I am stuck over 400 pounds after several months trying.



  • thelonewolf210
    thelonewolf210 Posts: 9 Member
    Its true depression can be a hard thing to overcome .As i have dealt with it for a while .A back injury has left me with weight gain over the years. And u have to have faith in yourself my friend because each and everyone one of us has something that can overcome anything .You just have to believe and its heart so send me a friend request and i well be here to support you.And to anyone else who needs it i am here we can do this .When u need some one to talk to i am here and believe in your self everything takes time
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    If you have trouble with mobility/exercise, I would suggest focusing on your diet. It is possible to lose weight without exercise. Every little bit helps. Like someone suggested, take walks and look to increase your time/distance as you go. Even doing punches in the air or lying on the bed doing flutter kicks with your legs. Anything to get your heart rate up will help to burn calories and improve your cardiovascular health. I was 332 pounds when I started, but was lucky that I didn't have any trouble with exercise. Losing weight isn't easy. You have to work at it, but it is worth it. Good luck to you.
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    I just want to wish you luck and tell you that you CAN do this. And if you stay on this site and log in every day you WILL do it.

    The weight your at now, maybe you should hold off on the exercise until you've lost a little bit? Maybe just try lose by a calorie deficit at first? I don't know I don't have experience in that area.

    I do suffer from depression though, and it has lifted a little bit since I've lost some weight and started getting regular exercise. I was always the type of person who thought "oh yeah, like a walk is really going to help my mental illness". But it DID.

    If you stick to mfp for one week, log your food, drink some water....you'll see a loss on the scales next week, absolutely no doubt about it. And that loss could motivate you to keep on going. All the best xxx
  • LadyQueefsalot
    LadyQueefsalot Posts: 150 Member
    you can do this! also remember- one of the benefits of being very overweight is you burn a lot more calories w/ exercise than the average-sized person.
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    I can't really say I'd know how you feel or would have the same experiences as you, but this really touched me. Don't think about "I need to lose all this weight to be happy." but "I need to lose just 1lb to be happier than I was just 1lb ago." and then apply for the rest.

    Your daughter will be the proudest, most happiest girl at the race when you join her. And she will remember it forever.

    You can do this. We believe in you.
  • abbiepql
    abbiepql Posts: 45
    Your story sounds very familar. You however are many steps at this point ahead of me when I started this journey. Obviously you have many obstacles to over come and your depression is primary. I started out at 455 on 12/31/10, that is more than you weight now. You can walk and do stuff, I could not. You have goals and a plan - I had none. I giggle and tell others that my "epiphany" moment came when I came across a nurse I could not side step and a scale that would weigh me. If you want more of a background on me, friend me - I would be glad to share this journey with you if you are serious and willing to work at least as hard as I do.

    I have insulin resistant as well, but its not always necessary to take meds for it. I was diagnosed with it 15 years ago, gave up sugar and watched my carbs - never had a FBG over 120 and still managed to pack on a small horse!

    My advice for what it's worth and I have been there and own the t-shirt.

    Start thinking positively and appreciate yourself for realizing this is a struggle for which you have a plan and goals.
    You have started, and everyone has to start somewhere - it suck weight does not come off faster, but that is life - deal with it and move on.
    You are a very big woman and depending on your age - hormones are working against you - so do it now.
    Wrap your mind around the fact that your life and every aspect of it has to change to fit your condition and it's cure!
    Start moving and don't rely on a place, a piece of equipment, a person, a mood, a temperature - you get it?
    Journel everything that goes in your mouth and make healthy eating choices EVERY TIME.
    You are a nurse, you know what you have to do nutritionally.
    Be accountable and realize that this is not a game - this is your life and whatever motivates you - cling to it, whatever sabatoges you, case it off.

    Nuff said -
  • musicmrse
    musicmrse Posts: 49 Member
    If moving makes you feel better then think of it as pampering and rewarding yourself.

    You will have a lot of support here! I'm going to friend you!
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    I would definitely check with your doctor. A few of my friends have been diagnosed as insulin resistant. I think I probably am but I have no insurance and don't want to pay to go to the doctor. And then pay out of pocket for meds. Instead of going doing the bike, can you try just walking for right now. Start slow & build up. I have do not have depression & I'm not a doctor. But, on days when I am just tired of everything, going outside makes me feel so much better. And walking is good for you! And you are already doing great by just being on MFP & trying to make changes! You can do it!
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Your story sounds very familar. You however are many steps at this point ahead of me when I started this journey. Obviously you have many obstacles to over come and your depression is primary. I started out at 455 on 12/31/10, that is more than you weight now. You can walk and do stuff, I could not. You have goals and a plan - I had none. I giggle and tell others that my "epiphany" moment came when I came across a nurse I could not side step and a scale that would weigh me. If you want more of a background on me, friend me - I would be glad to share this journey with you if you are serious and willing to work at least as hard as I do.

    I have insulin resistant as well, but its not always necessary to take meds for it. I was diagnosed with it 15 years ago, gave up sugar and watched my carbs - never had a FBG over 120 and still managed to pack on a small horse!

    My advice for what it's worth and I have been there and own the t-shirt.

    Start thinking positively and appreciate yourself for realizing this is a struggle for which you have a plan and goals.
    You have started, and everyone has to start somewhere - it suck weight does not come off faster, but that is life - deal with it and move on.
    You are a very big woman and depending on your age - hormones are working against you - so do it now.
    Wrap your mind around the fact that your life and every aspect of it has to change to fit your condition and it's cure!
    Start moving and don't rely on a place, a piece of equipment, a person, a mood, a temperature - you get it?
    Journel everything that goes in your mouth and make healthy eating choices EVERY TIME.
    You are a nurse, you know what you have to do nutritionally.
    Be accountable and realize that this is not a game - this is your life and whatever motivates you - cling to it, whatever sabatoges you, case it off.

    Nuff said -

    Well this is a fantastic inspiration for you and others also!!

    And may I add what a great acheivement you have made with your weight loss...you must be so proud..I applaud you for turning your life around and hope the OP can follow in your footsteps x
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    The first step is admitting you need help, which you have and THAT'S HUGE. Kudos to you for joining this site! Keep at it and add me if you need someone who can help push you out the door to walk. You can do this! It may take a long time to get going, but you will get going.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    I do understand how it can become depressing being overweight, so I am sympathetic to your situation. I really don't have any advice besides moving as much as possible. If you’re not working right now, take long walks. They don't even have to be to anywhere specifically, but try to get out for an hour a day. I know when I was 60 pounds heavier it was hard to exercise, but I started off small and built up my endurance.

    Also, watch very closely what you are eating. I know you said you have had issues with your diet as well, so it's important to get that aspect under control because it is going to be the biggest key to your weight loss. I know there are several macros to manage, but first start by finding out how many calories you should be consuming then make sure you do not go over. It is idea to try to eat as clean as possible, but everyone has their own method, and not everyone losing weight is eating clean. Once you get your caloric consumption under control focus on managing other macros such as carbs, sugar, sodium and protein.

    This is a tough journey, but hung in there. You can do this, just don't give up!
  • Jess81620
    Jess81620 Posts: 72 Member
    My older sister has serve depression so I have seen what you are going through. Getting some exercise should help your mood.
  • temp666777
    temp666777 Posts: 169
    Urge you to read "Why we get fat" by Gary Taubes.

    Secondly, have a doctor check you for insulin resistance.

    You can DEFINITELY do it IF you have the right information.
  • ronjarasmo
    ronjarasmo Posts: 1 Member
    The pool will help you get a great workout. This will allow your body to move in its own range of motion, instead of relying on machines. It provides resistance and its easy on your joints. Get in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and walk laps in the pool for 30-60 minutes a few days a week. It gets easier the more you do it. Keep following MFP...it works and its FREE!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Is there anyway you can get access to a pool, like at your local YWCA?? Ours has water exercise classes and open swim for people of all sizes. The water holds you up and it's easier on your joints. Maybe you could start out in the pool and then move on to walking or some other form of exercise. They even have water aerobics, water jogging (with a waist floatation device that fits all sizes) ,etc. Those classes are fairly easy and burn loads of calories! We all treat each other with respect and cheer each other on, regardless of size! I love it there. (And here!!)

    Good luck and don't let your family get you down, there are plenty of people on here to cheer you along if they wont! YOU CAN DO THIS!! <hugs>
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    Sweety, I have been where you are. I was at almost 400, I think probably about 385, but really don't know, since my weight was off the physician's scale. I couldn't walk 15 minutes without having to sit down due to my back killing me. I just did as you are doing, I made it my goal to get as far away from that weight as I could!!! :-) I'll tell you this, it wasn't easy. And at times, I wanted to throw in the towel and give up. I did a few times, too. But I just got back on that horse and kept going on.

    You can do this, you've already started... You are taking baby steps.

    Start walking down your street, See how far you can go, once you can't go any further, turn around and head home. Next day try going a little farther (even if it's just 5 more steps). Next think you'll have made it around the block, then you'll be making a couple of rounds then before you know it, you'll be in that 5K and crossing that finish line!!! :-D

    You've got this girl!!! :-)
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I'm sorry you're struggling so very much. It seems to me that simply walking around your block would help. Start with to the corner and back, next week the next corner and back, make a game out of it, challenge yourself. Looking at your food diary. You talk about diets, if you have actually been here for a year you should know that this isn't about diets it's about lifestyle. The reason when you log into the "food" tab it says dairy instead of diet is because it's not about the connotation behind "diet." This isn't a fad.

    Looking at your diary, your food is all over the place. You have so many good options in there (slow cooked oats for example) on top of a ton of high sodium and high fat foods (fried chicken for example). You have days under 1000 calores net and days over 2000 calories net, and quite a bit of fried food in the mix. Moving a little is great, eating better is better. The fact is, you can lose weight simply by getting your food under control, without movement, movement will help your heart and help speed things up. Make movement a game and food a priority.
  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    I would like for us to be friends because I have faith that you can do this. We will check on each other but if you can find a pool that is where I would start. See if your local YMCA has early morning hours or late evening hours. My motto on January 1 of this year is I do not care what people think of my workout clothes, or if I am sweaty after a Zumba class and I have to run an errand. This is my year to take my life back and this is your year. Good luck.
  • amandab1669
    amandab1669 Posts: 86 Member
    I looked at your food diary and you are not keeping a daily log of what your calorie intake really is. It also seems that you are not picking healthy choices during meal time. I suggest you try to log everything you eat so you can reall see if and how much you are going over your calorie goals. Also you may want to just start off with walking for exercise. Do what you can then increase slowly when you feel comfortable. You may also want to start writing down how you feel when you eat so you know whether you are an emotional eater. Try your best to stay positive and before you know it the weight will start to come off. I wish you the best. Have a great Memorial Day weekend. :flowerforyou:
  • ezranch208
    ezranch208 Posts: 25 Member
    Just the fact that you are on MFP and reaching out is a HUGE step in the right direction! I need to lose about 80 more pounds and love having supportive friends and giving support. You can do this. It takes time. Start slow and get some low impact activity in every day like walking 10 minutes. Even several 5 minutes walks or laps around the yard is great.