21yo in a rut. How do you lose weight??



  • Dagoth
    Dagoth Posts: 172
    I freaking love this site's community. So fun.

    Because it is like playing a game on computer? How much you have left to lose @ Dogoth????
    It's Dagoth you half-wit. Not even going to dignify your question with a response.

    Whatever like it matters. Are we in spelling/english class BTW? I have my MBA how about you?
    The only way for me to interpret your intelligence over the internet is by how you type. Therefore you should probably take into consideration your grammar/spelling before you post.

    um, is half-wit like half elf?
    You ever heard of a dictionary?
  • Dagoth
    Dagoth Posts: 172
    OP asks for advice on weight loss, receives fat troll exemplifying the twinkie diet and laughing at spelling mistakes
    This thread in a nutshell^
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Simple. Choose to be healthy. Act upon the choices that get you there. Succeed
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,238 Member
    I freaking love this site's community. So fun.

    Because it is like playing a game on computer? How much you have left to lose @ Dogoth????
    It's Dagoth you half-wit. Not even going to dignify your question with a response.

    Whatever like it matters. Are we in spelling/english class BTW? I have my MBA how about you?
    The only way for me to interpret your intelligence over the internet is by how you type. Therefore you should probably take into consideration your grammar/spelling before you post.

    um, is half-wit like half elf?
    You ever heard of a dictionary?

    no, what's that?
  • run run run run the lbs away :) for me, anyway
  • YepLilly
    YepLilly Posts: 129 Member
    Lol@people in this thread making excuses for not losing weight. If you eat at a deficit, you WILL lose weight.

    Lol@overweight guy saying it's easy.

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Lol@people in this thread making excuses for not losing weight. If you eat at a deficit, you WILL lose weight.

    Lol@overweight guy saying it's easy. Nobody is arguing with you about the post above.......It's the other part....where you said it's easy......so nonchalantly. It's not easy.....if it was none of us would ever get fat.
    Actually it really is. I know why I got fat. I played video games and didn't care about my health or what I was putting into my body. I've lost 30 lbs in less than 2 months and while I may have a ways to go, its not hard as people make it out to be. As long as you have dedication and you really want it, its not hard. If you don't, then that's your own fault.

    Physiologically, losing weight is easy for an otherwise healthy person, though many medical issues can make very hard indeed. But overcoming the psychology is not easy for everyone. It's like saying it's easy to quit smoking. Just don't light up a cigarette. Easy peasy.
  • Dagoth
    Dagoth Posts: 172
    Lol@people in this thread making excuses for not losing weight. If you eat at a deficit, you WILL lose weight.

    Lol@overweight guy saying it's easy. Nobody is arguing with you about the post above.......It's the other part....where you said it's easy......so nonchalantly. It's not easy.....if it was none of us would ever get fat.
    Actually it really is. I know why I got fat. I played video games and didn't care about my health or what I was putting into my body. I've lost 30 lbs in less than 2 months and while I may have a ways to go, its not hard as people make it out to be. As long as you have dedication and you really want it, its not hard. If you don't, then that's your own fault.

    Physiologically, losing weight is easy for an otherwise healthy person, though many medical issues can make very hard indeed. But overcoming the psychology is not easy for everyone. It's like saying it's easy to quit smoking. Just don't light up a cigarette. Easy peasy.

    ...but it is that easy. If you are a slave to a material object, you are a weak person.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Lol@people in this thread making excuses for not losing weight. If you eat at a deficit, you WILL lose weight.

    Lol@overweight guy saying it's easy. Nobody is arguing with you about the post above.......It's the other part....where you said it's easy......so nonchalantly. It's not easy.....if it was none of us would ever get fat.
    Actually it really is. I know why I got fat. I played video games and didn't care about my health or what I was putting into my body. I've lost 30 lbs in less than 2 months and while I may have a ways to go, its not hard as people make it out to be. As long as you have dedication and you really want it, its not hard. If you don't, then that's your own fault.

    Physiologically, losing weight is easy for an otherwise healthy person, though many medical issues can make very hard indeed. But overcoming the psychology is not easy for everyone. It's like saying it's easy to quit smoking. Just don't light up a cigarette. Easy peasy.

    ...but it is that easy. If you are a slave to a material object, you are a weak person.

    Of course it is that easy. But that easy is not easy for everyone. I'm guessing you are pretty young. Just old enough to think you know it all. But you'll learn. Someday.
  • im not trying to fuel and fire here but for some people it is just NOT that simple. and most of the time those people are women. So please take your simple advice elsewhere. clearly this girl has tried and not had any luck. its different for everyone. some people will eat better and workout every day and still cannot lose weight. Some people lose weight if they skip a few meals. so no..its not that simple.
  • Dagoth
    Dagoth Posts: 172
    Of course it is that easy. But that easy is not easy for everyone. I'm guessing you are pretty young. Just old enough to think you know it all. But you'll learn. Someday.
    What will I learn?
  • stacie48
    stacie48 Posts: 63 Member
    Done with the crazy people. It will take care of itself. Now get back to logging and burning those calories.
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
    im not trying to fuel and fire here but for some people it is just NOT that simple. and most of the time those people are women. So please take your simple advice elsewhere. clearly this girl has tried and not had any luck. its different for everyone. some people will eat better and workout every day and still cannot lose weight. Some people lose weight if they skip a few meals. so no..its not that simple.

    I totally agree on this one. Some people just come here for help and making simple minded responses (TROLL BOY!) Is not the way to help someone. Its very rude and quite a douche comment to tell someone to eat less and now you can lose weight. When Trollboy , dogoat , douche decides to make a comment maybe he should use his brain and at least make an intelligent comment!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Of course it is that easy. But that easy is not easy for everyone. I'm guessing you are pretty young. Just old enough to think you know it all. But you'll learn. Someday.
    What will I learn?

    How little you actually understand right now.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    That you're either a troll, or an imbecile or both.
    Of course it is that easy. But that easy is not easy for everyone. I'm guessing you are pretty young. Just old enough to think you know it all. But you'll learn. Someday.
    What will I learn?
  • Dagoth
    Dagoth Posts: 172
    im not trying to fuel and fire here but for some people it is just NOT that simple. and most of the time those people are women. So please take your simple advice elsewhere. clearly this girl has tried and not had any luck. its different for everyone. some people will eat better and workout every day and still cannot lose weight. Some people lose weight if they skip a few meals. so no..its not that simple.

    You've just proved my point. I'm not going to try to argue anymore. All of you have been a hoot.
  • SoulHippie
    SoulHippie Posts: 8 Member
    I have to say it is tough especially if you are not in a healthy lifestyle right now. I use to eat fast food all the time and drink soda and sugary drinks. But recently I decided I am done with it. I no longer drink soda or anything else but water and milk. I do not eat fast food and I make all my meals at home, no pre- made things or food in a box or bag. I have found that this has really worked. Depending on how your lifestyle is now make mini goals for yourself like one would be no fast food or no soda. Start small so that way you are more likely to stick with it. Once you have done it for a while it really does become a habit. Now I absolutely love water and drink it all day long. I have also found that I am very picky with food so it is harder to find "diet" type things to eat. But I have made sure I eat some type of veggie everyday and some type of fruit too. It's been 10 days and I have lost 7.4 pounds. :) Just remember to keep logging and stick with it no matter how frustrating it can be. Also allow your self a cheat day. A day where you'll let yourself eat some ice cream or a chocolate bar or whatever it is you are craving. If you do not allow yourself to do this you are more likely to break the diet due to frustration and being sick of dieting. I give myself cheat days and it has worked for me. :) Good luck on your adventure and making and reaching your goals!!!
  • Dagoth
    Dagoth Posts: 172
    im not trying to fuel and fire here but for some people it is just NOT that simple. and most of the time those people are women. So please take your simple advice elsewhere. clearly this girl has tried and not had any luck. its different for everyone. some people will eat better and workout every day and still cannot lose weight. Some people lose weight if they skip a few meals. so no..its not that simple.

    I totally agree on this one. Some people just come here for help and making simple minded responses (TROLL BOY!) Is not the way to help someone. Its very rude and quite a douche comment to tell someone to eat less and now you can lose weight. When Trollboy , dogoat , douche decides to make a comment maybe he should use his brain and at least make an intelligent comment!
    Great, name calling and white knighting. The two lowest forms of internet activities.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Great, name calling and white knighting. The two lowest forms of internet activities.
    you half-wit.
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
    im not trying to fuel and fire here but for some people it is just NOT that simple. and most of the time those people are women. So please take your simple advice elsewhere. clearly this girl has tried and not had any luck. its different for everyone. some people will eat better and workout every day and still cannot lose weight. Some people lose weight if they skip a few meals. so no..its not that simple.

    I totally agree on this one. Some people just come here for help and making simple minded responses (TROLL BOY!) Is not the way to help someone. Its very rude and quite a douche comment to tell someone to eat less and now you can lose weight. When Trollboy , dogoat , douche decides to make a comment maybe he should use his brain and at least make an intelligent comment!
    Great, name calling and white knighting. The two lowest forms of internet activities.

    Sorry im not a master of the internet activities. Just keep stupid comments to yourself. If you dont have anything intelligent to say dont say anything at all! The girl simply asked for advice and you had to be a *kitten*!