Diet sodas. Yes or No?



  • Ravenesque_
    Ravenesque_ Posts: 257 Member
    They are hell bad for your teeth though. >.<

    I only hve a lilt zero once in a blue moon
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    my opinion: no nonononnononononononono NO. you don't need a reason, just no.

    i live with a personal trainer and a soccer coach who is the pickiest person i've ever seen about what goes into his body. no alcohol, smoke, drugs,unnecessary saturated fats, sweets, EVER. BUT his one vice? sodas. usually diet. but this is the one thing he refuses to kick. and he looks damn good.

    conclusion: everyone has a vice. if this is your only one, don't lose sleep over it. but if you drink, smoke, refuse to exercise, and drink soda? it should be an easy one to kick.
  • twinmom1993
    twinmom1993 Posts: 52
    my doctor actually specifically told me on friday to stay away from diet soda, it causes belly fat. that is my problem... belly fay!!:sad:
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    Just wanted to know your thoughts on whether diet sodas were a good thing or not. Sure a regular soda has plenty of sugar, but at least you know what you're dealing with and so does your body. Diet sodas have sweeteners and supposed negative effects on your health.
    Have I answered my own question?

    Yes, it sounds like you did answer your own question pretty much...

    I would say No to regular & diet sodas b/c you don't know what is in the diet even though it's not sugar like regular which causes sugar spikes and helps you to GAIN weight....For me, I don't drink any sodas unless it is very hot out & there is NOTHING else to drink....HTH!! :)
  • diet
  • miniberger
    miniberger Posts: 70 Member
    I quit drinking them about 2 months ago and had 1 a week or so ago. It tasted downright vile. The chemical taste was just overwhelming. That can't be good for your body. Switch to seltzer! with a splash of OJ. SO GOOD.
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    I drink one or two a week when I'm craving something fizzy. It's something I have to pay attention to though, otherwise I start drinking them more frequently and I can tell the difference in how I feel.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I love diet soda

    cant stop, I wont stop! :)
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    my doctor actually specifically told me on friday to stay away from diet soda, it causes belly fat. that is my problem... belly fay!!:sad:

    diet soda helped me lose my belly fat, hmm
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    Just wanted to know your thoughts on whether diet sodas were a good thing or not. Sure a regular soda has plenty of sugar, but at least you know what you're dealing with and so does your body. Diet sodas have sweeteners and supposed negative effects on your health.
    Have I answered my own question?

    I have to vote no on this one. I've never read anything good on the artificial sweeteners. My uncle and sister both drank diet sodas daily for years and both have had major immune diseases they are dealing with - both are on major medications. My uncle (not blood related) finally gave up the diet sodas and is now doing better - my sister has not and is the same. Of course I can't say for sure that diet sodas were the cause or even made the systems worse but does make me say, huh - maybe?

    Regardless, there are so many other healthier choices out there. Try brewing some flavored teas. There is one by Celestial Seasonings, Orange Zinger (caffeine free) that is so sweet that you may not need to add anything else.

    All the best in your journey.

    this. there's no benefit whatsoever to drinking soda (diet or otherwise) and so many potential dangers.

    and i LOVE celestial seasonings!! lemon & raspberry zingers are great too! there's tummy tea for upset tummies. there's sleepytime. and the list goes on...
  • debpre16
    debpre16 Posts: 5 Member
    I love diet soda - drink it every day :love:
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I have read that diet drinks also harm your organs by adding fat. So in that regard, no, it's not good. Also, I was told Deit drinks kill your brain cells but I am not sure about that.

    Yet, having one maybe ok. just not liike..3 to four a day.

    At one time that was me. o_o
  • tarheelteacher
    tarheelteacher Posts: 23 Member
    did you have any headaches? thinking of giving them up but they are addictive
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    Don't touch the stuff. Everyone should make up their own minds though. Sodas do not contribute to health in any way, and that is a fact, but if you enjoy them, moderation is ok. If you are addicted to them, you should reconsider having them in your life though. I try to stay away from anything that I feel like I absolutely need (aside from water and veggies) because that in itself is unhealthy in my opinion. Free will. Just pay attention, aside from taste, how it makes you feel. If it makes you feel bloated and gassy and yucky, like it does to me, I would stop drinking it. The older I get, the more attention I pay to how I feel after I consume certain things, food, alchohol etc. If it makes me feel awful, I cut it out completely or do extreme moderation because feeling bad for hours afterwards is not worth a few tastebuds tingling.
  • hmuh
    hmuh Posts: 379 Member
    I drink diet sodas sometimes. But what I've really been hooked on is sparkling water. It's got the same fizzy without the weird stuff.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Drank Diet Pepsi for 30 years. Now it's only water. There's a lot of research out there. Best to read and talk it over with your MD. I feel much better. The caffeine sometimes caused heart palpitations. Haven't had those in months, so for me it's WATER!:drinker:
  • beeeels
    beeeels Posts: 6 Member
    i was told by a nutritionilst if you cant understand the words of the ingredients,dont touch it,all softdrink has chemical ingredients that is unatural for the body,she also said it takes 26 cups of water to clean out 1 cup of softdrink,i used to drink 6 litres of dietcoke every day and no water at all,i gave up at christmas 2011 and only drink water now i feel so much better.I had withdrawel symptoms for a few weeks but giving up dietcoke dropped 8 kg instantly
  • krypt5
    krypt5 Posts: 243 Member
    I like having diet sodas occasionally. The regular ones are waste of calories in my opinion.
  • whatsername2312
    whatsername2312 Posts: 11 Member
    I have read that the aspartame they use as the artificial sweetener in diet drinks is really bad for you, causing all sorts of bad side effects including cancer. As a student studying biology I also found a scientific paper that suggested it caused lymphoma in rats. I know there is a chance it's all scaremongering but I'd rather not take the chance. And I don't miss it :) The only time I have fizzy drinks is as a mixer with alcohol, and they are full sugar. But of course its up to you :)
  • TheDudette
    TheDudette Posts: 173 Member
    I used to get horrible migraines and decided to once and for all give up artificial sweeteners. I haven't gotten a headache since. I'll spare you all the horrible things I read about artificial sweeteners while I was researching about it.