
  • smaller_mel
    smaller_mel Posts: 10 Member
    That's "Reality" TV for you! There is nothing REAL about it. Sadly, they wouldn't get near the ratings on something that is real. It's just not as exciting. You need to throw in those crazy challenges and the drama of all those people living in the same house and training and eating together. I used to watch it a lot, and would get invested in some of the contestents, but just not anymore. I think the unrealistic nature of it just leaves me bored with it. It's more fun to come here and take part in the camraderie of dealing with real challenges and motivating each other and celebrating each other's successes. It's WAY more rewarding. Now, I limit my "Reality" TV to something that is truly real and captivating...Real Housewives of New Jersey....*SARCASM* :)
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I agree with all that has been said. I think it would be a good idea if they dedicated a segment of the show to discussing nutrition and fitness tips for people at home and also discussing realistic expectations. Maybe some "real life" before and afters and their stories. I think it would still keep the ratings going because I think people want this.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    As once said on House:
    I like to watch biggest loser and eat ice cream and imagine that they can see me :)

    Beat me to it. I'm not a big ice cream fan, but I crave it every time I watch. I hated it though when I was starting out because at that point in the season some were close to my size losing wayyyy more than I could even doing my two-a-days. Ultimately though, I've given myself the tools to lead a healthy life. While I don't agree that they put the weight back on statistically more often than people who do it at home (nor will a lot of them need to continue with the crazy workout schedules. A lot of the girls end up at a reasonable goal weight and thus just need to maintain). Anyways it's a tv show. The bachelor is also an unrealistic picture of dating.
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    It always bugs me when contestants would beat themselves up for ONLY losing 5lbs in one week.

    Plus the negative things said about past winners that gained back the weight annoyed. They did an show on Eric, one of the first winners, and his wife said the show literally dropped him after he won. But once he gained the weight back, they had to use him as an example of failure.

    And it seems like they desperate for rating with all the drama this season, probably due to Jillian leaving. The drama this season was RIDICLOUS!!! Don't think I'll be watching next year.
  • I hate to say this ....but reality check with that Biggest Loser program. Yes it is nice that everyone gets into shape on that show, but reality is that they are working out all day long. Truth be that once they return to their regular daily life they won't be able to keep working out as the program makes them so of course some weight will come back on. What they need to do is truly work from someone's actual life style. Actual life!! Not this false impression that everyone can work out and leave their job 24/7. I cannot stand when someone says "Ohh look at the biggest loser they can do it so you should be able too"...Ummm yea I would drop like a squirrel if I had 24/7 workouts and a chef setting up what only I am allowed to eat. But I live in reality and it will take time to drop! So I think eliminate the "Biggest Loser" show and put up a show on "Reality Loser"!!!

    The problem is that having a reality show that actually is realistic (and safe/reasonable) probably wouldn't draw nearly the attention and thus revenue.

    People should watch Biggest Loser as a source of entertainment and NOT as a model for how to plan their weight loss and/or fitness methods.

    Unfortunately, there are some people who watch the show and think it's a good method of weight loss.

    What makes me sad is to hear how the producers get more and more people applying every year with increasing amounts of weight.
  • I absolutely agree with you!!! I know a gal that was on that show plus have read an article about another lady that was on the program as well and they both gained weight as soon as they got home. One gal gained 35lbs instantly because she stated they wouldn't eat or drink for a day before weigh in so it looked better, they were dehydrated and they didn't weigh in once a week. More like every 10 days or so. NOT REALITY!!!!
  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 666 Member

    As once said on House:
    I like to watch biggest loser and eat ice cream and imagine that they can see me :)

  • Exactly....realistically you cannot drop this double digit number if you are working full time and trying to maintain a household.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    I agree.

    What I do like about BL is that it shows that even severely overweight people (not to say ALL of them) can do some sort of workout. You see 400 pound people climbing up a hill on the first day--whether it's truly the first day on the ranch, or the first day they decide show us is irrelevant IMO. So when my uninjured 200 pound close friends tell me that they are too big to even WALK as exercise, I think about BL and what they do on the first days.

    True. I know that the results on the show are not realistic for normal people, and their weeks are longer than an actual 7 day week (typically), but it does motivate me. I am inspired by the success stories from that show. When I see a guy who used to weigh 350 lbs running a marathon, it makes me realize that I can run a marathon too, if I get off my *kitten* and work hard. There are actually some past contestants who HAVE kept the weight off by changing their lifestyles completely---and isn't that what it's all about? Making a lifestyle change?

    People who take reality shows literally and don't stop to consider the fact that it's reality television and things are edited for the cameras really make my head hurt.
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    As once said on House:
    I like to watch biggest loser and eat ice cream and imagine that they can see me :)

    I miss House
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    But it's on TV, It HAS to be real.
  • Here's the deal. The show never ever makes any secret of the fact that the contestants are in a surreal situation. They aren't saying, "see, you can do this too, and this fast!" They are saying that under extreme conditions, people can lose weight very fast. But this is extreme. They emphasize people transitioning to the real world of home life. Their motto is anyone can do it, and they can. Just not to this degree or speed. Two pounds a week is a good amount of weight loss.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Amen. I couldn't agree more!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    It wouldn't make TV if they were doing it the right way!

    I've only seen a few of the shows and I've always seen myself as going for that huge pile of donuts and cakes that they have displayed, though they probably aren't fresh daily. Figures.
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    While I found the show inspirational and motivating, it is a dramatic television show- not real life. It is entertainment. Not real life. Losing 20 lbs a week? naw... that's entertainment. I don't want to do that. I want what I am doing now... loving my body, changing bad habits, exercising and increasing strength and health.
    Yes, someone can point to the show and say 'you can do it too!' But just because you can, doesn't mean you *should*. I would like to give my skin (which often goes quite ignored) love and attention and care during this time. Massage, pure natural lotions- let it adjust to the change.
    Take care of yourself.
    Listen to advice and take what is pertinent and let the rest fall away.
  • missashley884
    missashley884 Posts: 188 Member
    u should check out the show on abc extreme makeover: weight loss edition! they are with those people for an entire year. and after the first three months i believe they (the trainers) leave them, but check up on them, which is a lot more realistic to me!
  • drea0703
    drea0703 Posts: 83 Member
    And have you ever noticed that the women obviously always wear some sort of spanx to make their silhouttes appear perfect and none of the men have to do that? I smell sexism, fellows!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I know I won't lose that fast, but I am mesmorized by the body's ability to adapt. It is amazing how quickly it is able to lose what people believe are incurable diseases.
    It allows me to imagine what can happen for me in a year or more at my slow and steady pace.
  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    To assume any "reality" TV is a plausible source of reality is a little silly. Even though the show sets unreal goals for people in everyday life, it also lays out this great concept. If you bust your *kitten* and eat healthy you can succeeded. That is what I get from the show and inspires many to do the same. Don't ever compare your reality to TV "reality".
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    And have you ever noticed that the women obviously always wear some sort of spanx to make their silhouttes appear perfect and none of the men have to do that? I smell sexism, fellows!

    But I think I see the boys wearing it too, (ew)