Have you lost big and then regained some?

bozzalozza Posts: 39 Member
Is there anyone here that has previously lost a lot of weight and then put some of it back on? I don't mean yo-yo dieting back and forth over the same 10lbs (not to exclude those people) but I mean a once off big loss (eg half your body weight) and then a regain. Hope that makes sense.

I lost about 140lbs and significantly changed my eating habits and body (ran a marathon!) but in the last five years my weight has slowly crept up and I have put back on around half of what I lost (for lots of reasons that are mainly pathetic excuses).

I realised in March it just has to stop or I am going to end up back where I started again...I just can't do that, so enough is enough. Since starting in April, I've already lost 17lbs and feel like I am on the path to getting the old me back (not the big one! the little one!).

So I am looking for any friends who have gone through this as well. Mainly to share experiences, feelings, knowledge and support. Let me know if you're out there!


  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    6 years ago I was in a pretty spectacular accident. I barely survived. But I did and I AM HERE. I lost organs, damaged other organs, had multiple back fractures, etc. BUT I AM HERE. While I was on my way returning to being 'here', I managed to go from 110 pounds up to 178 pounds. I am 5'0" tall. That's a little bit round. I have some lingering health problems and am on more medications than I want to be, BUT I AM HERE.

    Two years ago, I managed to lose 34 pounds of me.Then some some difficulties and a sedentary desk job and I went back up to 156 pounds.

    At 156.6 pounds, I panicked and now I'm at it again. That is when I found MFP. I'm happy to say that to date I've managed to lose at least a pound a week. I am eating healthier than I ever have and am gradually adding exercises to the mix. And I will be here for a long time! :bigsmile:
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Yup - I was down 83 pounds as of December 2011 (Starting May 1st 2011). Then my son was born, plus the holidays, add in a move to another state and you get me about 20 pounds heavier than I was is December. I turn 30 this week, and I'm try to get my stuff back in gear!
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I've struggled with weight my whole life and finally took the proverbial bull by the horns somewhere around 2005-2006. By the winter of 2008-2009, I had lost 75 lbs. and was hovering around 28% BF-- size 20 to size 10. I still needed to lose then, but I went through an ugly breakup, moved, spent 4 mos searching for a job, got a new job... long story short, I gained 30 lbs back. After several half-hearted attempts, I decided to get real again in February. It's been slow going (only 12 lbs lost, but that's almost half of the 30 I gained back!) but I refuse to give up again. I will get to my ultimate goal weight eventually. I know where you are and I'm right here with you!
  • jmilian825
    jmilian825 Posts: 193 Member
    wow well I went from original weight of 230 to 189 then became unmotivated and depressed got back up to 210 got back on track 1 month now weight currently at 207 :) I now work out 4-5 x a week and a vegetarian hope to stay on track.
  • MissAmyB80
    MissAmyB80 Posts: 159 Member
    Well - I guess I fall into 2 categories. I am a yo-yoer. But it's with significant amounts.

    2001 - 260 lbs - first time I realized - Hey - you need to lose some weight!!
    2002 - 210 lbs - lost 50 lbs on WW
    2005 - 320 lbs - gained it back plus WAY more after marriage and baby.
    2006 - 215 lbs - lost over 100 lbs
    2010 - 280 lbs - after a few years of major medical issues, having another baby and getting a divorce it crept back up on me.
    2012 - 230 lbs - current weight - have lost 50 lbs over the past 14 or so months on here and still going strong.

    About half way to goal right now. Would like to lose another 50. I'm 5'10 BTW and 32 years old.

    So yeah - if you can keep up with all that!!! :):) Feel free to add me. I think losing rebound weight is HARD. You have the added issues of the disappointment of knowing you've already lost it once (or twice or three times) before. I call it the hard lard!! :):)
  • wlddove
    wlddove Posts: 85 Member
    That seems to be how I lose. Not the best or most efficient way to do it, but it has worked for me... and I think it'll lead to a life-long way of maintaining weight once I get to my goal because I'm slowly learning what works and what doesn't. I started at 270 about 6-7 years ago. I lost about 50, and then gained back 10-20... lost another 30, and gained back 10... lost another... oh, I've lost track at this point. This last time was the most frustrating though because I think I gained back as much as I lost. I don't like that one bit. So, I'm starting over again, and hoping for better results this time.
  • JeepBaja
    JeepBaja Posts: 1,824 Member
    Yep... lost 34lbs. in six months... then I stuck to the same weight for six months only to gain 10lbs. right after the new year.

    Hopefully I am getting back on track though and by June (a whole year wasted) I will be losing more...
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I once, a long time ago, lost over 100 lbs. on some very sketchy dieting plans.... fad diets and such. I put it back on and more and finally got up to an estimated 450+ lbs. in college. I worked with WW and got down to about 370 lbs. and stayed there for a while... then lost down to 327 lbs. and stayed in the 320-340 range for years.

    Now, I'm here and stuck at 90 lbs. lost. I've got 90 more to go and my body loves hanging onto the fat. I'm sure a lot of that is a mental block of mine. I'm still trying though.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Twice. In the mid 80s I went from about 260 to 170 - had a job change and was laid off for about 6 months. Then I went from about 260 to about 199 - changed my eating habits after a missions trip to Honduras and getting engaged. One other time I went from about 320 to close to 260 but did not have a means to monitor my intake calories very well so I regained to my 344 that I started this journey on. Now, I am about 172 but I am monitoring my intake and plan to continue to do so.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    yes, i lost 80 and now i have gained back about 15 since my fiance has been home from Afghanistan. im trying to lose the 15 i've put back on though. i've had a couple problems arise but im on it now and will get there eventually. its tough but you cant just stop. ever. they say you learn to love to exercise after you do it for so long. but that is BS! i hate it still and have been doing it for almost 3 years now.
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    Between March 2003 and June 2004 I lost 83 lbs. and went from 256 lbs. (size 20) to 180 lbs. (size 8). Over the next 8 years I gained 101, so I started again this January at 281. This time I started out in better shape though. Right now my measurements at 245 are the same as they were at 220 in 2003. My goal is to get back to 180 by the end of the year.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I have - I went balls to the wall after my son was born and lost 60 pounds in 4 months while I was staying home with him I was working out 4 times a day and cooking everything - then i went back to work and couldn't keep up with that workout schedule and dedication in the kitchen and gained about 16 or 17 back within two months. Grrrrr
  • bozzalozza
    bozzalozza Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you to everyone for replying. It's fantastic to find other people who know what it feels like to lose and then regain. It's such a challenge and it's fantastic to hear about everyone else's experiences...really puts it all in perspective and also gives me other ways of thinking about things (instead of being miss negative).

    I'm sending you all friend requests (as soon as MFP system allows me...who knew you can't send more than 5 friend requests in 5 minutes...I obviously type too fast!). Thank you again...by supporting each other, we can all be more successful. MFP rocks!
  • fitpilatesqueen
    Yes. Many years ago I tried Herbalife and lost 25 Kg in few months then I got sick and stopped using it, my weight came slowly back and hasn´t left me since then. I need to lose 40kg/88 pounds, this is going to be difficult but i can´t wait to lose all that weight. All this weight is killing my feet and it´s not easy to do exercise but I still do my every day exercise
  • LeellenMack
    LeellenMack Posts: 141 Member
    I lost 115lbs and managed to keep it off until I got put on bed rest with my daughter (now 5) just before Chritmas 2006. Once she was born (healthy and rambunctious) I couldn't go back to my exercise regimen which had been kickboxing 2 days a week without triggering a migraine soooo, last July at 287 I started again and it has been slooowww. I am currently down 43lbs and just keep chugging until it is all gone again.
    My daughter was worth it but geez!
  • losermomof3
    losermomof3 Posts: 386 Member
    Yea, about 4 years ago I lost 100lbs in 8 mts...Then I cracked...LOL. After that I just keep trying and trying and I am okay with that.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Yep. Lost 110 pounds from 2009 to 2011. Regained 30 by eating EVERYTHING after I went into maintenance. Been back at it for a couple of months now and have not lost a single pound! I've actually gained some weight.
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    I've lost over 80 pounds twice in the past 16 years. In between, I ignored my health for the most part.

    Now, I really need to STAY healthy. I'm too old to go through all this again, and I'm enjoying myself too much to go back!
  • Marie3391
    Marie3391 Posts: 202 Member
    Well, I started at 180lbs, lost 51lbs, at 129 I was 9lbs away from my goal. Then due to sad excuses, such as travelling to Scotland for a month and wanting to try anything and everything during the holidays, then coming back home and continuing a "see food" diet, I gained 16lbs and hovered at 140-145lbs for over a year. Nowadays I'm at 144 (after having gone up to 155lbs again) and am very happy with my work so far. I'm 24lbs away from my goal and I've changed a lot of my old behaviors. I never ever want to go back to 180lbs, it's one of my biggest fears. I'm only 5'1''. Looking healthy is great, but FEELING healthy is irreplaceable.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I lost the 46lbs I'm trying to lose again my first year of college completely unhealthily. I ate almost nothing and when I did eat it was mostly carbs or a large unhealthy meal. Regained slowly over five years when I stopped starving myself until I realized I was back where I ended my senior year of high school. For now, I'm trying to get back to where I was in college healthily and then go from there.