Why wont you open your diary?



  • I get some good hints/tips/ideas from looking at what others are eating - especially people that are successful.
    Given that, I think it's only fair to have my diary open as well. It also adds a level of accountability & helps to keep me honest.

    If you want to review & be negative, then that's OK, I can take it :sad: however, I have to say most feedback is positive & even if I don't agree or take the advice, it gives you something to think about.

    I find the real value on MFP is the community - sharing with others that are on a similar journey - there are a lot of people out there that have a lot of knowledge & experience to share - seems to me that if you keep your diary closed (& others keep their diaries closed) then we don't get the full benefit.



    Although I only keep it open to friends. I do, however, understand the urge to 'fudge' your diary. I fudged once in the beginning...but only once. And it felt dirty. That in itself is motivation to do better.
  • Reecebullet
    Reecebullet Posts: 141 Member
    My reasons for a closed diary seem to be about the same as most peoples. I log the food I eat for my own sake, not for my friends here. If I need help with a food choice, I ask for it. I don't want people saying to me "You shouldn't have eaten that" or "Eat more of this.." based on my log as everyone makes bad decisions from time to time, as I'm aware of what I should have ate or did eat already.

    I understand why people do open them up, as they do want to know what they should be eating, or to help other people understand /inspire what they could eat. I just log so that I know how many calories I've had that day is all.
  • LisaBeateith2012
    LisaBeateith2012 Posts: 346 Member
    I have my diary on public, I do not particularly care if anyone looks at it, I am not ashamed to log all my bad foods, people can critize away. I do not give a flying F*kc!!! Hahahahahahaha!:laugh:
  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member
    Mine is public. I really don't care what people say about it. I use it to be honest with myself about what I eat. I do keep it open so that I can ask questions about where I could make substitutes or how I can up my protein sometimes. I live by the philosophy of I don't tell you that you're doing everything wrong, please grant me the same courtesy.
  • jchowarth
    jchowarth Posts: 7
    Ok i was board so decided to ask a question, as the title says, Why wont you open your diary? I will go first, my diary is locked with key i will open it on request. The reason its locked with key code is, some days my calories do go quite low, not stupidly low and are swiftly followed by a few higher days, for that reason i don't want people, to judge me or be influenced by my lower day calories. Feel free to say, because its none of your damn business, im ready for the blows :laugh:
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    Because I rarely use my diary... I track my food but not on here - I use the food diary to look up the stuff for food. and before I get 100 questions asking why I don't use the diary on here - its because the app wont work on my phone, the mobile browser sucks, I have NO access while at work so I have to write it down in a note book anyways and I am lazy and I hate doing things twice.
  • LynC33
    LynC33 Posts: 196
    My diary is open because I think it encourages me to be more honest with myself and do the right thing. For me, this group is about accountability. If I'm not losing weight I want my friends to look at my diary and tell me its cuz I'm eating strawberry pop tarts for breakfast every morning. To each his own.

    LOL I luv this. 99% of the feedback Ive had has been positive, even when Ive gone over my calories. Generally speaking, People will judge regardless, they dont know what the busyness of your life is like or what goes on in your day that may affect you emotionally,so let all those people keep swimming in their little pool of negativity and say whatever crap they want, you know you are strong enough to ignore it.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Mine is open to ftiends only. I have more than enough trolls in my life.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Mine is thus far open to friends, none of whom have judged me on what I eat, and I am fairly sure most know by now that I struggle with bulimia and balancing my food and exercise. If anyone did get unkind about it, rather than encouraging and supportive, they would be swiftly removed, as I am already my own harshest critic.
  • Mine is open because I'm more inclined to stay on track if I know other people can see what I'm eating. I must have lovely friends because even if I've have a bad day, nobody is mean to me! :laugh:

    I like to see peoples diaries because it gives me new ideas on what I can eat. Also if they are doing well, it's good to see how they're doing it.

    I completely agree. I like to see what others are eating because it helps give me good healthy choices that I may not have known about. It really helps me!!

    Also I have not had a problem with any negitive comments, course I only have my diary open to my friends and I am choosing them carefully. I have no problem with someone on my FL offering suggestions, as long as its not judgemental. Part of the reason I'm on here is for support. Plus it does make me more accountable for what I eat.

    I suppose it depends on your reasons, and personal feelings. Just like fitness, it should be whatever works for YOU personally.
  • sniperzzzz
    sniperzzzz Posts: 282 Member
    Mine is thus far open to friends, none of whom have judged me on what I eat, and I am fairly sure most know by now that I struggle with bulimia and balancing my food and exercise. If anyone did get unkind about it, rather than encouraging and supportive, they would be swiftly removed, as I am already my own harshest critic.
    Thanks for the honesty graelwyn, i wish you well with your goal/lifestyle change good luck :smile:
  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    Mines open, haven`t gotten any harrassment yet so I don`t mind. Kind of makes me eat better I think.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Same with me, i don't want to get slammed by people, over my chosen methods of doing things.

    I know right? Because...clearly what you're doing (IF) is soooo ineffective!!

  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Same with me, i don't want to get slammed by people, over my chosen methods of doing things.

    I know right? Because...clearly what you're doing (IF) is soooo ineffective!!


    Same, one of the main reasons I don't share is simply because I IF... I really don't need to hear daily about how I am not 'kickstarting my metabolism' by skipping breakfast.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    Mine is open and I welcome suggestions. I also try to be 100% honest, I do include the chocolate or treats I eat. This is supposed to be a supportive place to come, so I do look at others food choices, either as a means to help them, certainly not criticize them and also to get ideas on foods I could be eating or trying. A small part of me is nosy and just plain curious about what others eat and how much they consume.
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    I used to have mine private, but I think it is open to everyone now. I have never had anyone say anything negative. I guess if I ever do, I'll rethink making it private.
  • sniperzzzz
    sniperzzzz Posts: 282 Member
    @ crisanderson2 & Nataliaho Yes i IF, so have had quite a few random messages saying my calories were too low lol. So decided to lock my diary with a key. I couldn't be bothered, too explain myself how the IF protocol works.
  • My diary is completely open to the public.. the good, bad and ugly of it all. As far as I am concerned, anyone can go in, take a look, and provide feedback -- feedback is feedback.

  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    @ crisanderson2 & Nataliaho Yes i IF, so have had quite a few random messages saying my calories were too low lol. So decided to lock my diary with a key. I couldn't be bothered, too explain myself how the IF protocol works.

    Me too...plus I don't need lectured about how I'm giving a bad and triggering example to my friends with ED's, etc.

    Easier to just keep it private.

    Add to that that I have been doing this long enough to know the rough caloric content of my regular meals...so I only log on weird days...or days where I'm very close, to see where I fell.
  • The diary is for my use, for my tracking. I honestly just don't want to worry about what others say.... I have enough self esteem issues without someone reminding me that I had a cookie that I didn't need. In this case... I say to each their own.