People's way of saying "have you lost weight"



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,118 Member
    Given the number of threads lately with people who get offended at remarks intended to be friendly, respectful, or complimentary by friends and co-workers, may I offer a bit of unwelcome advice? No? Too bad, it's an Internet forum and you can't stop me. Nanner, nanner, nanner.

    If someone says something intended to cause offense, it's usually obvious, and if they do so frequently they are asshats you don't want to associate with any more than is absolutely necessary.

    If someone says something that is not intended to cause offense, just accept the SPIRIT of what is being said and ignore the specific words. None of us have a writing team working for us, and if we all get scripts on what to say to people I have yet to receive mine, so I do the best I can to be nice to people with what little I know about the people around me.

    I don't have one of those little boards with the clappy thing on it like they use on TV and a director to yell "CUT! That was awful! Try it again! Follow the script this time, and say it with meaning! COMPLIMENT - TAKE SEVEN!" and clap the little clappy thing.

    It's quite frequent for things to not come out exactly the way I intended to say them, and even more frequent for them to come out in a manner that might be misunderstood even though I know what I meant. If I say something inadvertently funny, I expect you to point it out so we can both have a good laugh about it. If I say something inadvertently offensive, I expect you to point it out in a friendly manner so I can understand better what offends people. I was the class geek in school - people spent more time putting me in the infirmary or destroying my personal belongings than they spent interacting with me. I'm not terribly good at interpersonal relationships, even though it's been a LOT of years since high school.

    So of someone says something that sounds vaguely encouraging or complimentary in a friendly voice, please do yourself and those around you a favor - and try to understand what they MEANT rather than the words they (sometimes poorly) chose to say it.

    ^^THIS!! Please copy and paste this pretty much everywhere. Most people mean well. When you stop looking for the bad in people, life is so much better.
  • bozzalozza
    bozzalozza Posts: 39 Member
    I ran into my old boss a few days ago and he asked if I was sick. I didn't take his meaning at first but then I realized that I've lost almost 70lb and recently decided to embrace my baldness and start shaving my head. I got a good laugh out of it.

    Good to see you've embraced the baldness and gone for the shaved head option. Way sexier than a comb over! Congrats on your weight loss too...losing 70lbs is fantastic!
  • theberg
    theberg Posts: 80
    Good to see you've embraced the baldness and gone for the shaved head option. Way sexier than a comb over! Congrats on your weight loss too...losing 70lbs is fantastic!

    I had long hair as a kid. Down to my shoulders. Around 19 I noticed it was really starting to thin out on top. I buzzed my head then and have kept it short ever since. I didn't want to be that guy with long hair on the sides and bald on top.
    Kids, school, work, and general stress have sped the process up a little bit and now I'm next to gone on top. Hopefully the skin will get used to the lack of hair soon. I hear women love shiny things :D
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Damn Girl, you're almost doable now.

    ^^^ Perfect. It's much better not to imply that you recognize the amount of weight loss, only that the hotness factor has improved. And saying "almost" is encouragement to keep up the good work.

    This will now be my stock compliment to any female co-workers or friends. I'm sure my wife will approve and HR will understand.

    That's fine....Just don't tell them where you got it!
  • mcleodconnor
    Good to see you've embraced the baldness and gone for the shaved head option. Way sexier than a comb over! Congrats on your weight loss too...losing 70lbs is fantastic!

    I had long hair as a kid. Down to my shoulders. Around 19 I noticed it was really starting to thin out on top. I buzzed my head then and have kept it short ever since. I didn't want to be that guy with long hair on the sides and bald on top.
    Kids, school, work, and general stress have sped the process up a little bit and now I'm next to gone on top. Hopefully the skin will get used to the lack of hair soon. I hear women love shiny things :D

    Shaved head is the way to go dude.
  • jade1108
    jade1108 Posts: 20 Member
    I get/got, you have lost weight haven't you! Don't lose too much and go too skinny! Once I had an uncle ask my dad if I was ok cos I looked thin (i did not look thin at all) and my brother always says he thinks I have lost enough even once said I looked too skinny. I really don't get it cos I am not even thin never mind skinny but maybe it is because they are used to me being big. these are comments in the past I have gained weigh since then and I am now losing again although my brothers comment was not too long ago. But I think he only thinks it because I have a thin waste compared to the rest of my body and he does not like it lol

    This past weekend I have had my flatmates say that I have lost a lot of weight since starting uni and that my tummy is so flat, again it is so not plus I was lying down for god sake haha and they have not seen me undressed eww would not inflict that on anybody! ha xx
  • NamibianRose
    NamibianRose Posts: 151 Member
    I can't wait for someone to ask me if I've lost a crap load of weight, and I will proudly answer...h*ll to the YES!
  • smartandtrim
    smartandtrim Posts: 123 Member
    I've lost 10lbs total, but probably more in fat that I gained in muscle, and I get asked if I'm ill a lot.
  • ready2tryagain42
    Most people around here know I am working on losing weight. They are good about telling me that I look great (even when I don't feel it!) fact someone said that to me today. I just say thank you..and smile.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I had someone ask me if I had cancer since I was losing so much weight.
  • CharityEaton
    CharityEaton Posts: 508
    My nephew saw me and, Aunt Charity is skiiiny. She must be on some sort of sugar free diet!" He is was too funny!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    40 pounds is your average kindergartner. To most people that is pretty huge. Don't be offended, instead just say "thanks" and remember how hard you've worked to get there.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've heard something to the effect of, "You look like you've lost alot of weight! How much have you lost?", but that's probably the "worst" thing I've heard. However, to be fair, I started at 297 lbs and I'm still at 250 lbs. Once I reach ONEderland, I might start getting more comments like that.
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    "OMG have you lost a crap load of weight?" And i would say "No I just read a lot" Then walk away. :)

    That's what I do too - "I've lost a pound or two" is usually my response.

    I never take it as an insult, cos yeah, I have lost a feckload of weight, and I'm gonna lose a feckload more, so keep the compliments coming :laugh:
    1MOMOISME Posts: 25
    I don't think it is a reflection as to what they thought of you in anyway. I would completely take it as "wow you look fabulous!!!" Meaning they have noticed that all of your hard work and effort!! For a lot of us "bigger girls" it often times takes a little longer for people to notice..especially if they see us all the time. You are doing a great job!! Keep up the hard work and just enjoy the fact that people are taking notice of the lifestyle changes that you are putting into place for yourself!!!
  • Blaqheart
    Blaqheart Posts: 235
    Always look for the good in people and you will find it.

    Grats to everyone and their hard work know it is paying off. :)
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    I've heard something to the effect of, "You look like you've lost alot of weight! How much have you lost?", but that's probably the "worst" thing I've heard. However, to be fair, I started at 297 lbs and I'm still at 250 lbs. Once I reach ONEderland, I might start getting more comments like that.

    I started at 297 and I do get a lot of comments maybe cause I am only 5 ft2" its more visible?

    I think its cool that people notice and say something positive - even if you hear the same phase a lot - its still good and I just try and say thanks. - words are clumsy and people mean well.
  • Claire594
    Claire594 Posts: 357 Member
    I can't wait for someone to ask me if I've lost a crap load of weight, and I will proudly answer...h*ll to the YES!

    This made me lol.

    I too am being asked if I've lost a load of weight and I say yes and tell them I've lost 45lbs. I'm so proud of my achievements and I don't care who knows it :)
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    not everybody has tact! just be happy you are looking good mama!
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    I've noticed most ppl aren't very kind nor do they put a lot of thought into their commentaries. Hey, at least they notice! MY fam. doesnt say anything... and if it is brought up it gets degraded to, "Well, yeah- she's dieting". As if its SO easy. That's why they're all fat lol