have pledged any miles last week. I only got out for one 16m ride this week. :grumble:

    Oh well, here's to a better week...
    Pledge 75miles...

    Good luck, everyone!!! :drinker:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I hear crickets......

  • dlestermfp
    Lots of crickets. Fall creeping up on us. Cycling isn't so popular unless you are more of a die-hard.

    That being said, I didn't hit my 100 this week, but I did get 87. Considering the nasty weather this week that is pretty good.

    I scored a set of studded tires for my mountain bike. I rode with normal knobbies last year. I should do better with teeth on the tires this year.

    The icy cold is upon us here in the north. Even if I don't have snow, mornings are getting frosty. It is only a matter of time before I have black ice in places along my route.
  • prayerfulmom
    64 last week. Only managed 1 ride: metric century.

    I'm saying no official pledge. I'll be ridding as often as possible. Had a huge storm last week with 40 mile an hour winds. Not ridding in that. Rain...I think so....High winds like that....NO WAY. Ok truth be told it rained yesterday and I did a spin class. But I'm really going to try the rain out. Just put on different tires for the weather. Oh yes, have to take my bike in to see if the frame is cracked. May have to settle for spin or else use the mountain bike to commute. We'll see.

    Enjoy the ride.
  • prayerfulmom
    I didn't make a pledge last week. I wasn't sure of the weather.

    160 miles + 1 spin class.

    High winds this week so I may opt for some spin classes.
  • dlestermfp
    I had 87 miles for the week. Likely will have about the same this week. Weather is getting nastier all the time so there isn't much recreational riding beyond the commuting miles.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Hi all!!! I've been so busy this month! I got in 52.6 miles this week. I'm just not making my goals, but at least I'm still getting in a few rides and doing strength training. Great job prayerfulmom & dlester. I'm shooting for 60 miles this week. :happy:
  • dlestermfp
    Well, what to say?

    Weather is not as good as it was. I am not riding recreationally on weekends so much now. I still have my commute, and I will do that all winter pretty much regardless of the weather (barring horrific hail or something like that).

    So, I will be hovering in the 70ish mile per week range for the most part throughout winter. We have lost all but three people here. It is strange that cycling isn't more popular among people who are trying to lose weight. It sure has worked wonders for me.

    Anyway, I joined the YMCA with my son last week. He is going to be taking swimming lessons and I am going to try my hand at the Nautilus equipment while he is splashing around. Cycling has done great things for my legs, but above the waist is still flabby. Two nights a week of weight training should start to make a dent in that.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Only got in 30 miles last week. I'm on to trainer miles now. It's getting cold in Scranton, Pa. I plan on riding all week. My work schedule will lighten up in mid November and I plan on getting in a lot more miles after that. :happy:

    I agree dlester, about cycling working wonders for weight loss. It helped me drop 20 lbs this summer and I'll be using it to hopefully drop an additional 25. I have been doing some circuit training lately though to get more work above the waist as well.:happy:

    Happy Pedaling :drinker:
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    I've been MIA so sorry about that. I've had a rough October with business trips and a nice H1N1 treat for a week. Ready to ride big time. I am looking for some good bike lights for the winter riding season, any recommendations in the $100 range?

  • dlestermfp
    I use lights from I picked them up last year. I have a small one mounted to my helmet and a beefier one mounted to the handlebars. They were about $50 combined and use rechargeable 18650 batteries, which are also sold on that site with the charger.

    For the rear I just use the Planet Bike Superflash (two of them). I use two because I don't want to risk having only one and it burns out or the battery goes dead.

    For the sides I use NiteIze SpokeLit, one on each wheel.

    I also keep all the dorky reflectors. Front, back, and each wheel for the sides.

    In the dark I get a wider berth from cars than I do in broad daylight.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I'm still here!!! Sorry about going MIA!!
    No miles last week.
    Pledging 80 this week!!!