Cupcakes at Work... What to do?

What's the best way to stop yourself from eating those pesky things? (Those lovely, delicious pesky things). We get them at work way too often for birthdays, and it's so hard to stay away. Any pointers?



  • I always remind myself, that I know what a cupcake tastes like. I don't need to eat that one, to remember what it tastes like and how it feels in my mouth. I also know how I feel after---badly both mentally and physically. Not worth it. Also sometimes you can make a deal with yourself...ok, I MUST HAVE A CUPCAKE. But I will make it an event. I will buy one ONE after work and sit down at the table and eat it and enjoy every bite. You may not decide you want to do all that work, when the time comes to actually buy the cupcake. You could also get real busy with email, checking messages here, filing, etc., and leave the scene of the cupcake crime!
  • VictoriaK1993
    VictoriaK1993 Posts: 45 Member
    I know the feeling.. I have family functions almost every weekend (huge Maltese family haha) and there's always cake and tasty pasties. I just make sure I'm satisfied hunger-wise before going. If I'm at an event where there's food, I stock up on everything I can eat (namely salad, lovely veggies, lean meats) so that by the time dessert rolls around I'm feeling nicely full. I focus on the feeling of fullness in my stomach and tell myself that that is my body's way of letting me know it has the nutrients it needs. And then I refuse that chocolate cake and picture myself in a glorious bikini, or happily jogging a marathon and it feels better =P Just be sure to let yourself have little indulgences - mine is dark chocolate - one square a couple times a week is my treat - in order to make sure you're healthy yes, but happy and living life too.
  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    Hehe... know what I used to do? When you see the cupcake, think, "Fat Pill". Would you like a fat pill? Hey, someone just brought in a dozen fat pills!! Let's all take one!! hehe... goofy, I know, but when you think of them that way... kinda lowers the temptation power they have :)
  • jasperann
    jasperann Posts: 136 Member
    This happens at my work a lot. If I feel like I HAVE to have the cupcake I take all the frosting off of it and then just eat the cake. lol But I usually pass on the cupcakes and snacks, but every once in a while isn't bad.
  • ashbee03
    ashbee03 Posts: 274 Member
    I also hate this, I have one co-worker that ALWAYS brings in sugary, delicious, lick you lips snacks on our break, that we share together !
    & she ALWAYS brings extra & offers to a few of us.
    I just say no, but it's so TEMPTING.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I tell myself, "that cupcake is worth 500 calories" (or whatever the size is) "that means, an hour of cardio, or I could eat a bunch of snap peas, celery, and carrots, or I could eat 'X' 'X' and 'X'"

    I go to a specialty cupcake shop once a month to indulge, and any other cupcake just isn't as indulgent as the ones I get there, so I'm able to resist. Also when I thought about the nasty preservatives, HFCs, coloring, dyes etc, that really turned me off to eating other cupcakes (the ones I eat are made with fresh local and/or organic ingredients).

    Hope that helps!
  • seamonkey789
    seamonkey789 Posts: 233
    My coworker brings them all the time to raise money for her daughters mission trip. If I want a cupcake I eat one
  • batgirl8809
    batgirl8809 Posts: 32 Member
    Hehe... know what I used to do? When you see the cupcake, think, "Fat Pill". Would you like a fat pill? Hey, someone just brought in a dozen fat pills!! Let's all take one!! hehe... goofy, I know, but when you think of them that way... kinda lowers the temptation power they have :)

    Okay that is hilarious.
  • EmilySuv
    EmilySuv Posts: 3 Member
    Hehe... know what I used to do? When you see the cupcake, think, "Fat Pill". Would you like a fat pill? Hey, someone just brought in a dozen fat pills!! Let's all take one!! hehe... goofy, I know, but when you think of them that way... kinda lowers the temptation power they have :)

    Haha, that actually is super helpful! How I handled this crisis today: I booked it out of the office and went to lunch. I bought a nice salad and told myself that it was all for the best. :) Thanks for the help, everyone. I don't even feel that bad about missing them. Mostly relieved!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    if i want a cupcake... i eat one

    i dont know WHEN the last one i HAD was though LOL (not so much a cake person LOL)

    seriously though, i will never lose weight or stick to a 'diet' if i feel like I'm depriving myself. Have one cupcake (not 3)... and enjoy it.
  • Martin0524
    Martin0524 Posts: 59 Member
    I have someone that always brings donuts in... They are so hard to resist.. But I have overcome.. I will go back there with them while they are all eating it and I just watch them enjoy it.. and I take in all the aromas of the donut.... Then I leave get my water and get back to work..
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    Is it the exact flavor you would pick if you could have any cupcake in the world at that moment? No? Why not wait and have a PERFECT cupcake, and share it with someone. Or... how do you know it is FRESH? Cupcakes are best really FRESH....

    This is the conversation I have with myself when we have them at work.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    picture biting into it and a nest of bugs comes out of the center - still wriggling. Or just eat a darn cupcake and call it a day.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Walk away. :bigsmile:
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I just eat one and make sure I find a way to make it fit into my calories/macros. :-)
  • beckystahnke
    beckystahnke Posts: 41 Member
    My advice: Know you can have one. Or two, or three, or five. Then ask yourself, how will you feel when you're done?

    When no food is off limits, it becomes a lot less desirable.
  • sarahsxt
    sarahsxt Posts: 66
    Most cupcakes look better than they taste!
  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    In the last 10 months, I haven't denied myself anything as that always leads to trouble for me. But I also don't indulge like I used to. That said, I'm the one who brings the goodies to my office - I love to bake but I don't need it so I feed the office.

    If I have enough calories in the day, or have a date planned with the trainer, I might enjoy a cupcake. But I have to have a plan to cover the calories or I'm not going to eat it.
  • prjoy98
    prjoy98 Posts: 250 Member
    I have lost weight by eating cupcakes!
    I think the key to everything in this journey is learning how to balance.
    Deprivation usually leads to binge...i rather have 1/2 a cupcake every night as my "treat" than not have any for a week and then eat 3 at once!
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    Walk Away...