Sad Tina...



  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Don't worry about the scale.
    The gain could be due to water/waste still in your system.
    Could be time of day, too. I've stepped on the scale at night and been 3 pounds heavier than I was in the morning.
    It's probably not actual fat gain unless you've consumed 3500 calories above your maintenance for each pound.
  • tinawharrison
    Trust me that weight gain is not muscle.

    I've been told this many times as the same volume of muscle compared to fat weighs heavier?

    You are in a calorie deficit.....its virtually impossible to gain muscle in a deficit...unless you're obese and even then its somewhat impossible.... A CALORIE SURPLUS is needed and HEAVY LIFTING. So I am sorry...that is not muscle you put on. Its fluid retention. I think you are doing just fine. Stay off that scale. Be consistent and patient.

    I am still classed as obese although i'm consistently told I don't look obese because of all the karate I do. I have to lose another 16lbs to be 'overweight'
    I definitely have better definition with my muscles so surely they are getting bigger and it's not just fat loss?
  • tinawharrison
    Don't worry about it, it is all part of the process!
    You're beautiful anyway.

    Thank you... I feel anything but :cry:
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    Trust me that weight gain is not muscle.

    I've been told this many times as the same volume of muscle compared to fat weighs heavier?

    You are in a calorie deficit.....its virtually impossible to gain muscle in a deficit...unless you're obese and even then its somewhat impossible.... A CALORIE SURPLUS is needed and HEAVY LIFTING. So I am sorry...that is not muscle you put on. Its fluid retention. I think you are doing just fine. Stay off that scale. Be consistent and patient.

    I am still classed as obese although i'm consistently told I don't look obese because of all the karate I do. I have to lose another 16lbs to be 'overweight'
    I definitely have better definition with my muscles so surely they are getting bigger and it's not just fat loss?

    They're not getting bigger....just that your bodyfat has decreased and you can see them more.
  • duplicitous
    duplicitous Posts: 82 Member
    What are the odds that the weight gain is actually muscle. Considering you have been at it since March it may be a plausible cause. Have you taped yourself at all. You may find that you have lost inches. And if your clothese aren't reflect the loss perhaps you have lost inches where you aren't aware. Last on first off kind of mentality?????
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    They're not getting bigger....just that your bodyfat has decreased and you can see them more.

    I am curious about this as well. I eat at a calorie deficit but have increased the weight of my dumbbells incrementally by four times what I started with. If I am not gaining/strengthening the muscle, what is happening?
  • travellernikki
    travellernikki Posts: 31 Member
    It looks like you are changing too much day by day. Try consistently being around your goal calorie intake. One day you seem to be over and the next you only net around 600 calories. Evening yourself out will give your body a chance to get into a weight loss routine.
  • Whisperinghorse
    Whisperinghorse Posts: 202 Member
    Tina, have you looked at the eat more to weigh less group and considered doing a metabolism reset?? Its if you are only netting 1000 a day then your body may not be so chuffed with you? They have topics there which cover your thyroid condition....

    I only suggest this as since I have been netting above my BMR consistently I may have out on 2lb but I lost an inch.....

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Get your thyroid rechecked!!!
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    Well I'm no expert but I do see two patterns that may be contributing.
    1. Your breakfast are typically low calorie but are a huge part of your carbs. For breakfast it is usually a good idea to get a good amount of protein. This helps to keep you full longer as well as to give your body something to work with throughout the morning as you start to move around and work your muscles.
    2. This may sound generic but you appear to be drinking a lot of calories. My nutrition instructor was always big on telling us that if you're drinking calories you're wasting calories. Only water was a big thing she pushed. The way it was put to me was so simple. A full glass of orange juice has more calories than a half pound of chicken breast, but offers nothing but sugar and a little vitamin c.

    Hope I can help

    Hey, thanks for the input...

    I don't drink a lot of my calories unless I've been out for a drink, which is once a week or every 2 weeks. The other calories I put in 'drinks' are protein powder, which I usually have with water, unless my intake is low that day, then I mix them with milk.

    I have a low metabolism and an under-active thyroid, I work my butt off and sweat buckets most days either doing karate, kick boxing or weights, sometimes all 3 and all I can see is the weight going up.

    Your thyroid problem may be hindering your weight loss. Your diary isn't bad at all. I would go see a doctor maybe they can help you with diet or if you have really slow metabolism maybe try to eat less calories for a week or 2.
  • sniperzzzz
    sniperzzzz Posts: 282 Member
    Tina this is just an observation but, i noticed your weekend is blank in your diary entry, are you calculating your deficit on a 7 day week? If so that could be your problem if your over doing calories at the weekend, maybe not accurately logging. I made a thread about this yesterday, its a theory of mine, that allot of people work out a deficit based on 7 days but only adhere to it for 5 days. I myself used to do this, in the past and would stall and sometimes even gain.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Hi there! I would increase your protein and increase your calories. You simply aren't eating enough and the protein is quite low. I would check out

    Put in your stats and eat the cals they give you in step 6 every day. Even rest days. If that seems scary go over to the Eat More to Weight Less group and they can explain. An amazing supportive group that help bust you out of plateaus. :-)
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Seems you do a lot of resistance, have you tried tracking stats other then weight, like body fat % it may be an increase in muscle weight, i wouldnt give up keep going change things a little at a time and find what works for your body. How do you like Karate? i keep meaning to join my local club.
    I like this...I think you should be measuring body fat %, taking measurements, you can see where the weight is. Also think you could consider increasing your calories if you are netting under your bmr. :)