Team UK October:



  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    well done to everyone.

    I weighed myself this morning and have reached 12st - 168lbs. I am so happy and I have for the first time I can remember brought a ladies belt in next a size medium / 12-14 :tongue: . The last belt I brought in February was a mens belt measuring 42inches!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    woo hey definately a good day for us two then. the 12stoners. well done. whats next. more challenges lol.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hiii everyone!

    Glad your all doing so well..

    i see this as my first propper week back on MFP because i havent been to the gym for ages..

    JAMES - im going to go the gym tonight (need to get in the exersice if our run is non existant) lol :laugh:

    Simplicity - WOO HOO! Dont loose n e more my freind, you look great! Maybe build muscle now n shred the remaining fat?

    Mumsanutter - Congrats on reaching 12stone!! :flowerforyou:

    My target - to get to 10stone... its going to be done whether my body wants to or not! I will get there!! :laugh:
    Now that the girls have gone back to Uni i think i can focus fully on my fitness... it was always harder with the distractions of dvd night (pick n mix) and my cold which drove me to tea and biscuits almost everynight! sad times! :grumble:

    Wheres the other girls??!! :laugh:

    x Katherine x
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    thanks everyone for the b-day messages

    i sorted the topic of my dissertation today

    How does permission marketing effect the fitness industry?

    and i may have to call on your help if anyone is interested in doing a questionnaire and/or month long study?
    basically it will just be seeing how you use the internet and technology for fitness and also if you were to be emailed daily reminders would that make a difference to how you work out?
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    thanks everyone for the b-day messages

    i sorted the topic of my dissertation today

    How does permission marketing effect the fitness industry?

    and i may have to call on your help if anyone is interested in doing a questionnaire and/or month long study?
    basically it will just be seeing how you use the internet and technology for fitness and also if you were to be emailed daily reminders would that make a difference to how you work out?

    Im in! Would love to help you out Katie!!!

    Hows your week been?

  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Im in! Would love to help you out Katie!!!

    Hows your week been?


    thank you!

    its been very hectic! uni just seems to have given us our 3rd year work and then some! total work overload so im going to have to get up earlier to get my workout in :grumble:
    i also got my operation date today - its a week tomorrow - so i can't exercise after that either :grumble:

    how has yours been?

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    11st 12.8 the lowest I have been since school years today. I know it rounds up to 11st 13 but whatever!!!

    I'm happy again. now lets go get mashed this weekend and gain it all back. wooooo!!!

    Oh and Katie I'd love to help if I can with anything. Im mad on questionaires if it involves them
  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I have neglected here for a while. Not updated my diary for ages! I kinda know what to eat but I've still not been doing any proper exercise. Had a go on my cross trainer last night because I'm finally feeling properly back to normal!

    Reading everyone else's comments, you're all doing so well! I don't know the last time I weighed myself but I can tell I've put a few pounds back on. You guys will be my inspiration so I can post I've lost weight too. The boys seem to be able to do it easier!

    Very belated Happy Birthday Katie, I will do some surveys for you. I remember my dissertation, I did it on the media and female body image. I had no social life for about 2 months because I made myself stay in at weekends so I'd do some work, although most of the time I was procrastinating. One time I cut my hair really short! I don't recommend that.

    12-8 this week. Only 9 late shifts left of the year as I've taken quite a few off in November and December, yay :happy:

    Going on my bike now!
    Amy x
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    Hi people

    Well what a messy weekend,was that bad i didn't do my normal monday post.
    Scales yesterday and remained the same so not so good, my 12 weeks of lossing each week has gone. :cry:
    Got a week off work so extra gym for me i think this week, 8lbs in 3 weeks looks very hard now.

    Is it just me or is it officaly winter now, seems so cold and that much harder to get motivated.

    Glad you're all doing well and even though am a little down beat today sure i will pic it up again with a good week.

  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    Don't feel down James! At least you're not putting any weight on. It is a lot colder now, all I want to do is stay wrapped up in my bed and watch dvds. I make myself go on my cross trainer though coz that warms me up too!

    Weighed myself this morning, only put on like a pound since the last time I weighed myself about a month ago. Not bad since I've not exercised!

    Amy x
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    Don't feel down James! At least you're not putting any weight on. It is a lot colder now, all I want to do is stay wrapped up in my bed and watch dvds. I make myself go on my cross trainer though coz that warms me up too!

    Weighed myself this morning, only put on like a pound since the last time I weighed myself about a month ago. Not bad since I've not exercised!

    Amy x

    Cheers Amy, you make a good point that I havent put any on still feel **** though as i so wanna get to 10stone by xmas. Thats not bad hunni 1lbs nothing and if you havent been trying proves your keeping it off which is fantastic.:smile:

    Just given myself a good kick up the *kitten* and know what i have to do.
    I've got 60 days to sheed 22lbs thats bout 2.5lbs a week. Looks like going to have to spend everyday doing something physical even if its a 30minute walk or some weights. :noway:

    I can see myself swinging back into old ways and coz i'm feeling down the comfort food is an easyway out. Thinks thats how i got to this stage in the first place so I'm going to need all the help I can get, if i come on here sounding depressed tell me to snap out of it guys and gals.

    Hope everyones OK

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Hey James 2lb a week is hard work. Im not suprised you are slowing down to wards your goal it seems that way for a lot of people. The photos are looking good so keep smiling.

    I stayed at 12 stone even after 5 days off work and two nights out so thats good news. woke up monday with a throat like a rusty pole and no motivation. Back at work today though so i feel a run coming on tommorrow Haven't been out since Friday !!. I think i will leave my goal as 11st 6 for christmas which is roughly half a pound a week. Working all the this weekend too so looks like i can push for 11st 12 again!!

    3 hour exam on monday finalising my years uni work can't wait to get that out the way too.

    Good luck everyone. :smile:
  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    Good luck for your exam! My last one ever for uni was 3 hours long, and I was so distracted. It was so sunny outside, I had a bottle of champagne with me to drink as soon as the exam was over and I kept staring at the clock! Don't do that, the time goes slower.

    Yeah everyone slows down towards the end of their goal coz there's less to lose. I've got 7 pounds left but I'm not too bothered if I don't lose it, I'm quite happy just now. I know not to go back to my old ways with takeaways every week and no exercise!

    Amy x
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    BACK ON IT!!!

    After a low calorie week i managed to shift 2lbs in 4 days(Thank god for that)
    I have now hit the 160lbs mark, and with 8 weeks to go need 20lbs more.
    Hopefully I will get there but if not I will come very near. :explode:

    Been a bit quiet on here this month people, hows everyone doing with their goals?
    I've got 6lbs in 14days to do, going to be tough but will give it my best shot.
    I plan to walk 21 miles each week, in the damn cold(got the thermals ready). :noway: , and have lowered my calorie to 1200 a day.

    Anyway back to the chelsea game 1-1 atm so fingers crossed the blues can get a winner in the second half:happy:

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    I'm sitting at 11st 12 which is my october goal so might push for 11.11 for the end of the month. all good though. congrats James on the constant losing. 21 miles a week is a lot. I'm feeling good about it all atm so I'm happy. Going to Brighton for the weekend next friday, 4 day holiday so lets say 11st 11 for that.

    only two days till the exam as well. *tremble*

    good luck every one
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    ok I have hit a wall!! It f*cking hurts too.

    Any suggestions guys in how to get through it? doesn't look like the 10 stone mark by xmas will be possible, so going for 10.5stone now. Looks like I'll still be here in the new year.

    On a possitive note I am doing weights daily now, nothing to much but all good to tone up and use other muscle groups. That plus the 21 miles a week walking should hopefully speed things up a tad.

    Will let you all know the results of the scales friday.

  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hello everyone...

    I have been out the cirlce for a while... just not been very motivated... i mean i've been to the gym etc.. but im not motivated enough to ignor temptations.. so i just eat them..

    I've been out and bought a couple of new outfits for work but they dont fit... for obvious reasons to fit into them... but i cant seem to grab the motivation to loose the weight to fit into them... RUBBISH as they are really nice things..

    ho hum.. just need a push in the right direction and stop eating chocolate cause i can feel myself going backwards...

    grr.. :grumble:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    ok I have hit a wall!! It f*cking hurts too.

    Any suggestions guys in how to get through it? doesn't look like the 10 stone mark by xmas will be possible, so going for 10.5stone now. Looks like I'll still be here in the new year.

    On a possitive note I am doing weights daily now, nothing to much but all good to tone up and use other muscle groups. That plus the 21 miles a week walking should hopefully speed things up a tad.

    Will let you all know the results of the scales friday.


    Hi James,

    Hope your ok?
    Your doing fantastic so i dont give up hope...! you will do great!!
    Sorry i have been on the quiet front :ohwell:

    Katherine x
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Hey people. Its all the same here I spend the week going between 11st 12 and 11st 13 but thats good so I'm happy. Worried slightly coz I'm off to Brighton for four days which means four nights of beer which definately means i will be up next week but nevermind i guess i will climb down again quickly.

    for the first time it seems that my goal is in sight. 7-8 pounds for christmas is probably doable. anyways. Keep going James although I'm not sure how you find enough hours to do all your workouts lol. Katherine I ate most of my temptations too followed by a few bordems as well. I need a more exciting job!

    As long as I keep running I will get down in the end.

  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Katherine I ate most of my temptations too followed by a few bordems as well. I need a more exciting job!

    As long as I keep running I will get down in the end.


    ha ha.. me tooo!! just sitting here thinking about this bloody cheesecake thats in the fridge at work... I have had no money for cigs either so im compensating by staying in and eating away the craving! lol bad times!!!
    well i've got half an hour to go.. so i think i will survive.. and then its down the gym - my friends house after.. so i will not be tempted by food!!! OMG I need a *kitten*!!! :cry:

    Katherine :sad:
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    ok I have hit a wall!! It f*cking hurts too.

    Any suggestions guys in how to get through it? doesn't look like the 10 stone mark by xmas will be possible, so going for 10.5stone now. Looks like I'll still be here in the new year.

    On a possitive note I am doing weights daily now, nothing to much but all good to tone up and use other muscle groups. That plus the 21 miles a week walking should hopefully speed things up a tad.

    Will let you all know the results of the scales friday.


    Hi James,

    Hope your ok?
    Your doing fantastic so i dont give up hope...! you will do great!!
    Sorry i have been on the quiet front :ohwell:

    Katherine x

    No worries Katherine, thought you might be a bit busy.

    I'm ok ish, lossing motivation and keep expecting result in unrealalistic time frames.
    Looked in the mirror this morning and i swear the belly has got bigger even though i have lost weight.
    God I sound like a woman. lol:laugh:

    I so want to shift a stone befor the works xmas party, but getting harder and harder. The amount of effort to get rid of 1 pound atm is rediculase.

    Anyway hope your doing ok and behaving:wink:

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