Okay Ladies, I need some help PLEASE



  • soygurl
    soygurl Posts: 44 Member
    I agree with all the above tips, but for those times when fast food really IS the only option, try to make healthier choices. All chains should have nutritional info on their websites (as well pamphlets available in the store). Check out the specs for places you usually go, so you're able to make some better choices next time you go in. Even if you can't look at the nutrition info ahead of time, you can still save a lot of calories by choosing smaller sizes, asking for no mayo, no cheese, sauces/dressing on the side, etc. Try a veggie burger if available, or have a grilled chicken sandwich instead of crispy chicken or beef. Also, you can eat only the bottom half of a burger bun, or ask for a to-go container and before starting to eat, package up half the meal to take home for dinner. There's even a book about this subject. It's called "Eat This, Not That" I think. I don't have it, but I've heard it's good if you find yourself unable to avoid fast food. :)
  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    When I'm doing well and stuff, I'm usually packing snacks like apple slices and hard boiled eggs. I didn't always have access to a fridge at work, but it was still ok to just keep my little container of cut up apples and eggs at room temp. Trust me, apple slices and a hard boiled egg or two are FILLING!!
  • k8tls
    k8tls Posts: 23
    Thank you for the encouragement and suggestions everyone!

    I hope that others will benefit from your insight as well!
  • notlauren
    notlauren Posts: 2
    quick on the go food ideas I can share is the pre-made salads (chicken cesar yummy- be careful to not use much of the full flavor dressing) at Papa Murphy's Pizza- tons of romaine lettuce in the chicken ceasar and only 5 bucks in my town anyway.

    I eat almonds and pistachios and cashews (count out 1/2 a serving) to stop hunger between meals.

    I eat lots of A & E yo-lite yogurt- artificially sweetened if you can live with that. I also eat lots of 1% cottage cheese-keep a container at work fridge for a quick lunch- maybe I would have a chicken boca burger for my a meat substitute, high in protein, microwaves in 1 minute and tastes yummy too. Add some fresh green vege like peppers, cucumber, strawberries for desert... you can grab this kind of stuff at the grocery store instead of trying to find something healthy at convenience store. Keep a lunch sack with cuttlery and napkins in your vehicle for such an occasion...

    hope this helps...hang in there. Know that exercise (strength training a few times a week will make a BIG difference in your metabolism and your body sculpting) combined with controlling intake is the formula for success.

    take care
  • anthemforagirl
    What are some of your favorite & healthy on the go meals?

    If all else fails... choose a salad. Forego the croutons and go with a fat free or vinaigrette dressing.
    Lean Cuisine makes a bucket load of low calorie microwavable meals that are truly delicious.
    Annie's vegetarian burritos are also easy to prepare, filling, and delicious.

    When and how do you prepare them?
    I cook very little, most meals are microwavable.

    What encourages you to keep with things when you are frustrated after trying so hard and seeing so little results?
    The weight didn't go on overnight and it isn't going to come off overnight.
    There will be plateaus, but trainers say to increase calorie intake for a couple days and it will kick back in - then lower the calorie intake once it does.

    What advice or encouragement can you give me???
    My highest weight was 328lbs.
    I have lost 46lbs thus far with over 100lbs more to go.
    It CAN be done.
    It took 26 years to put the weight on... working hard and changing my life over the course of... say two years... that is win-win situation.
  • lk27
    lk27 Posts: 267 Member
    I pack my lunch at night. It only takes a few minutes. When I go grocery shopping for the week I get stuff for salads, carrots, celery & cucumber (to slice) for snacks, apples. I usually try to make a batch of vegetable soup for quick weeknight dinners. I chop and prepare everything so that the night before I can just throw a salad together (dressing on the side), throw some veggies in a bag and put it all in the fridge so I can rush out the door in the morning. For healthy breakfasts I try to make egg muffins on Sunday as well. Throw them in the microwave for a minute and eat while I'm walking to my car. I only take what I have planned in my diary. I try really hard not to stop somewhere and grab a bite of anything. With me, one bad decision always leads to more. If I just stay on track it's easier to keep on track...
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    What kind of kitchen options do you have at work? Is there a fridge, microwave, kettle, or nothing? It might be worth investing in a microwavable cup or dish to keep at the office. If you have a fridge at work, bring in a grocery bag of healthy snacks (fruit, cut up veggies, yogurt cups, cheese portions, whole wheat bread, and anything else that you like.)

    If you have a microwave, you can heat up your own homemade food or a healthy frozen dinner. I eat a lot of frozen dinners at work because I dislike cold sandwiches. I like looking forward to a good-tasting lunch after a long morning :-)

    If you don't have either of these things it gets a little more challenging, but there are still healthy, shelf-stable snacks available. I like canned hummous, fruit in shelf-stable cups, peanut butter, canned vegetable juice and canned tuna salad. Whole fresh fruit is another great snack that will keep in your desk for several days. There's also oatmeal and soups, stews and chili available in individual cups that simply require hot water.

    Frozen dinners and shelf-stable items tend to be high in sodium, so you'll want to keep an eye on that. There are lots of great suggestions on this thread, and hopefully you'll find some meals that appeal to you!
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    For something really quick and nutritious I buy Chocolate Muscle Milk in small 100 calorie cartons. When kept cold in the fridge you can grab it and go. You'll be getting 30% protein as well as many more nutrients in a little carton of milk.
  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    ALWAYS make time for your health. No excuses.

    That being said, you can spend more time on weekends doing things like grilling a massive amount of white chicken and veggies. Don't bother with pastas, bagels, or wraps. They are high calorie and don't keep you full for long. I used to be a carb QUEEN. Now I barely ever make carb-heavy foods because I'm hungry only a couple hours later!! Plus it's one more food group to cook each time.. :)

    Do prep ahead of time so you can portion it out each morning.

    Don't waste your time on smoothies - you would have to make it daily.

    Go basic like low fat cottage cheese and strawberries for breakfast, chicken and veggies for lunch (change up the seasoning/cooking sauce), and same for dinner (lean protein/veggie). We cook things like grilled chicken, roasted peppers, turkey meatloaf, brussels sprouts, broccoli, then maybe take some of the cooked chicken and turn it into taco meat for tacos one night, then slice it for chicken sandwiches... Another day you can chop the roasted peppers and chicken, add balsamic vinegar (or light vinaigrette) and make a salad. Done! See how easy it can be? :)
  • mlewon
    mlewon Posts: 343 Member
    LOVE having almonds with me-and a lot of simple grab-and-go foods like celery sticks and PB, grape tomatoes, mini cucumbers.

    If you need to eat out and don't have time for packing meals- grocery stores make pre-packaged salads and wraps most of the time (just make sure you check the calorie count!) and it'll take you just as long to get something at DD as it will to grab a salad from the store.

    It's all about being able to manage! Another great motivator is dedicating a section of wall space in an area that you will see when you wake up/as you're getting ready to go (I use the back of my door!) and I have a post-it note denoting every pound I have to lose stuck on the door (you can use multiples for now if you wish, since you say you have a large amount to loose!) and then once a week when you weigh yourself, you can look forward to being able to take those post-its off. It keeps me on track because taking one down is a huge motivator (I started losing weight before MFP, that's why it says I haven't lost anything yet) and I have to see it every day. :)
  • nancy5012
    nancy5012 Posts: 40
    If I am out and about and need a healthier meal - I get the Southwest Salad with Grilled Chicken at McDonalds. I think it is about 330 calories without the dressing.

    Most fast food places have really good salads these days. I actually don't want the burger and fries anymore!!

    Subway also has some good choices if you are careful to avoid the cheese and oil based dressing.
  • emilynoelle8008
    Almost every fast food resturant has salads and healthier choices now-a-days. There are still days when i give in and order something not so healthy. I try to keep snack packs on me also. While i may not always be at work i am also a college student and always hungry in between classes. I try to keep lots of healthy food on me.
  • Pink_Tina
    Pink_Tina Posts: 164
    I hate to cook. My husband hates to cook. We compromise by eating things that take little to no time at all.

    Dinner 1:
    Time: 9 minutes (using George Foreman grill)
    Calories: 500
    2 lean turkey burgers and light wheat buns.

    Dinner 2:
    Time: 2 minutes
    Calories: 490
    Mix entire packet of Dole light ceasar salad kit (with croutons and the dressing included) with an entire package of Oscar Meyer Southwestern chicken breast strips.

    I'm having dinner option 1 tonight and adding some jumbo shrimps. I also use O calorie Our Family Honey mustard. ;)
  • heatherrose9
    heatherrose9 Posts: 122 Member
    What's REALLY helped me is I cook a buncha chicken at a time, and while it's cooking (george foreman or grill usually) I cut up lots and lots of veggies. That way I always have a salad or wrap ready!! it's made a world of difference. And I invested in an insulated lunch box and those freezer things that cook everything cold. I sometimes leave with lunch and dinner (and i already have it posted on here). it's convenient and I don't have to worry about having to grab something from fast food throughout the day. it does take a little extra time to pack the lunch as i'm measuring out things, but it's all worth it for me!
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    I usually plan all my food the night before. I pack my breakfast, snacks and lunch before I have my magnesium at bedtime. This way I know that I'm fed the next day without having to try to get up early.

    I work off a menu plan that is sorted out on sunday. I shop every 2 or so days to ensure that I get fresh food. it's a bit more effort, but I like to enjoy eating the foods that I get to eat. I want it to be fresh and flavorful.

    I don't do drive thru, but if i need a quick snack because i missed something I'd go to Whole Foods or Fresh Market and have a salad. I always have a spare can of tuna at my desk and I can always buy a garden salad to augment the tuna.

    Just plan ahead. keep almonds in your purse and you'll find that they can tide you over until you can make a healthy choice.
  • Melindaleigh12
    I make a big batch of Quinoa with herbs and a mix of EVOO and lemon juice. I portion it off into one cup servings and it keeps all week. Then at supper I make one extra of whatever protein we are eating, chicken salmon steak ect and ad it to my cold quinoa portion......delicious cold lunch on the go!
  • Debrann310
    Debrann310 Posts: 16 Member
    I make my salads ahaed of time and store them in a green baggie. Use veggies tbat doesn't spoil easy. Spinach, carrots, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes etc. My husband also blackens me fish for the week. Works out very well for me
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    this makes 14 2c servings. Love this with a large salad. Very filling. Here is the general stuff I put in it. You can adjust for yourself and what comes in your area or what you like. But general idea.

    I use the EVOO just to brown the turkey in and saute the veg a bit beofre adding everything else. If any of you try it let me know what you think. This also freeze well. Just reheat in pan with water in it.

    Caroline (Save A Lot) - Ground Turkey, 12 oz 6
    Wylwood - Grade A Fancy Dark Red Kidney Beans, 1/2 Cup
    Dakota's Pride (Aldi) - Great Northern Beans Canned, 1 cup (130g)
    Mothers Maid - Kidney Beans - Light Red, 1/2 cup
    Celery - Raw, 1 cup chopped
    Garlic - Raw, 2 clove
    Onions - Raw, 1 cup, chopped
    Carrots - Raw, 1 cup, chopped
    Campbell's V8 - Low Sodium Original Vegetable Juice, 11.5 oz
    Happy Harvest - White Distilled Vinegar, 1 Tbsp
    Oil - Olive, 1 tablespoon
    Happy Harvest - Aldi's - Tomato Sauce, 2 cup
    Spices - Oregano, dried, 1 tsp, leaves
    Generic - Green Bell Pepper- Raw, 1 large bell pepper
    Happy Harvest - Aldi(M) - Diced Tomatoes, 1 cup
    Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Chol
    Total: 1657 177 66 96 4620 240
    Per Serving: 118 13 5 7 330 17

    It freezes well and can be easly reheated in just a bit of water.
  • muchadoaboutme2000
    muchadoaboutme2000 Posts: 86 Member
    If you have a Kroger nearby, they have a great selection of "Amy's" meals in the organic section. They have microwave meals, burritos and the likes. I always keep them as a standby if I don't have time to actually COOK food. They taste great! As for snacks, once a week, chop up some veggies to keep nearby, portion out some peanuts and my go-to is chips and salsa! I looove multigrain tortilla chips and salsa has next to nothing calorie wise. If you ever need recipes or advice, add me! I'll be glad to show you what I'm doing :)
  • BlueDahlia77
    Sometimes, when I know I'm going to have a busy week I'll pre-make everything on the weekend. If you're not able to do that there are some chain restaurants that are actually pretty healthy, Au Bon Pain and Chipotle come to mind for me. Some grocery stores have a salad bar or pre-made salads and healthy snacks.