Lose 5 lbs in May!!! YES WE CAN



  • daryll77
    daryll77 Posts: 29
    ***Group Closed***

    Name/Real Name: Daryll77 / Daryll

    Goal weight by May 31st is 175 (just under 80kgs)

    5/01: 182.1
    5/07: 179.9
    5/14: 180.9
    5/21: 181.8

    BACK ON TRACK TODAY!!! I have been feeling sorry for myself because I was training for a half marathon and then injured myself...plus I lost 18 pounds and then thought I knew it all and stopped tracking my food.

    Today is the day I get back on the wagon and look after myself!
  • hosnowjo
    hosnowjo Posts: 145 Member
    Goal weight on May 31st : 180 pounds

    5/01: 187 pounds
    5/07: 187 pounds
    5/14: 186 pounds
    5/21: 185 pounds

    Don't think I'm ging to crack this challenge but at least the scale is moving!!
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    Goal weight on 5/31: 150

    5/14 - 155
    5/21 - 153 (thank God for water weight that leaves as quickly as it comes)
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member

    Goal weight on May 31st : 136

    5/01: 140
    5/07: 136.8
    5/14: 136.6
    5/21: 136.6
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    Name/ real name: Rima933/Rima
    Goal weight on May 31st : 175
    5/01: 185.6
    5/07: 182
    5/14: 181
    5/21: 180.6
  • cassidi101
    cassidi101 Posts: 9
    Name/real name: Cassidi101/Cassidi

    Goal weight on May 31st: 173

    5/01: 183
    5/07: 180
    5/14: 181 (Enjoyed Mother's day weekend a little too much :))
    5/22: 179 - missed a day due to family emergency
  • l_oudman
    l_oudman Posts: 373 Member
    Name: l_oudman (Linda)

    SW 181.9
    Goal Weight on May 31st: 176.9

    5/01: 181.4 (first day and I'm already on a roll)
    5/07: 181
    5/14: 180.6
    5/21: 181.2 (going the wrong direction so am looking at making a few changes)
  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    Name/ real name: Lesa

    Goal weight on May 31st : 182.0

    5/01: 190.8 (went up. I went to the show yesterday. LOTS of salty popcorn. Still a big challenge for me.)
    (had typo. Changed 190.7 to 190.8 to correct.)
    5/07: 189.6 (not as much as I wanted since last week went up due to the popcorn at the show but still a loss. YAY!
    5/14: 186.8 (went up from 2 days ago. Yest was Mother's Day...lots of homemade bread made from scratch.)
    5/21: 188.2 (had SIX bags of 11 oz Doritos--HUGE bag--and I ate them ALL!! Less than a week, so I "asked" for it.
  • Mrsjenningsjr
    Mrsjenningsjr Posts: 149 Member
    [Feeling pretty good about this...gotta up my water today, though.]


    Name/ real name: Mrsjenningsjr / Elisha

    CW: 225
    Goal weight on May 31st : 220

    5/01: 224.6
    5/07: 222.4
    5/14: 222.2
    5/21: 223.8
  • nikki_mar
    nikki_mar Posts: 32 Member
    Nikki Mar/ real name: Nicole Mar

    Current Weight April 30th: 168lbs
    Goal weight on May 31st : 160lbs

    5/01: 168 lbs
    5/07: 169.5 lbs (+1.5) - (Time of the month) :grumble:
    5/14: 168 lbs (-1.5) - I could have put in more effort. My 40th bday is next Monday 21st... Jesus be a fence!
    5/21: 166 lbs (-2) - SAY WHAT!!! Birthday celebration AND progress. Even trying pays off YAY!
  • hokirayo
    hokirayo Posts: 36
    Name/ real name: hollye/hokirayo

    Goal weight on May 31st :205.6

    5/07: 210.6
    5/14: 210.4
    5/21: 209

    oops! sorry i'm late!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    At this point I have only entered in the names of EVERYONE that was listed before I said group closed back in part 1 on page 8. it ended up being 186 people instead because of how delayed I was with getting that Group Closed message posted.
    I am finished with my track season so hopefully I can get more info updated. Next week I will delete people that haven't ever checked back in after signing up that way we can track faster and easier.

  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    Thats very discouraging and unwelcoming. When i clicked this topic and entered my data it said nothing about a deadline. Whatever. I guess i will be participating in my own challenge since I was rudely excluded from this one.

  • gonna_do_it_56
    gonna_do_it_56 Posts: 206 Member
    At this point I have only entered in the names of EVERYONE that was listed before I said group closed back in part 1 on page 8. it ended up being 186 people instead because of how delayed I was with getting that Group Closed message posted.
    I am finished with my track season so hopefully I can get more info updated. Next week I will delete people that haven't ever checked back in after signing up that way we can track faster and easier.


    LOL I thought I was missing something...never mind it has still motivated me and good luck to everyone who is trying.....
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    Thank you guys for sticking up for me :) Those of you that find motivation makes this all worthwhile!
    Also, everyone is welcome to track and be part of the group. I just can't track everyone on the spreadsheet. I hope those of you that aren't on the spreadsheet don't find it discouraging and stick it out for the next few weeks. Then if you want in on June you can comment before it fills up.
  • holdthefries
    holdthefries Posts: 514 Member
    Goal Weight 191

    May 1 196
    May 7 195.7
    May 14 195.1
    May 21 195
    May 28
    May 30
  • SelenityJ
    SelenityJ Posts: 168 Member
    Name: Selenity

    Goal weight/loss at end of month: 225/20 LBs

    April 29th-May 05th Week 1: (238) 7 lbs 35% to May Month Goal
    May 06th -May 12th Week 2: (235) 3 lbs 50% to May Month Goal
    May 13th-May 19th Week 3: (235) 0 lbs 50% to May Month Goal
    May 20th-May 26th Week 4: To Be Seen
    May 27th-June 2nd Week 5: To Be Seen
  • minimaggie
    minimaggie Posts: 224 Member
    I weigh in on Thursday's with my trainer, so my days are shifted a bit. Hope that's alright. It's been a rough couple of week, tried reintroducing what I thought was healthy bread into my diet ant that has backfired!!!! Eliminated it again starting this past Monday and things are going in the correct direction now!!!


    Goal weight for May 31st is 187.0lbs (gained a few on vacation)
    5/03 194.0
    5/10 197.5
    5/17 195.5
    5/24 195.5
  • dwightdegroff
    dwightdegroff Posts: 97 Member
    At this point I have only entered in the names of EVERYONE that was listed before I said group closed back in part 1 on page 8. it ended up being 186 people instead because of how delayed I was with getting that Group Closed message posted.
    I am finished with my track season so hopefully I can get more info updated. Next week I will delete people that haven't ever checked back in after signing up that way we can track faster and easier.


    Thanks! Looks like a lot of work. :)
  • mlts10
    mlts10 Posts: 32
    Forgot to log on Tuesday
    Same as last week
    GW- 140lbs
  • Jeannemum
    Jeannemum Posts: 69
    At this point I have only entered in the names of EVERYONE that was listed before I said group closed back in part 1 on page 8. it ended up being 186 people instead because of how delayed I was with getting that Group Closed message posted.
    I am finished with my track season so hopefully I can get more info updated. Next week I will delete people that haven't ever checked back in after signing up that way we can track faster and easier.


    Thank you so much for all your hard work. I wouldn`t know where to start with doing the spread sheets. You are very clever!
  • kser145
    kser145 Posts: 40
    Goal weight on May 31st : 219 lbs.

    5/01: 234.4 lbs.
    5/07: 233.2
    5/14: 228.7
    5/21: 227.7

    Sorry a little late in posting!!
  • Jeannemum
    Jeannemum Posts: 69
    Name Jeannemum/ real name: Jeanne

    Goal weight on May 31st : 206

    5/01: 212
    5/07: 211
    5/14: 208.2
    5/21: 205.8
    5/28: 204.8

    Weighed in a day early this week. Hit my target and beyond, and will hopefully lose a little more before the months end :-)
  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member
    Name/ real name: EchoOfYourPast / Sandra

    Goal weight on May 31st : 123

    5/07: 125
    5/28:124 <--a day early 5/27 ....we are going out of town will not have a chance to weigh in tomorrow!
  • andrearaquel48
    andrearaquel48 Posts: 102 Member

    Well, I've been feeling frustrated with all the effort I've been putting in lately with little to no outcomes on the scale :( I was thinking of dropping out of the challenge because my weight has stayed the same... Again... :( but my fiancé is encouraging me to keep at it. So I apologize my weigh in for this week is late... But it looks like I'm still in this :)

    Goal weight on May 31st: 130
    5/01: 138 lbs
    5/07: 138 lbs
    5/14: 138 lbs

    *sigh* here's hoping next weigh in is better :(

    Jen - stick with it! You are getting close to your goal and don't have a lot to lose, so it's always harder at this point. Have you tried HIIT workouts? I was stalled out and then added HIIT and it immediately helped me get back on track with weight loss. Good luck!
  • andrearaquel48
    andrearaquel48 Posts: 102 Member
    At this point I have only entered in the names of EVERYONE that was listed before I said group closed back in part 1 on page 8. it ended up being 186 people instead because of how delayed I was with getting that Group Closed message posted.
    I am finished with my track season so hopefully I can get more info updated. Next week I will delete people that haven't ever checked back in after signing up that way we can track faster and easier.


    Thank you for all this hard work!! It's really helpful to be part of this challenge and have this group to be held accountable to. I am on the list but my updates aren't included. I missed last week's check in as I was out of town and may miss tomorrow, so here I am now:

    Name/ real name: andrearaqeul48/ Andrea

    Goal weight on May 31st : 142 (1lbs a week)

    5/01: 147
    5/07: 147.4
    5/14: 146.6
    5/21: 146
    5/28: 144.8 (5/27)
  • abejita803
    abejita803 Posts: 6
    Real name: Janet
    CW 183.6
    Ultimate GW 155

    May 1 186.4
    May 9 185.4
    May 23 183.8
    May 27 183.6
    May 31 ??

    Small steps is what you need. Be patient and persistent you will achieve your goal.
  • zclark13
    zclark13 Posts: 135 Member
    Name/ real name: zclark13/Liz

    Goal weight on May 31st : 193

    5/01: 198.5
    5/07: 197.5
    5/14: 196.5 Slow and steady wins the race, I guess! Have a medical procedure coming up this week so my eating is going to be way wierd. We'll see how that messes with things!
    5/21: 195.8 I over-indulged after my enforced fast this week so I didn't lose as much as I hoped...that and graduation parties. Still going in the right direction though!
    5/28: 195.6 hmmmm Too many graduation and welcome summer parties.....better get my butt out of the chair.....:grumble:
  • zclark13
    zclark13 Posts: 135 Member
    Before I miss it....I do want in on the June challenge! It might be tricky since I will be out of town the last week of June. I can log on my phone but it's a bit harder to access the website and groups that way. I WILL figure it out and get it done!
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 564 Member
    Name/ real name: soaps54/Sophia

    Goal weight on May 31st : 171

    5/01: 176.2
    5/07: 176.2 (blah)
    5/14: 174.4
    5/21: 173
    5/28: 173.3 (sigh, rough long weekend)