20 th July new group



  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Glad to hear from you Richie and January....Good job staying the same.:drinker: Cheers to u two.
    It is always a challenge when forbidden foods are set in front of us. The self control MUST kick in.
    My husband (also on a diet) always buys sweets for his fellow workers. He says it helps him practice self control. So, far it is working. Then when we go off that diet it is so difficult to not gain the weight back. Always needing that self control just to maintain the lost weight. Its a no end circle!!... We can add a few more calories but can not actually go OFFFF the diet. :noway: That has always been my downfall. Diet, lose weight .....go off the diet....gain it back......diet, lose weight....go off the diet...gain it back...diet, lose weight....go off the diet....gain it back.....diet, lose weight....go off the diet....gain it back....diet, lose weight......Well you get my message.:laugh: ..This time I will stop at diet, lose weight....maintain the lost weight!!!:
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :heart: you are so right Angl, we are on a journey to change our lives not a diet. I am hoping that one day I will no longer need to think about what and when I eat, that this new lifesyle will just be a habit. No mate here , so I really have to remember that I want to be able to chase my grandkids and just live a good healthy life. Just came back from a friends who smokes, I quit around 20 years ago. I got through it and guess what ? I hardly ever want to take the habit up again, hopefully it will be that way with the bad foods. Thanks for all the encouragement. Together We can do it! Richie
  • chrissey
    chrissey Posts: 30 Member
    ok..back on track today..day 1 of eating right again..tonight...treadmill & elliptical...I gained 1/2 a pound..I have not come this far to lose it now..wish me luck....congrats to those who lost!!
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :smile: :smile: GO, CHRISSY GO !!!!!!!! :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Good for you Chrissy..:happy: ..we are not quitters!!!
    Did any one see the Dr. Oz tv show today. He has a group of 3 women who he will be working with to lose weight. It may be interesting to follow. I think you can see some of his show on Doctoroz.com
    We can use all the motivation we can get. And dont forget the biggest loser tomorrow nite.
  • chrissey
    chrissey Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the support guys..I think I just became too comfortable, got bored eating the same ole thing and let my guard down..I should know by now that once I cut back on drinking my water that it is all downhill from there...but thats ok..today is a new day...I did the treadmill for 35 minutes and the elliptical for 20...and boy did it feel good!! I will make it under 200 if it KILLS me!! I totally forgot the Biggest Loser Last week..I caught the rerun later in the week but fell asleep before the vote...who got sent home??? I think that show is so motivational...well for me anyways

    Have a good night
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I was up the past few weeks and am slowly coming back down. I lost .6. Every little bit helps...I hope, no, I Will lose 5 lbs by Turkey Day!:tongue: We are supposed to have our first storm tomorrow here in Northern California.:glasses: Thanks angl for motivating us to post!:flowerforyou:
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :wink: I got through another skirmish with food! Pat myself on the back. I had a friend ask me out to dinner, I declined and had them come over for a nice salad with grilled chicken . Wine, I added lots of ice to mine, She had Blue Cheese dressing 236 calories and I had light Cesar 70! Thanks to all of you for keeping me motivated. I can lose 5 pounds by turkey day or at least make a good effort to. I missed the biggest loser last night . How was it? hugs, Richie
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi friends

    Yeah I have not been around lately. I am stuck.
    Started eating chocolate again at night when my hubby is out etc. I have not been exercising for 2 weeks already and still writing this down. I do want to get there but cant get myself to do it.
    work, kids school exam, hubby out nearly every night for work.
    What a loser. Yeah I know you guys will think don't give up. I don't want to but how do I get myself doing it.

  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    Oh Patty please don't give up...:frown: You can do this. You want this lifestyle change! Your time at alone in the evenings needs to exclude chocolate. You must have a hobby or pastime you can do in the evening to distract yourself.

    I allow myself treat days...every Saturday I take a day off...I eat what I want...if I feel like exercising I do if I don't, I don't. I just find they are my reward days everyweek and I enjoy them and I have all week to look forward to them and in the end I don''t usually go over my calories believe or not:wink: It works for me anyways

    We are all here to help u...YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    Patty, We all go through bad times , It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Depression always makes me want to eat. I am glad that you took the time to write to us ......I don't know about everyone else but I am an emotional eater. This forum has helped me to think I should take time for me. That food is not what I am craving. Please jump back on the wagon with us. It is a bumpy road and from time to time we will all fall off but together we can make it! I like Chrissy's idea for taking off a day. I ask myself "will I feel better after I eat this" If the answer is no I drink a glass of water and if necessary leave the house. I really have to sometimes I am so damn impulsive! Thanks for being so honest with us. Don't be to hard on yourself, Take baby steps.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Patty, we all can relate to your feelings. We all know how hard it is to stay on track. I was just thinking how it has been two months and I am still playing with the same up2 down2 game. It would be so easy to say forget it. Then I look at the positive side...my weight is still down from July and if not for this site, it would probably be up by 10!!! Please stay with us. Can you try some WW desserts or treats like skinny cow ice cream? This can satisfy that need to have something sweet. Hope to see you on line!:flowerforyou:
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Eava, Richie and Jiggly
    for all your inspiring words.
    I do want to lose otherways I would not have been here.
    I have jumped on the wagon so many times already!
    It's also true that this site keep me jumping back.
    Times are a bit tough right now.
    I can't get my eldest (10) under control with his concentration problem (like ADHD),
    and after a tough day and not happy with my achiefments
    depression comes in and it makes me eat.:cry:

    Ok girls I am still hanging in there.
    Thanks for your support and listening.
    :heart: Without you I would have stopped.

    Have a great weekend and enjoy life!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Your message Patty that you posted on the web site DONT QUIT is the best way to make you think about what you are doing.
    You know if you quit you will just gain and gain weight. At least by getting back on the weight loss journey you keep your self from gaining tooooo much. Hang in there. If you have one good day for every off day I would say you are a success at not gaining. Just work on maintaining for the moment if it is too difficult for you. HANG IN THERE.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: You know we all have been there.
    Will post my weight tomorrow.
    Have a great evening.....by the way Biggest Loser was a good one. Cant believe Tracy won the challenge AGAIN. And could not believe She was not voted off!!!! I would have voted her off in a minute. I think coach asked to be voted off because he was in pain. It is a game.
    Have a great evening.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Patty, would it help if we don't post our weights with you.? We can all keep track of our weights (down to ounce.:wink: ) It sounds like you don't need the added stress. I think we can manage. Is everyone okay with this? We are here to support one another.:heart: Keeping are group going is most important.
  • jaxibee
    jaxibee Posts: 9 Member
    I want to join too! I am very new to MFP and would like to get back to my comfortable self! I am in!!!!!!!
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :smile: Welcome Jax! To all my friends I am now missing 13 pounds! Yea, I have an old scale so I will continue to post by the pound. I weighed my self at work on a digital it was three pounds higher. At this point I don't need to feel discouraged so I will stick with my old scale knowing that it is only a number. The important thing is I am trying. \
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    Patty , I raised two boys with ADD it is tough stuff. Keep the faith , stay as positive with them as you can. Stay away from arguments" My Montra was I am not here to argue, I am here to take care of you and help you be a happy adult." Then I walk away. Have the rules posted and stick with them. Take it one rule at a time if you have lost complete control. Both my boys grew up , have jobs and wonderful wives. They can work double shifts without running out of steam, so in some ways the hyperactivitiy has turned into a blessing. I also joined a support group. I went back to college to find out more about their condition and the next thing I knew I was teaching . I can happily say that other then the weight gain I weighed 120 before they came into the world God blessed me with two needy children. They changed my life for the better. Feel free to write anytime. I continure to teach a small class of troubled teens, only 6 using a lot of the lessons my sons taught me the hard way..............Taking care of yourself will help. If the depression gets worse please see your Dr. there are meds to take the edge off. Kids can be like sharks when they know you are down.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Welcome Jaxibee! You found a great group. We just started a 5lb. Turkey Challenge. Good for you joining MFP. :flowerforyou: