Double Belly



  • bethmillerwilson
    bethmillerwilson Posts: 43 Member
    I have one now, but I didn't get it until about 7 years ago. I turn 39 this year. I am hoping it will go away when I get my weight back down.
  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 425 Member
    I have it also. Its just more to love! I call it my playground!:laugh:
  • cristileigh
    cristileigh Posts: 158 Member
    Nope, I'm the same way. And 2 pregnancies and a c/section have NOT been helpful either. I'm going to keep working on it... but it'll probably be around forever, lol. Oh well, could be worse! Oh, and I have one side that hangs a little lower than the other too. So weird.

    I am the same... 2 pregancies and 2 c/sections as well. I tell my boyfriend I feel like I have udders like a cow. I have boobies, then upper belly, the lower belly.....I HATE IT!!!!!
  • brwneyedirish813
    brwneyedirish813 Posts: 67 Member
    I too have the double bubble. When i refer to my weight loss i say top belly and bottom belly. LOL Im so ready for it to be gone!
  • frootcat
    frootcat Posts: 194 Member
    You guys make me feel so much better! I love you all! Haha :)
    I had one before losing 40lbs... Not anymore. It's a matter of losing fat. You MAY have leftover skin, but I wouldn't advise you get something like a tummy tuck until you've lost all the weight you need
    Oh, I definitely have no intention of doing that-- it's just that the only places I found pictures (without inflicting my own belly on the world) that were similar happened to be on plastic surgery sites.

    I am glad to read that it does have the potential to reduce itself to something less noticeable. I guess I probably knew that on an intellectual level, but I had fears. They needed soothing. :)
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    After 3 kids, 2 c-sections and alot of weight gain/loss, I've got the same issue. I've looked into a tummy tuck and am saving to have one next year!

    It gets better on the sides, but the overhang and loose skin are with us forever without surgical intervention. :sad:
  • Charliebarleymo
    I have 2 bellies too! The bottom one is my baby belly - stretched skin from twins and a caesarean. I can only lose this with surgery because the muscle was permanently damaged. The top one is my food baby though! This does shrink with diet and exercise.
  • fraser112
    fraser112 Posts: 405
    I have this also
    most of my weight is around my love handles and belly.
    So much so i now have a pretty nice hourglass going on if i wore fitted stuff
  • cristileigh
    cristileigh Posts: 158 Member
    I have 2 bellies too! The bottom one is my baby belly - stretched skin from twins and a caesarean. I can only lose this with surgery because the muscle was permanently damaged. The top one is my food baby though! This does shrink with diet and exercise.

    C-Sections are NOT FAIR!!!! :-(
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You know this by now but you're not alone! I'm not quite to goal yet but I can tell you they've definitely gone down and that crease at the belly button has widened/flattened as I've lost the weight too. Skin can take up to 2 years to recover after you hit maintenance so I'm hoping with time it'll look better but after being overweight/obese for 18 years, I'm not sure if my skin will ever be tight again. I may never look good in a bikini (or naked) but I'll look hawt in my one piece swimsuit and all my clothes! :)

    ETA: I've never had kids either. And mine is also slightly bigger on one side but it's evened out a bit as I've lost the weight/fat.
  • jmapes9
    jmapes9 Posts: 144 Member
    I had this problem up until I was 20, so I'm sympathetic to it. When friends would see me without a shirt on, I jokingly called it my uterus. When I was 20, I went on a very unhealthy freakout diet, and lost most of my weight. After I failed, and began gaining weight again, I told myself I didn't want to have two stomachs anymore, and just started buckling my belt underneath my belly. Now I have one humungous gut (that I've been working on successfully for over 10 weeks).
  • SnarkyMam0610
    SnarkyMam0610 Posts: 39 Member
    I've had the "double belly" most of my life. I had two children and they were both c-sections. I have been doing some tightening exercises (drawing in my core muscles) and that seems to be helping it tone up and start to go away.
  • pinklily905
    pinklily905 Posts: 106 Member
    I have a double belly too. 4 kids didn't help, but my eating habits, and lack of exercise sure did me in. Time for change...Time, hard work, and dedication, I'm hoping, will make things better. I can hold on to my top's like a built in handle lol

    Feel free to add me as a friend anyone. The more support...the better
  • jeawashko
    jeawashko Posts: 40
    i'm in the same boat, sadly :( i've lost 70 lbs and no matter what weight i lose, my double gut doesn't leave. i HATE it. my sisters have the exact same thing, too so i'm convinced it's genetic. in anycase, i feel like mine is never going away without surgery but i sure as heck keep trying!!
  • bluegrasschica
    I'm built the same way and haven't lost enough weight yet for that to change. Hopefully I will lose the weight though
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    I have it too, I blame it on losing and gaining weight so many times in my life.
    Lost 30 in highschool, gained it back.
    Lost 50 in university, gained 20 back
    Lost 26 lbs since september, I work out alot and eat properly and I am the smallest I have every been at 141 lbs and although its improved, it's still there. Mine isn't wrinkly like loose skin, you can feel the fat stuck to the skin. My husband love it, I hate it, so I just dress around it and try to improve my posture as much as possible.

    It will go away it just takes ALOT of time.

    You are not alone...
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 236 Member
    I have this too...when I was at my lowest it was mostly gone (I had lost 71 lbs and put 30 back on). I think if I would have exercised more it would have been much firmer. This time I am eating right an exercising so hopefully I will have better results. I have two boys my youngest is 15 so I can't use that as an excuse.
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    Looking at the pictures from the link makes me feel self-conscience. Only because I have so many of those tummy problems and I never want to consider lipo as an alternative to getting healthy.
  • frootcat
    frootcat Posts: 194 Member
    Looking at the pictures from the link makes me feel self-conscience. Only because I have so many of those tummy problems and I never want to consider lipo as an alternative to getting healthy.
    Just look at the price, the risks, and the recovery periods and you'll go right back to not considering it :)

    Seriously guys, thank you all so much for sharing your jiggly secret with me. I feel SO much better. I was half afraid everyone would read my post, no one would reply, and forever and ever on this site people would think of me as The One With The Creepy Belly. haha. :)
  • abigailmariecs
    abigailmariecs Posts: 192 Member
    I have always had this problem and it is now even worse than ever. Now the bottom is covered in stretch marks. I escaped my first pregnancy without adding any stretch marks but due to the c-section and the lack of time between both of my children (13 months) I have stretch marks from the c-section scar up to my belly button.

    The first time I lost the weight I also lost the top belly and most of the bottom belly. At one point I dipped below my optimal weight and lost the bottom belly; this was due to stress, instead of eating when stressed I read to get away from my problems which also means I forget to eat because I am so wrapped up in what I am reading I lose touch with reality, time, hunger, everything. Sorry that was a little off subject. The point I was trying to make is I am built wide even at my smallest I was in a size 8 at my hips and a size 6 at my waist. Because of this if I don't have at least a little bottom belly I tend to look sick. I end up with a "U" between my hip bones. There was never any inbetween it either pouches out or falls in. Personally I would rather have a little pouch then the "U," jeans fit better, I feel better, and I am much more confident about my body when it is there.