Diets that work and diets that dont



  • MarthaAnn8186
    MarthaAnn8186 Posts: 84 Member
    Eat what you want within your calorie count. Eat good most days, don't restrict yourself and don't go for the fad diets.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Everything we eat is a diet.

    Dictionary "the foods eaten, as by a particular person or group: e.g. the native diet consists of fish and fruit"

    You have to find the right "diet" for you.

    From my own experience, fad diets SUCK but I will look around and try the best one for me where I'm not starving which as we know will lead to another binge.

    At the moment I am trying the Biggest Loser Diet (modified to suit) and avoiding the foods like white bread that actually make me more hungry which once again may lead to bingeing.

    Understand your confusion though. Do your research. Find something which you think is suitable for you. Experiment. DON'T STARVE. Move more. There you go. Simple as that :wink:

    Good luck.
  • lucysposaro
    lucysposaro Posts: 132 Member
    I was told to go on a vegan diet because i found out i am allergic to mold.....I dont just mean the stuff that grows in the bathroom or the mold that grows in food when its old. At first i thought this to....I then googled more about it and it happened to be almost everything i was eating contained mold stuff like breads pastas etc and a whole lot more almost everything has mold in it and they suggested being on a vegan diet because fruit and veggies dont really contain it....and all the foods i was eating that had mold in it gave me stomach aches so it make scene......Its just a major change of lifestyle that's all my partner thinks the whole furit and banana is a load of rubbish and they must be bull talking about it........He knows i was losing weight before the diet and or i did not put on weight just stayed the same weight so yeah i feel like i have been lied to and the kgs were hard to get off now i have to work hard to get em off again. They are harder for me to lose now because i am in my last 5 kgs so its all stubben at the moment.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Don't make it so hard for yourself!
    You don't have to follow some wacky "diet" (30 bananas a day? I'd stab myself with a paring knife before I would do that..)

    Here's my suggestion on how to keep it simple:
    - set your MFP goals to have a moderate deficit (1/2 or 1 pound a week).
    - set your activity level to reflect your day to day life including work. Don't include exercise here.
    - exercise for 30 - 40 mins a day. 4 or 5 times a week is plenty.
    - eat a variety of foods - fruit, veggies, chicken, lean red meat, any fish or seafood, grainy breads, rice or pasta, milk, yoghurt, cheese, nuts, olive oil, just to name a few. Eat more home cooked meals and less packaged/processed stuff. Eat chocolate, icecream and other treats every now and again, in moderate portions.
    - eat the calories MFP recommends plus the cals you burn exercise.

    In other words - variety and moderation.
    Try this for two months and I'd be surprised if you don't see results.
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    I was told to go on a vegan diet because i found out i am allergic to mold.....I dont just mean the stuff that grows in the bathroom or the mold that grows in food when its old. At first i thought this to....I then googled more about it and it happened to be almost everything i was eating contained mold stuff like breads pastas etc and a whole lot more almost everything has mold in it and they suggested being on a vegan diet because fruit and veggies dont really contain it....and all the foods i was eating that had mold in it gave me stomach aches so it make scene......Its just a major change of lifestyle that's all my partner thinks the whole furit and banana is a load of rubbish and they must be bull talking about it........He knows i was losing weight before the diet and or i did not put on weight just stayed the same weight so yeah i feel like i have been lied to and the kgs were hard to get off now i have to work hard to get em off again. They are harder for me to lose now because i am in my last 5 kgs so its all stubben at the moment.

    Research, research, research-- I spend a lot of time figuring out what I can and can't eat and would recommend that at the minimum you do the same. In that case, I'd recommend some sessions with a dietician or other licensed nutritionist to work on a plan that will get you a good variety of items that helps avoid your allergy.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    If you are exploring your options, I would recommend you check out the eat more to weigh less group. There are lots of people over there who eat healthy, balanced diets and eating way more than 1200 calories and losing weight and getting fit. You don't have to starve to lose weight! I started to plateau and then figured out my calories needed to be higher. Upped my calories and started losing weight again. It depends on your situation but it may work for you as well!

    As far as diets go, I hate them all lol! I believe in a healthy, balanced "diet", junk/rich food only in moderation, and eating a variety of foods. If you have stomach issues with certain foods, definitely cut them out. You may also have a gluten sensitivity if you notice that it's certain foods like breads and pastas that make you bloat.

    Live life to the fullest- and that includes eating a way that you can be happy with and sustain the rest of your life!
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Stop following diet trends. I specific diet is not going to help you at all if it isn't something you can stick with and make a lifestyle out of. Just eat what you want in moderation or eat whole foods including everything like meats, fruits, veggies, etc. Do what is best for you. Just keep track of calories and your macros to an extent and just making sure your getting enough protein, fats, etc. I eat what I want but just make sure I'm getting adequate protein, fats, and carbs. When I cut I just make sure I am in my calorie range for my deficit. I like the 80/20 rule. 80% being the meats, veggies, etc you need and 20% extras. Or 90/20.
    Just find a way that you can live with and enjoy the foods you like. :) If your following trend diets then you will just be miserable and even if you lose the weight, it'll be hard to keep it off if you can't stick with that way of eating.
  • KKR1220
    KKR1220 Posts: 12
    Thanks for the advice and the info on the TDEE, I loved the calculator and I learned alot. I don't really think my body fat is 22% but hey I'll go with it. I'm 5'4 129 lbs and it's telling me I need to lose 28 lbs. I'd love to, but dang I don't think I'd look good at all, I'd be to thin. But thanks for the info and I'm shooting to lose 15 lbs, I'm going to eat better, exercise more and drink lots of water ( I already drink 90+ oz) I have a hard time even losing 1 lb...It SUCKS!!!
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    I'm sorry, but a 30 banana a day diet sounds insane. Who can live off of that? Who can even eat 30 bananas and ever look at a banana again?

    That being said, there is more to being a raw vegan then eating bananas and fruit. There is a much bigger variety of foods that they eat beyond fruit to get all the calories/fat/protein that they need. Research!

    You will find something that works, what works for one will not work for others. I'm a vegetarian turning vegan, and I have never felt better, but I have heard a lot of people say that they tried it and felt horrible. It totally depends on you, and only you know what makes you feel good vs. bad.

    If there are certain food that you think bother you, you can also try an elmination diet. Take the first food thats bothering you out completely (diary, wheat etc) and keep it out for a week or two then slowly add it back in and see if how you feel changes in that time. It might give you a better idea of what is going on.
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    Simply put, if you are overweight and you don't want to be that way for the rest of your life, the diet has to be permanent . Then it isn't really a diet, it it? It is a change of eating habits.
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    The topic indicates why you may be having problems. Stop thinking in terms of diets. Diets are at best short term fixes with long term failures. If you are trying to fit into a particular piece of clothing one time then go for it. If you are trying to eat and live healthy then make a life style choice.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    You have to find a way of eating that works for you. Everyone is different, and loses weight differently also. Some people go on a diet, and stay with it for years, some do it for a few days, weeks, or even months, but if they go back to old habits....they won't keep the weight off. That is what we are all looking to do!!
  • smkafka
    smkafka Posts: 134 Member
    Diets work in the short term but to keep the weight off you need a healthy life style. Eating right and exercising...that's the ticket.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,698 Member
    DIETS don't work. And I know first hand since I train people who have done it to only gain the weight back once they got off them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    DIETS are nothing but fads that people make money off of! It's called a lifestyle, not a diet. It's not so hard to just eat healthy food, eat within your means and move more. If you occasionally want something that's not healthy, make room for it in your diary with exercise calories.

    How can you maintain your weight loss if there are foods you cannot eat? It won't work.
  • slim104
    slim104 Posts: 160
    I dont have anything to extra to add other than whats already been said but how did you manage to eat 30 bananas a day??? I think i'd have been sick after about 7 or 8. It must have been quite expensive too. Bananas aren't one of the cheapest fruits here in the UK.