"10 Pounds At A Time Challenge"



  • Kpablo
    Kpablo Posts: 355 Member
    Hello New Joiners!!

    Welcome to the challenge! Please review the 1st post on page one and send me a friend request. Also please be sure to list your goals (that is part of the accountability aspect) we all have to face the numbers make peace with them and move forward. We are where we are but it is not forever, plus it gives you a realistic view of what you are trying to achieve here! Everyone on this site is here to lose weight and for a long time I hid the numbers, even from myself. I am tall so people always under guessed my weight by 40 lbs and that was a safety net for me...but I made peace with the real number so I could move forward. This is a lifestyle change and in order to change you lifestyle you have to be honest about it, look at problem areas, and change them. I am not going to say that it is easy...because it can be challenging...but it is above all else it is worth it!! It is never to late!!

    So WELCOME aboard and please remember to set up your goals from now through January 1st!! :happy:

    Oh oops. Okay.

    Nov. 1st 135
    Dec. 1st 130
    Jan. 1st 125
    Feb. 1st 120
    March 1st 115

    And like the previous poster said, If I lost 10 lbs a month I'd be done very quickly. Plus I'm not losing a lot, therefor I want to do something realistic for me.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Welcome aboard newcomers ..... and good luck on your weight loss journey

    here is my stats

    Nov 1st 195
    Dec 1st 185
    Jan 1st 175
    Goal 130(until i get there and then maybe 125)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Oops, I looked back and saw that I never posted my goals!

    SW: 206
    Nov. 1st: 200
    Dec. 1st: 190
    Jan. 1st: 180
    Goal: 150

    I didn't list the full 10 lbs. for the first goal, since I doubt I'll be able to melt 6 lbs. in two weeks! I'll certainly try, though, and hopefully I can surprise myself!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Oops, I looked back and saw that I never posted my goals!

    SW: 206
    Nov. 1st: 200
    Dec. 1st: 190
    Jan. 1st: 180
    Goal: 150

    I didn't list the full 10 lbs. for the first goal, since I doubt I'll be able to melt 6 lbs. in two weeks! I'll certainly try, though, and hopefully I can surprise myself!

    LOL! No please don't feel pressured, we started at the middle of the month so most people are just doing a 5 lb goal for the first one!!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    I am getting bored with breakfast and I have been trying to do new things! What are you guys eating for breakfast?? If you have any ideas please share... :happy:

    OH and another thing I was thinking about was how we should handle the November 1 st goal results? What do all of you think will be most effective?

    I was thinking that if you reached you goal someone could be in charge of taking the messages from the ones who made it to goal and doing one post! We could do honorable mentions...I don't know...tell me your ideas.
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    I'm usually not terribly creative for breakfasts, but I find it's a perfect time to get my protein shake in. (I'm vegetarian, so try to pay attention to nutrition balances ... well, when I'm not being lazy about it). I use Spiru-tein shake powders and either organic milk or rice milk (whatever we have in the fridge at the time). The bonus on it is that not only is it covering the protein and between 200-270 calories (depending on if I use rice milk or 2% milk), it also has 100% of most of the daily requirements on vitamins and minerals, and it tastes pretty good. I'm tried a lot of other shakes but none of them were as good as the Spiru-tein, in my opinion.

    If I feel I need an extra calorie boost in the morning, I'll also toss in a teaspoon of peanut butter to the shake before blending it (I have a little hand held drink blender that works wonderfully for getting all the lumps out from the powder as it mixes). This goes great with the chocolate powder shakes - if using vanilla, and I've done a fairly intensive physical activity day, I'll bump up the calories even more and toss in half a banana, in addition to the peanut butter, and stick with the 1% organic milk.

    Another thing I like about doing the shake for breakfast is that I'm usually not hugely hungry in the mornings, and something heavier would just sit there like a rock in my stomach - but skipping meals is very bad, so this works perfectly. (and saves a fair amount of time too).

    On the check-in for goals, I like the idea of one person collecting all the info and making one massive post - putting it all in one spot will make it easier for everyone to read, and see who's made the goals.. And for those who don't make it - we could have follow up postings maybe, with individuals analyzing the whys of missing their goals? Maybe as a debriefing sort of thing - might help everyone stay focused and quickly find the spots needing more attention to achieve their goals for the following month?
    For me - back last year when I started this originally - when I made a goal... if I missed it and didn't sit down to really think about why I missed it, and how to correct any problems so I wouldn't miss the goal again, I was just as likely to miss the goal next time around as well...
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    Normally, for breakfast, I eat yogurt mixed with Grape Nuts. It would probably work for a few other cereals, too, maybe if you crushed them up a little. It's yummy :happy:
  • Down four pounds for the week. Feeling good about week 1. Now, I need to focus on not sabotaging this week's progress.

    Staying on track to achieve
    Nov. 1 190
    Dec. 1 180
    Jan. 1 170
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    I posted in this in another topic, you might like for breakfast.......

    I make this for the kids just about every morning, it quick and easy. Sometimes I put a piece of sandwich meat ham or turkey on it for them also.

    Spray Pam in a bowl add crack egg, make sure to bust the yoke ( I do it with the shell). Cook for about 40-45 seconds microwave. Toast two pieces of bread. When done add egg to toast and if you like a piece of cheese.

    Pam spray - 4 calories
    Bread 2 slices = 140 calories
    Egg = 70 calories
    Cheese = 70 ( this could vary to 40 calories.)
    With cheese = 284 calories
    With out cheese = 214 calories

    All done in under a minute.
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    SelkieGhost~ Thanks for the idea I do use protein powder but as a dessert when I am craving chocolate after a workout...lol!! I know I am silly but it curbs the craving! I was never a breakfast person and I have learned to love it. I find that the earlier I stop eating at night the hungrier I am in the AM. I will however try the PB in there, that sounds excellent!!

    I love your idea for the Goal tracking!!! I think we should create a separate Post for just the results!! I don't mind doing it...but if anyone else would like to volunteer thats good too! So if anyone is interested please let me know!!

    Silvertears~ That is yummy and it is in the rotation!! I just get so bored so easily! Variety keeps me going so I am always trying to find new things...but with this breakfast thing I hit a wall :(
    Thank you :smile:

    haley4tn~ Thank you...I have been doing something similar with a multigrain english muffin an egg and 1 slice of turkey bacon! I never thought about cooking my egg in the microwave though! I think I will try that...this could save me time!! :happy:

    I just think I am near that time of the month and I want something new so I don't go off and go to Burger King and get Cheesy tots...LOL!!! I won't do it but I am feeling like everything is boring this week...No surprize though I think I get like this every month! My mind is playing tricks on me!!!! :laugh:
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    If no one else steps up to volunteer, I could always collect the posts (plus, it would be another way to keep me focused on this).

    Breakfast items - yogurt with 1 tb flax seed works - although it depends on the mood. Sometimes I like the taste of flax - sometimes not so much. I just picked up a bag of millet though (was reading on another forum that millet's fairly high in nutrients and makes a great breakfast food - whether cooked as a hot cereal or mixed in with yogurt or something else).
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning,

    So even with my hiking this weekend and staying within my calories, I've gained 1 lb. according to the scale this morning! How frustrating! But, I'm going to blame it on TOM and hope that next week makes up for it!

    Tonight is Biggest Loser night, so I know I'll be motivated enough to get some exercising in. I've got my meals planned out for the entire day, so as long as I don't stray, I will stay within my calories.

    Happy exercising,
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Hajohnson24~ Yes I can't wait for Biggest Loser tonight!!!! I will be circuit training while watching! They inspire me!! My heart goes out to Abby!! Yes blame it on TOM...that has to be it!!

    SelkieGhost~ I am going to try the Flax and Millet! I have been leary in the past but I think if if is mixed with other things it shouldn't be so noticeable!! Thank you for the suggestions :bigsmile: I actuallay heard that alot of people make main course meals with flax and millet and there was another one I think maybe quinoa...or something like that.

    I think you should go ahead and collect the posts and then we can post results in another area we can make a new thread! Thanx :flowerforyou:
  • what a great idea! do not know if I can make 10 lbs a month, but that is a great goal to aim for. Count me in.
  • I need help to send a friend request-- can not figure out how to do this-- Can someone guide me through it?
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    If you click on the individual's profile, there should be a green button looking thing under their name (one says "send message" the other says "add as friend"). If you click the friend one that should take you to a screen where you can add a personal message in with the friend invite. :-)
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    Quinoa is awesome stuff :-) Just make sure if you get the unwashed stuff you rinse it thoroughly - it has naturally occurring saponins that will taste bitter (saponins are cleansing - just think of the saponification process that makes oil and lye into soap - or the saponins that make yucca root and soapwort root a natural option for shampooing).

    Luckily (or unluckily) depending on why you buy quinoa, most packaged quinoa is pre-washed to remove the saponins :-) I was lucky enough to come across some that requires thorough washing, so I'll probably save the water I soak it in and experiment with it for cleansing properties :-)
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm struggling a little this week... it's that lovely cranky :angry: and tired :yawn: time of the month for me, so I'm having to avoid the pantry more than usual and forcing myself to workout. I might not have another stellar week, but I'll be happy to not gain. I should be much better in a few days though. :glasses:
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    Happy Wednesday, only 10 more days for our first weigh in :flowerforyou:

    I started working out on the Wii Fit last night. I forgot how much fun I had playing it and what a workout it can be. I started on it after the kids went to bed, it's easier because I always give in when they want to try. I was only going to do it for 30 minutes, well ended up working on it for 1:40. Woo hoo, had fun and worked out. :wink:

    Hope everyone has a great day. :drinker:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Happy Wednesday, only 10 more days for our first weigh in :flowerforyou:

    I started working out on the Wii Fit last night. I forgot how much fun I had playing it and what a workout it can be. I started on it after the kids went to bed, it's easier because I always give in when they want to try. I was only going to do it for 30 minutes, well ended up working on it for 1:40. Woo hoo, had fun and worked out. :wink:

    Hope everyone has a great day. :drinker:
    Thats awesome!! haha its great when u can workout and have fun while losing track of the time... that atleast means youre enjoyin yourself ^5's!!!

    question about the weigh in....were we sposed to lose 10lbs this month?? :ohwell: i started midway through the month with this group so if i lose 5 is that ok? lmao :laugh: :laugh:
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