This is BS.

Yup, I said it, this whole calorie thing is utter BS.
I know how much I see those threads that say "oh god, help me with calories Im stuck on a plateu"....and i hate them, but seriosuly guys, this time Ive had it, I think im going to e skinny fat for the rest of my life. Ive tried everything.... plateuing? BAH, i hvent even got off the starting point!! 6 months. NO change!
I have no idea what Im doing wrong here, but illl let you guys know my journey and see for yourself, any advice would be appreciated.

So I started this journey here in November of 2011. Like all mpf noobs I started at 1200 cal deficit, as mpf described and eating back my exercise calories. Starting with Jillian Micheals 30DS. I lost 2 pounds... after seeing all these amazing losses from people I was already discouraged. But I just thought maybe I was doing something wrong and did some more research. After a while I started eating clean, actually looking at macros and labels, and pretty much cut out most junk foods. I was told diet is 80%, exercise is only 20%. so i went for runs everyday and did some bodyrockin all that jazz.... and then come feb-march. I think I had lost originally 3 lbs from my original weight. In 3 months!! good thing im so dam hard headed.

Mach was a bad montth for me, I went on holidays for a month, one month road trip and vegas.. ohh god... so yes.. come start of april, I was back to the beginning wih some more added.

after doing even more resarch, reading lengthy posts from helloitsdan, and some amazing infomation on this site. I tried a new approach. Lifting heavy. I upped my cals to 1700 (15% below TDEE, not eat exercise calories back), i expected weight gain after putting my body though so much starvation mode. I wasn't as much as expected. so started off with some programmes and meal panning from that worked for about 4 weeks until i realized I couldn't really do it without a gym.

back to the drawing board.
ok start of may, I decide to do p90x(with heavy weights) and insanity hybrid, ive seen amazing results on here from lighter people achieveing that more fit look and I worked my *kitten* off this past month. sweat bucketing down. and dont get me wrong, I can feel myself getting stronger, More endurance ect. but seriously? thats not good enough for me. even sticking to that horrible nutrition plan

so im sticking with it. but after 6 MONTHS and having NO change (yes, weight wise, measurment wise, and body fat %) I honestly do NOT see the point anymore. I was never gaining weight in the first place, I was at a healthy weight, and some people are probably thinking "what the hell is she complaining about, she is skinny".
yes im skinny, but i am skinny FAT, and I want to change that. But I just dont know what Im doing wrong!

before/after results from Nov 2011- June 2012

wrist 5.5"/5.5
thigh : 21.5"
hips: 31"/31
waist: 31.5"31.5


  • sjowett77
    sjowett77 Posts: 6
    I would love to help you any way I can. I lost all the weight I wanted to in 2009, but the birth of my youngest and moving 2500 miles threw me way off plan. It's not BS. It's science. How are you doing with your tracking? Are you tracking everything and being 100% honest? Sometimes people eat without really thinking about it (I do it) and those calories add up. If you were to walk into another weight loss group who has meetings the first thing they would do is look at your tracker. I promise, from experience, it's where 80% of people go wrong. The other way is over estimating exercise. If you get a HRM then you can get a more accurate count of calories burned. I always enter the information off my monitor, not the treadmill or the auto-fill. I have found huge differences. You can do it, I have seen hundreds of people who sat where you are right now. Many of them are at goal, a few gave up. It's up to you which you would like to be. Good luck
  • snowchj
    snowchj Posts: 45 Member
    Looked at your pictures and diary. You appear to be a hot weightlifter who eats a ton of protein.

    I fail to see a problem here.
  • KetoBella
    KetoBella Posts: 141 Member
    Sorry you are so frustrated, I know that so much information and trying different things always got me seriously off track because I was so impatient. This seems to be true for you too. You might want to consider weight training in addition to keeping a close watch on your diet. You know logically that your body will increase strength, lean out and be healthier if that is the lifestyle you live. It is a journey to be sure, don't surrender!
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    Looked at your pictures and diary. You appear to be a hot weightlifter who eats a ton of protein.

    I fail to see a problem here.

    OLD pictures, and good lighting
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Looked at your pictures and diary. You appear to be a hot weightlifter who eats a ton of protein.

    I fail to see a problem here.

    ^^^ This. Perhaps the problem isn't in the calories, it's in your own misperception of your body?
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    I see a bunch of measurments, but what about body fat percentage. If you're trying not to be "skinny fat", BF% is really what you should be trying to change. So do you know your before and after? That might make you feel better and prove that what you've been doing the past 6 months was not a waste of time or energy!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Why dont' you stick with P90X/Insanity a bit longer. Also, 1700 calories probably isn't enough for that program as it's pretty intense. I would probably bump that up to 1850-2000. I know your frustration as i am in the same boat. But I am slowly seeing my body drop body fat even though weight is practically the same.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    you enter 1 calorie earned for P90X workouts.

  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    Its not BS. If its not working for you then obviously you need to re-evaluate what you're doing.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Looked at your pictures and diary. You appear to be a hot weightlifter who eats a ton of protein.

    I fail to see a problem here.

    Ummmmm ..... ditto ....... but best of luck to you ......
  • cmayfield3
    cmayfield3 Posts: 176 Member
    I just have to say something. If you were on your game from November to February, but then went off the rails in March and gained all the weight back and then some, it's misleading to say that you have been doing this for six months with no results. You had results, but you went off your plan and regained weight. It happens, but by no means is that considered sticking to the plan.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Oh quit your whining. Its not BS. If its not working for you then obviously you need to re-evaluate what you're doing.

    proud of yourself for saying that?
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Yup, I said it, this whole calorie thing is utter BS.
    I know how much I see those threads that say "oh god, help me with calories Im stuck on a plateu"....and i hate them, but seriosuly guys, this time Ive had it, I think im going to e skinny fat for the rest of my life. Ive tried everything.... plateuing? BAH, i hvent even got off the starting point!! 6 months. NO change!
    I have no idea what Im doing wrong here, but illl let you guys know my journey and see for yourself, any advice would be appreciated.

    So I started this journey here in November of 2011. Like all mpf noobs I started at 1200 cal deficit, as mpf described and eating back my exercise calories. Starting with Jillian Micheals 30DS. I lost 2 pounds... after seeing all these amazing losses from people I was already discouraged. But I just thought maybe I was doing something wrong and did some more research. After a while I started eating clean, actually looking at macros and labels, and pretty much cut out most junk foods. I was told diet is 80%, exercise is only 20%. so i went for runs everyday and did some bodyrockin all that jazz.... and then come feb-march. I think I had lost originally 3 lbs from my original weight. In 3 months!! good thing im so dam hard headed.

    Mach was a bad montth for me, I went on holidays for a month, one month road trip and vegas.. ohh god... so yes.. come start of april, I was back to the beginning wih some more added.

    after doing even more resarch, reading lengthy posts from helloitsdan, and some amazing infomation on this site. I tried a new approach. Lifting heavy. I upped my cals to 1700 (15% below TDEE, not eat exercise calories back), i expected weight gain after putting my body though so much starvation mode. I wasn't as much as expected. so started off with some programmes and meal panning from that worked for about 4 weeks until i realized I couldn't really do it without a gym.

    back to the drawing board.
    ok start of may, I decide to do p90x(with heavy weights) and insanity hybrid, ive seen amazing results on here from lighter people achieveing that more fit look and I worked my *kitten* off this past month. sweat bucketing down. and dont get me wrong, I can feel myself getting stronger, More endurance ect. but seriously? thats not good enough for me. even sticking to that horrible nutrition plan

    so im sticking with it. but after 6 MONTHS and having NO change (yes, weight wise, measurment wise, and body fat %) I honestly do NOT see the point anymore. I was never gaining weight in the first place, I was at a healthy weight, and some people are probably thinking "what the hell is she complaining about, she is skinny".
    yes im skinny, but i am skinny FAT, and I want to change that. But I just dont know what Im doing wrong!

    before/after results from Nov 2011- June 2012

    wrist 5.5"/5.5
    thigh : 21.5"
    hips: 31"/31
    waist: 31.5"31.5
    The calorie thing is not BS, it's just a PART of the larger picture. I read over this whole thing, and i didn't see one mention of WHAT you are eating.
    You will stay fat as long as you continue to eat:
    Refined foods
    Processed foods
    Man-made foods
    Incomplete foods

    What percentage of your calories comes from fat? Figure that out, and it's more than 10%, it's too high.
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    Oh quit your whining. Its not BS. If its not working for you then obviously you need to re-evaluate what you're doing.

    proud of yourself for saying that?

  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member

    Before after pictures taken yesterday. yes, i see a slight difference, 6 months worth of work difference? not really....
    as i said, good lighting does wonders.

    Im still going to stick with insanity, but its still discouraging. eatign at 1700 cal is hard enough, wih the protein levels i need to achieve, especially eating clean an wacthing those macros. Adding mroe cal.. *kitten* a brick...

    in regards to only counting 1 cal for exercise. This is my system, as i said, my calories are based on my TDEE, so i dont eat them back, so i like to log my exercise, but not see the numbers change on mpf for what my calorie goals are.

    I am crazy with logging, down to an ounce with meats, and scales ect. I eat clean, and my diary is open. if anything the msot junk food i eat is skinny cows.. 3 times a week maybe

    But is there anything else to try? I tried long cardio, lifitng heavy, HIIT
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    have you checked thyroid?
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Why are you not logging your exercise?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator

    Before after pictures taken yesterday. yes, i see a slight difference, 6 months worth of work difference? not really....
    as i said, good lighting does wonders.

    Im still going to stick with insanity, but its still discouraging. eatign at 1700 cal is hard enough, wih the protein levels i need to achieve, especially eating clean an wacthing those macros. Adding mroe cal.. *kitten* a brick...

    in regards to only counting 1 cal for exercise. This is my system, as i said, my calories are based on my TDEE, so i dont eat them back, so i like to log my exercise, but not see the numbers change on mpf for what my calorie goals are.

    I am crazy with logging, down to an ounce with meats, and scales ect. I eat clean, and my diary is open. if anything the msot junk food i eat is skinny cows.. 3 times a week maybe

    But is there anything else to try? I tried long cardio, lifitng heavy, HIIT

    More calories doesn't mean more food. You have to eat smarter not more. Adding higher calories foods, such as nuts, avocado or cooking in extra virgin olive oil will help. I eat 3000 calories +/- a day and did well for a year. Then i got board with logging and just try to follow the BB program a little. In 10 weeks, I have lost 5 lbs and seeing more definition.

    714rah714, if you include your exercise as part of your tdee, then you don't need to log exercise as it's accounted for.
  • jesscod
    jesscod Posts: 98
    IMO, the heavier in fat you are, the more losses you will see...if you dont have a lot of BF% to begin with - your training is almost as important as your caloric intake. Once you reach the end of the road in terms of fat loss, your time spent a the gym will need to increase and you need to be ever vigilant about counting your cals. Getting cut is NOT easy....but if its what you want..........then take a deep breath and BE PATIENT. 6-7 months isn't enough time. Come back in another 8 months of straight clean eating and lifting/plyometrics/intense *kitten* workouts, and re-evaluate.
  • cmayfield3
    cmayfield3 Posts: 176 Member
    She has not been doing this for six months. More like two months--April and May. Definitely not enough time to freak out and call it B.S.