30DS first-timers! (June)

I've just ordered Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD after seeing so many of my US MFP friends talking about it.

So I'm giving it a go for the first time in the 30 days of June and wondered whether there was anyone else out there going through their 'first time' too?!

Would be great to motivate each other through it and cheer each others results!

Lots of love xx


  • I just started 30 Day Shred yesterday and it's my first time too!
  • rchambers2072
    rchambers2072 Posts: 227 Member
    Oh, oh, I want to do it! I have been doing her beginner one since Easter, and even though I still can't do "real" push ups (I'm still standing leaning on the door), I think I need to move on. I will buy her 30 DS DVD on the first and a set of maybe 5 pound weights.
  • mrsrobbo85
    mrsrobbo85 Posts: 42 Member
    Yay, do it! And congrats on such a fab weight loss so far! x
  • mrsrobbo85
    mrsrobbo85 Posts: 42 Member
    Oh, oh, I want to do it! I have been doing her beginner one since Easter, and even though I still can't do "real" push ups (I'm still standing leaning on the door), I think I need to move on. I will buy her 30 DS DVD on the first and a set of maybe 5 pound weights.

    Lets do this.. we can post our weekly weight/inch losses on here xx
  • mrsrobbo85
    mrsrobbo85 Posts: 42 Member
    I just started 30 Day Shred yesterday and it's my first time too!

    That's great, let us know how your first week goes with weight/inch loss! xx
  • Im starting on the 1st of june too!! ;0)
  • adamskidx
    adamskidx Posts: 7
    I have just ordered the DVD and look forward to starting it on the 1st June, it's my 17th birthday on saturday though :D
    I'm new to this site, so if i can work out how to do it, i will keep up with the posts! XX
  • kdavis82508
    kdavis82508 Posts: 24 Member
    Today will be day 3 of week 1 for me. I just got done with ripped in 30 and lost 20 pounds on it, so hoping for some good results with this one
  • I just started it yesterday... I'm very out of shape and it was brutal. haha But I pushed through! I am also doing 3 miles of Walk Fit with it for extra cardio. I am trying to get myself fit as quickly as possible for health reasons... weight loss is definitely a HUGE goal but it is #2 to being healthy.

    I am in for supporting one another because boy... I had to really mentally push myself to stick with it. haha
  • clairyfairy247
    clairyfairy247 Posts: 425 Member
    I bought the DVD and then moved house and now it is nowhere to be found!! >:(
    BUT I've just bought a new copy and I will be starting it on June 1st! So hopefully some good results :)

  • stampinmama
    stampinmama Posts: 30
    Would love to do this. Started on this in April, but had to stop b/c I had wrist surgery in the beginning of May. I would love to have someone to help motivate me to be sure to do it everyday!!! I think I will be recovered enough to do it in June. I don't have the DVD... I just do it from you tube.

    However, how do I follow this set of posts? I am never able to find the topics once I finish posting. Thanks!
  • sleepyjean88
    sleepyjean88 Posts: 180 Member
    I started on Friday, can barely walk haha, I still cant do a push up and hate jumping jacks lol but I'm doing it!!
  • mrsrobbo85
    mrsrobbo85 Posts: 42 Member
    Im starting on the 1st of june too!! ;0)

    Thanks for the add! x
  • mrsrobbo85
    mrsrobbo85 Posts: 42 Member
    I have just ordered the DVD and look forward to starting it on the 1st June, it's my 17th birthday on saturday though :D
    I'm new to this site, so if i can work out how to do it, i will keep up with the posts! XX

    Happy Birthday! I'm sure you can squeeze 20 minutes in before the celebrations! x
  • mrsrobbo85
    mrsrobbo85 Posts: 42 Member
    I just started it yesterday... I'm very out of shape and it was brutal. haha But I pushed through! I am also doing 3 miles of Walk Fit with it for extra cardio. I am trying to get myself fit as quickly as possible for health reasons... weight loss is definitely a HUGE goal but it is #2 to being healthy.

    I am in for supporting one another because boy... I had to really mentally push myself to stick with it. haha

    Haha, I'm a little scared now! I play volleyball once a week and run twice a week at the moment but that's it.. hoping a little every day will have more effect!

    Thanks for the add! x
  • mrsrobbo85
    mrsrobbo85 Posts: 42 Member
    I bought the DVD and then moved house and now it is nowhere to be found!! >:(
    BUT I've just bought a new copy and I will be starting it on June 1st! So hopefully some good results :)


    Good luck to you too! Lets hope it's as good as they say! x
  • mrsrobbo85
    mrsrobbo85 Posts: 42 Member
    Would love to do this. Started on this in April, but had to stop b/c I had wrist surgery in the beginning of May. I would love to have someone to help motivate me to be sure to do it everyday!!! I think I will be recovered enough to do it in June. I don't have the DVD... I just do it from you tube.

    However, how do I follow this set of posts? I am never able to find the topics once I finish posting. Thanks!

    Once you have posted the link shows at the bottom left of your profile.. but only your last 2 posts. Umm?? I guess you could prob search for the title? xx
  • mrsrobbo85
    mrsrobbo85 Posts: 42 Member
    I started on Friday, can barely walk haha, I still cant do a push up and hate jumping jacks lol but I'm doing it!!

    Oh nooo.. haha! I can't do a push up either.. I guess i'll learn!! :D
  • htmlgirl
    htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
    I started in the middle of may, but I'm not doing it everyday, I do it on my non run days, so it'll take me longer than 30 days. I also cannot do a regular pushup (even a girlie one), so I've been doing wall pushups.
  • LindaLou252
    LindaLou252 Posts: 106
    Oh, oh, I want to do it! I have been doing her beginner one since Easter, and even though I still can't do "real" push ups (I'm still standing leaning on the door), I think I need to move on. I will buy her 30 DS DVD on the first and a set of maybe 5 pound weights.

    As a 30DShredder who is now on Level 2 and starting as a beginner... I highly suggest you, actually, start out with no weights, then progress to 3 lb weights halfway through and work your way up to 3 lb weights through the entire program. 5 lbs doesn't sound/seem like a lot, until Jillian gets ahold of ya! lol :) Just my 2 cents to save you some soreness.