5'4. Girls what are your weight goals



  • ronads
    ronads Posts: 10 Member
    Hi :) my first post here!

    I'm 5'4" and I weigh 123lbs. I have a very small frame and I carry weight poorly :( My goal is to be 115lbs.

    I'm never going to weigh 110 or less the way i did in my 20s, but I also didn't have much muscle. I'm working out now so I'm hoping to at least fit into those old clothes that I loved :)
  • 280days_keto
    280days_keto Posts: 90 Member
    I am 5 4

    Thats what a healthy BMI is for me...right now I want to tone rather than just be skinny...dont want to be a toothpick just strong and healthy
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    My goal weight for the moment is 130lb. Ultimately I want to get down to 125lb but we'll see. 130 is a nice round number :D
  • moreno89
    moreno89 Posts: 210 Member
    i'm trying my hardest to get to 145 ,i started at 175 i'm 160 now and i have been going at it for two months! i use to be 122 which was way too skinny for me,although i really liked my face shape,the biggest i ever was was 184 and it wasn't very attractive.now i'm just focused on feeling comfortable in my own skin,and being able to wear shorts and cute strap shirts without feeling insecure about my weight :)
  • dherrmanmom
    dherrmanmom Posts: 16
    I liked myself best at 110. That would be my ultimate goal weight, but since I've had 3 kids and my body has changed with that my realistic goal weight is anything between 118-129. I am currently 146. My highest weight ever was about 180.
  • kodom_123
    kodom_123 Posts: 117 Member
    I started at 311 and am now at 247...I'm still plugging away and *hope to get to 150 one day and then reevaluate to see where I am and how I look then. I don't want to look sick so we will see when I get that way..right now I am focusing on 10 lbs at a time and just wanna get under 200 lol
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    Somewhere between 120-135, I'm set for 135 right now but I'll see when I get there.. planning on starting to lift too because it's more my shape and measurements I'm concerned with right now, if I could hit 145 and just be toned I would take it.
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    I am at 150 now. Was 133 a year and half ago :(
    I am comfortable at 135. I have alot of muscle in my legs now so my goal weight has increased from 130 to 135 (more realistic).
  • gsordahl
    gsordahl Posts: 13 Member
    I started at 139 am now at 132, want to get to 115! Anyone with similar goals, feel free to add me! I log daily!
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I would love to get to 150 but since the last time I had my lean muscle measured and that was at 142 I will likely not see below about 175 unless I lose muscle. And then I can't eat as much so I don't want to do that.

    Guess I will be happy at 175 with my cheeseburger. :-)
  • I started at 165, am now at 136, and would like to be down to 125 before my wedding in August. I would be happy at 130 though.
  • amnski
    amnski Posts: 251 Member
    I always aimed for 120, but after starting a clean eating diet, I am at about 112 now (profile picture is at this weight). Trying to maintain/add muscle now, so the scale will likely go back up, but as I always say, fit is sexy...not skinny. Love me some muscles...give me a heavy weight to lift any day :D
  • BritH24
    BritH24 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm 5'4, currently at 135. My most comfortable happy weight is around 120. I loved my body then; I felt happy and healthy and strong. that's my goal, to get back to that and to change my life for the better so I can stay healthy and feeling better :)

    Anyone with similar stats, please feel free to add me! :) I could use more friends and more motivation/support.
  • Irish_Lanie
    Irish_Lanie Posts: 99
    125, fit & TONE! :)
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    hoping for around 115-125
  • JmeJinxx
    JmeJinxx Posts: 210 Member
    My goal is 140. I found out my BF% at the gym which helped me calculate my lean body mass. I then added 20% BF to that number and rounded it out to an even 140.
    I think finding out the real numbers to understand your body composition is more important than taking a random stab at a good sounding number.
  • bhaktinstella
    bhaktinstella Posts: 51 Member
    I fluctuated between 124-135 and was very happy. For me PERSONALLY with my body 150 is when I don't feel fat, 140 is when I feel sexy and 130 is when I feel skinny and sexy.

    i am 5'4 and weighed always 130's till i hit the age of mid-forties and gained due to illness and meds. THEN this past year, i went from 185 to 150 and am stuck at a plateau, but don't feel fat!, ---- i agree with above. i hope to be 130 again by this time next year!
  • BlowYourMind
    BlowYourMind Posts: 162
  • robindina
    robindina Posts: 157 Member
    Currently at 165...going for 150. Depends on what my body looks like if I change the goal.
  • My major goal is 135
    My current mini-goal is 175...