I don't lose any weight!!!



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    1) Work out how much you should be eating based on your daily burn and take a reasonable deficit from that (a reasonable deficit depends on how much you weigh now - but 500 cals a day is pretty standard)
    2) make sure you set your macros up properly
    3) strength train

    Hit the calorie and macro goals - and you can eat when you want to (there is no negative impact to your metabolism if you skip a mea), medical issues aside, as long as you hit the targets,

    A good side to work estimate your daily calorie burn is: http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html but there are a bunch out there (just make sure to read carefully to understand if they include/exclude workouts and/or have a deficit already built in).
  • _EmmaStrong_
    _EmmaStrong_ Posts: 647 Member
    Checked your food diary - You are starving yourself. What is happening is that your body is holding on to what is has for "dear life." You have to feed your body or you will never lose any weight and your metabolism will "stop" cold in its' tracks. And my, dear that is where you are right now. You have to eat a lot more than 900 calories and with you doing the 30DS, you should be eating twice that easy.
  • Ditto - To several posts...
    900 calories too little, your doing more harm than good. Your body basically needs that much just to sit on the couch all day...
    Re-evaluate that and I suggest setting up a plan or maybe starting a fitness program that has a nutrition plan mapped out for it...

    I am a health coach so if I can be of anymore assistance don't hesitate to message me! :)
  • I was a bit worried when your profile says "i only want to be skinny"
    Actually, focus on healthy - skinny is not great. And you said some days you don't cal count because you eat veggies - if you keep a diary - then keep a diary! log everything then when you lose weight / gain weight you can see exactly what it was that you ate.

    I have no idea what your current weight is, but PLEASE - don't obsess about 'skinny' - your organs and body needs calories to function properly and keep you healthy. cutting back too far and not logging (or eating) is not going to do anything for you in a positive sense.
  • kyliechap
    kyliechap Posts: 1
    Keep everything else the same but add in one 15-20min HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) session a week
  • cravingskinnybody
    cravingskinnybody Posts: 109 Member
    but I don't need more than 900 cal. I don't mean to starve my self like you saying. but it's like my daily needing!
  • SoBeFitNow
    SoBeFitNow Posts: 16
    If you're not losing fat, the answer is going to be in your nutrition. You need to make sure that you're eating enough calories, and that you're also eating lean meats, healthy fats, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. You also need to make sure you're hitting your proper macro nutrient percents everyday (typically that's 30% protein, 40% carbs and 30% fat).
  • sniperzzzz
    sniperzzzz Posts: 282 Member
    If you have been eating low calories for an extended period of time, it may be a good idea to eat at maintenance for a few weeks,before returning to a deficit. Then gradually taper them down sensibly, until your losing again. 20% bellow maintenance is a good start.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    but I don't need more than 900 cal. I don't mean to starve my self like you saying. but it's like my daily needing!

    Yes you do - plain and simple.

    If you are not willing to take peoples advice that they have taken time out in their day to give you, then I do not see the point in you asking the question in the first place.
  • cravingskinnybody
    cravingskinnybody Posts: 109 Member
    you got me wrong!! I mean I feel full when I eat 900 cal and you guys say that's wrong. so If I eat way more calories beside doing the 30 days shred by Jillian michaels. will that help to lose weight? cause I've not lose ANY weight since 4 months (since I started)
  • fay_pigu
    fay_pigu Posts: 125 Member
    OP. What you are currently doing is not working. It seems wise to take the advice offered, if you are unsure speak to a nutritionist/doctor.
  • _EmmaStrong_
    _EmmaStrong_ Posts: 647 Member
    But, you DO need more than 900 calories per day. Your BMR is 1400, which means that if you were in a coma, the doctor would give you 1400 calories intravenously just to keep you alive. You need to take the advice you are being given here, today. You need and "want" help or you wouldn't be asking for it. I have been where you are right now. You will not lose any weight the way you are doing it. You will become severely depressed and you can't let that happen. Please, heed the advice you are being given!

    You need 1400 calorie, even if you don't eat back your excercise calories. If you feel like you just can't eat anymore, eat some peanut butter. A lot of the body builders do that.
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    but I don't need more than 900 cal. I don't mean to starve my self like you saying. but it's like my daily needing!

    Clearly if you haven't lost weight for 4 months, it's not. Start with 1200 calories a day and see how you feel from there.
  • Laurakbg
    Laurakbg Posts: 66
    Your diet seems nutritionally poor. Other people on here know more about it than I do, but common sense says you need more protein and more calories. If you don't want to eat more and better, then I guess you will just stay with what you are doing and get the same results.

    If you fill up fast, try eating mini meals throughout the day.
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    I checked your diary before I read all the comments, but I had to go all the way back to the 22nd to find a day where you logged.

    MFP works if you use it, Try to log everything you are eating for the next week, because even though your goal is 900 calories (which I agree is to low) i wouldn't be surprised if you are not even meeting that.

    Focus on getting in proper nutrition and use MFP logging to make sure you are getting enough protein, good carbs and fat and then evaluate from there.

    ran your numbers on http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/ and even if you are sedentary then you need at least 1400 calories.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    you got me wrong!! I mean I feel full when I eat 900 cal and you guys say that's wrong. so If I eat way more calories beside doing the 30 days shred by Jillian michaels. will that help to lose weight? cause I've not lose ANY weight since 4 months (since I started)

    You are not hungry due to hormone imbalances (ghrelin & leptin) not because you really do not need to eat more. If you are full try more calorie dense foods such as nuts, cheese, avocados etc.

    You basically need to reset your metabolism. You are not going to like this suggestion but....you need to eat at what should be your maintenance for at least 4 weeks (not what it is now as it is suppressed after eating too little for too long). You will probably experience a weight gain - but it is temporary - when you get you body back to 'normal' and then eat at a reasonable deficit you will see results, Check out this thread for more info: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/521728-upping-cals-what-to-expect-why-you-need-patience?

    You do need to make sure you log ALL your food so you can more accurately calculate your deficit.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Keep everything else the same but add in one 15-20min HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) session a week

    NOT this - you are not eating enough to fuel your current activities let alone more activity.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    but I don't need more than 900 cal. I don't mean to starve my self like you saying. but it's like my daily needing!

    You are obviously not willing to take the advice offered to you, so why bother asking for it in the first place? WIth this attitude I doubt anyone is going to be able to help you.
  • sniperzzzz
    sniperzzzz Posts: 282 Member
    Also if you have time, have a read of this, its a bit long winded, but may help you.
  • cravingskinnybody
    cravingskinnybody Posts: 109 Member
    one more question; if I ate 1000 calories a day, how much I should burn during workouts? or will I end my day with those 1000 cal?