The one thing you stopped doing....



  • mrowrmeowmrowr
    mrowrmeowmrowr Posts: 288 Member
    Went from 10 beers a night to 24 beers a month.

    I need to try this approach.
  • Counting my calories and exercising made a huge difference...I had no idea how many calories I was consuming.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    Yup -- tracking everything I eat and exercising every day. That's the magic for me.
  • SONIA820
    SONIA820 Posts: 208 Member
    I cut out milk for sure and only have it on occasion....I could easily drink all my calories in milk!

    I cut out most processed foods and STOPPED having "just one bite" because it's never just ONE bite! LOL!

    Also stopped eating the rest of my son's lunch because I didn't want it to go to I just don't give him as much! PORTION CONTROL FOR ALL!! LOL!
  • rainydaze613
    rainydaze613 Posts: 112 Member
    The first step for me was that I stopped keeping things with high fructose corn syrup in the house. I like to think of it as the spark that inspired my healthy-eating kick.
    Then I stopped eating meat and dairy so often. I also stopped letting food control me, and let me control food... a big part of that was definitely willpower and mindfulness over portion control.
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    Stopped smoking.
    Started drinking more water.
  • bicoastalgirl
    bicoastalgirl Posts: 85 Member
    i stopped having dessert every night after dinner.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What is the one (or a couple) thing you stopped doing, or started doing, and you noticed results almost immediately?

    I stopped being sedentary.
  • carakline
    carakline Posts: 12
    I started drinking only water two days ago and I'm already down 2lbs. Now, those 2 lbs are probably pure water weight, but they're enough to keep me motivated!
  • katharineshalia
    katharineshalia Posts: 243 Member
    Stopped drinking beer, sigh
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    stopped soda and traded it for water

    really, its the ONLY thing ive done, and so far its been amazing!

    the weight that i lost from that alone made me want to work on losing more, though right now im just watching/tracking what i eat, just to help keep me mindful of what i put in my mouth lol
  • mlewon
    mlewon Posts: 343 Member
    started a better sleeping schedule!
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    Stopped drinking Soda. Will only have a little bit of sprite zero if i have an upset stomach.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Eating while watching tv. I could stuff phenomenal amounts of crap in my face without even noticing.
  • musicmrse
    musicmrse Posts: 49 Member
    Snacking after dinner.
  • Bikini_Bound150
    Bikini_Bound150 Posts: 461 Member
    Stopped eating an entire row of Double Stuf Oreo's :bigsmile:

    I miss them.....
  • loribenfield
    loribenfield Posts: 120 Member
    Stopped the pop and juices. Only drink water and skim milk.
  • Chantal34
    Chantal34 Posts: 128
    I started eating less and exercising more.
  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    Stopped eating after dinner/ late night snacking. Sounds easy but was/ is HARD.

    I no longer allow 'risky' food into the house. No chocolate, no take-away,no lollies, no nothing. I still eat junk, but absolutely NEVER in the house.

    This is an easier rule - and a surprisingly good one. If I want chocolate I imagine eating it in front of the TV, somehow driving to the shop every time and eating it in my car isn't fun - so I don't do it (much) lol.
  • scloyd
    scloyd Posts: 327 Member
    Stopped eating cereal.
    Stopped eating french fries.
    Stopped driving two blocks to I walk.